View Full Version : Tool for Translating panelKGD

31-03-2010, 01:08 PM
A tool that allows us to translate quickly and easily, any panelKGD it is published.

Typical error

I20=There was an error.
I21=Surely because the file has been added PanelKGD that the
I22= program is not the original or who is already translated.
I23=Try again with an original PanelKGD file.

Do***ent made by Macmanolo (To whom I give infinite thanks)

Well, here I attach a small manual in order to carry out the translation of the Panel KGD to other languages easier. Nevertheless, first there is a brief explanation of, How it works

1. The Menus: these are self explanatory, we have Files and Languages, and the typical stuff is in the Files (Open, Save and Finish), which corresponds to the buttons on the right side for, Open Translation, Save Translation and Finish.

The second Menu is for changing the language. In this version only Spanish, English and French are available. For the rest of the languages, one can always take any of them and pass it to another language (I did it with German, swapping it with French one).

2. The Windows: There are three windows, the original messages are shown in the green ones and in the orange ones we put the translation.

On the right of the windows is a number (in the Spanish one can see the characters that are available for the text to be translated). If we go over the top, the text goes red and the text will have to be shortened o a shorter synonym will have to be found (If we fall short, the program will stuff with spaces when we come to patch).

We can find a particular string, placing it in the right hand windows, or we skip to a determined string, marking its number in the window on the left (always when we clearly know this).

3. The Buttons:
The Arrows are for moving around for the different strings to be translated.
Copy, is for copying the texts in the upper windows to the lower ones.
Search String, is to look for a determined string of text.
Open Translation, we open a previously saved translation with this button.
Save Translation, with this button, we save the text in order to edit or finish later on.
Checking, this button is for checking to see if all the strings are correct, on the contrary, the mistake made would show up.
Patch, with this button, the PanelKGD.bin file is generated which has to be renamed as PanelKGD before uploading it to the AZboxHD, and afterwards giving the attribute 755 in order for it to work.
Finish, this button is to close the program.

4. The files:
There is a PanelKGD which is the original one and serves as a basis to generate the translated one. Due to this, the bin has to be added to the new one in order to differentiate it from the original one. Nevertheless, to upload it to the AZbox the .bin has to be removed.
.ini, these files contain the translations for the program itself, for the menus as well as for the buttons. .
.dat, these files are the translations (they are really .txt files)
Of these, the StringsPanel.dat, is the one that contains the original strings of the PanelKGD and it is the one the program picks by defect to carry out the translation.
There is also a StringsPanel.dat that for now is in French, but can be substituted for the English one, once the translation has been finished.

And if it still isn’t clear…….

Once the translation is done and checked for errors, press the Patch button and then it is when the PanelKGD.bin is created, from which .bin has to be eliminated before uploding it to the AzBoxHD.

04-04-2010, 11:40 AM
Updated with the original panelKGD, lest you have problems in translating