View Full Version : stable plugin

01-04-2010, 01:00 PM
I currently use the xcamclient to connect to a CCcam server via the cccam2 line in the xcam file and it does connect but I find it can be abit unstable at times. Can anyone advise if they have a more stable solution?

01-04-2010, 01:15 PM
Have you tried the new one released today?

01-04-2010, 06:54 PM
Latest plugin does seem more stable but only time will tell. It's usually sky uk that freezes alot.

Midnight R
01-04-2010, 07:21 PM
Its all down to the server, trust me.

XCam is fine just needs a good stable server.

01-04-2010, 07:49 PM
anyone reccomend a good server?

not allowed on here m8 , read the rules

one thing I will say is I have found that a good working line on my dm800HD with an ecm of say 0.2 secs works fine on the dm and also works fine on a tm9100 , but using that same line in xcam I get a lot of glitching and freezing and stuttering , so I believe that post 1 is correct and that it does not seem anywhere near as good on the ice as my dream , and I havent found a solution as yet

whereas an N line works fine , so I think more work is needed on the xcam plugin as I too believe something is wrong with it

I havent tried todays new xcam plugin yet though

ps:- one thing I had wondered about is the lack of a yes or no to the xcam , which is present on the end of the c line that I was tring

01-04-2010, 07:54 PM
can you carify what the N line is?

Midnight R
01-04-2010, 08:07 PM
Funny its working really well for me.

Occassional split second glitches dependent on server and on the whole really stable.

Certainly it doesn't crash like incubus used to on my old cuberevo.

Maybe it's dependent on the CCam being used as a server and the hardware being used?

01-04-2010, 08:12 PM
Can you view ecm times on the icecrypt?

Midnight R
01-04-2010, 08:53 PM
I just tried the new plugin and tbh I find Kinkdinks xcam installer to be more stable.

Also the date of the xcam client appears newer than the latest plugins date. Not sure if it works this way, but I'll be sticking with the xcam installer as I get good results with it.

01-04-2010, 09:25 PM
can you carify what the N line is?

an N line is used when you get served by a server using newcs to connect , so N as in Newcs instead of C for Cccam

Can you view ecm times on the icecrypt?

not found a way yet as I was wanting to do this the other day using the icecrypt to compare against my dreambox reading of around 0.2

01-04-2010, 11:58 PM
I have found the latest xcam plugin to be very stable on sly, but I do seem to have a jitter on the sly HD channels. Its not freezing, more like a timing error cause a frame stutter. Cannot blame the plugin or server for that.
Great improvement as far as I'm concerned.

01-04-2010, 11:58 PM
installed the latest xcam plugin from today , and then reinstalled the config with a n line and then a c line below ( checked in the plugin menu ) and tested it and it seems a lot more stable for some reason , both on SD and on HD channels

I also tested the same c line and server on the dreambox for comparison and ok at 0.2 ecm , but not found a way to check the ecm on the ice yet

also done a manual tune on 10832H 22000 for the itv1HD channel , starts 2nd april at 0600

Midnight R
02-04-2010, 12:23 AM
I have found the latest xcam plugin to be very stable on sly, but I do seem to have a jitter on the sly HD channels. Its not freezing, more like a timing error cause a frame stutter. Cannot blame the plugin or server for that.
Great improvement as far as I'm concerned.

Yes, I've noticed the jitter as well.

Its only slight, not on all channells and seems to be improved if I dont stack a Blu Ray player above it!

Midnight R
02-04-2010, 08:55 AM
Just installed the 09/03/10 firmware and the jitter that I noticed seems to have gone.

Perhaps the audio sync delay feature on the new firmware is buggy?

20-04-2010, 12:48 PM
Can anyone advise how they watch s*y uk channels without the channels freezing regulary and without having to pay full price for a subscription? I use the xcam to connect to a Cccam server which does unlock the channels but it freezes and scrambles far to often. I have used 3 or 4 different pay servers and still the same. I was really looking forward to E2 being available but dont know when this will be and on other threads there is mention the PQ is lacking when running it. people have mentioned they use sLy cards and Mcas to decrypt channels but I am not sure how. If anyone can advise how to watch S*Y Uk without issue I will very much appreciate it.

20-04-2010, 08:14 PM
Can anyone advise how they watch s*y uk channels without the channels freezing regulary and without having to pay full price for a subscription? I use the xcam to connect to a Cccam server which does unlock the channels but it freezes and scrambles far to often. I have used 3 or 4 different pay servers and still the same. I was really looking forward to E2 being available but dont know when this will be and on other threads there is mention the PQ is lacking when running it. people have mentioned they use sLy cards and Mcas to decrypt channels but I am not sure how. If anyone can advise how to watch S*Y Uk without issue I will very much appreciate it.

My experience tells me Sky UK is a no go at the moment using CCcam or Xcas.
I'm being forced to watch Inter v Barca on Canal+ 'coz Sky 2 either won't clear at all or stops after a few mins. Nothing to do with server either as Sky is on hop one and C+ not.
So, only way at the mo is to get a Linux box that runs "proper" CCcam.

Midnight R
20-04-2010, 09:59 PM
My experience tells me Sky UK is a no go at the moment using CCcam or Xcas.
I'm being forced to watch Inter v Barca on Canal+ 'coz Sky 2 either won't clear at all or stops after a few mins. Nothing to do with server either as Sky is on hop one and C+ not.
So, only way at the mo is to get a Linux box that runs "proper" CCcam.

I've also noticed that Xcam is far more stable with providers other than those on 28e.

For example I was watching Liverpool-West Ham on ESPNHD last night and it was glitching badly. Switched over to Nova Sport HD on 23E and it was perfect. I was almost begining to think that N Sport HD was part of the digtv setup it was so stable (it isn't is it? :blush5:)

03-05-2010, 10:01 PM
My cccam server is very local to me infact right next to the icecrypt hehe!!
So the problem isn't a network or internet issue. It needs a few more tweaks but untill then.
Anyway ill stop waffling on and say I've tried all the ccams and xcams and none seemed to work, they all froze after a certian time.
So I tired running cccam and newcs 1.67 on my server, and put a N line in my icecrypt
xcam cardcleint config. all is working superbly no freezes and ive been able to record two scambled channels without a glitch.
Im gunna put a post up very soon called How to use newcs on xcam In the meantime you need to get the person you are getting your clines from to see if they are running newcs alongside cccam server then get them to send you a n line instead of cline.
you need to make some small changes to the N line so xcam can run it.
Good luck

04-05-2010, 12:01 AM
the above is true as I reported on this phenomenon as well in my feedback , and I also use an N line quite successfully too ( in xcam )