View Full Version : BusyBox v1.5.0 azbox

02-04-2010, 08:50 PM
compiled busybox swiss knife tool for Azbox

BusyBox v1.5.0 (2010-03-30 20:17:30 MSD) multi-call binary
Copyright (C) 1998-2006 В*Erik Andersen, Rob Landley, and others.
Licensed under GPLv2. В*See source distribution for full notice.

Usage: busybox [function] [arguments]...
or: [function] [arguments]...

BusyBox is a multi-call binary that combines many common Unix
utilities into a single executable. Most people will create a
link to busybox for each function they wish to use and BusyBox
will act like whatever it was invoked as!

Currently defined functions:
[, [[, adduser, arp, arping, awk, basename, bunzip2, bzcat, cat, catv, chmod,
chroot, chrt, chvt, cksum, clear, cmp, cp, crond, crontab, cut, date, dd, deallocvt,
deluser, df, diff, dirname, dmesg, dos2unix, du, echo, egrep, eject, env, expr,
false, fbset, fdflush, fdformat, fdisk, fgrep, find, fold, free, freeramdisk,
fsck, fuser, getopt, getty, grep, gunzip, gzip, halt, hdparm, head, hexdump,
hostid, hostname, hwclock, id, ifconfig, ifdown, ifup, inetd, init, insmod,
install, ipcrm, ipcs, kill, killall, killall5, klogd, last, length, less, linuxrc,
ln, logger, login, logname, logread, losetup, ls, lsmod, makedevs, md5sum, mdev,
mesg, mkdir, mkfifo, mknod, mktemp, modprobe, more, mount, mountpoint, mv, netstat,
nice, nohup, nslookup, od, openvt, passwd, patch, pidof, ping, ping6, pipe_progress,
pivot_root, poweroff, printenv, printf, ps, pwd, rdate, readlink, realpath,
reboot, renice, reset, rm, rmdir, rmmod, route, run-parts, runlevel, sed, seq,
setconsole, setlogcons, sha1sum, sleep, sort, start-stop-daemon, stat, strings,
stty, sum, switch_root, sync, sysctl, syslogd, tail, tar, tee, telnet, telnetd,
test, tftp, time, top, touch, tr, traceroute, true, tty, udh***, umount, uname,
uncompress, uniq, unix2dos, unzip, uptime, usleep, vconfig, vi, vlock, watch,
watchdog, wc, wget, which, who, whoami, xargs, yes, zcat, zcip

02-04-2010, 11:26 PM
now file is attached. sorry.

03-04-2010, 02:24 PM
Which functions are added to the in official azbox firmware ?

03-04-2010, 07:05 PM
You must add a file with simb links inside, only "bin" will not help.

This busy have any patch you use?

03-04-2010, 07:46 PM
Could you give a laymens explenation for what this does please.

28-04-2010, 07:37 AM
Some help please,

How do you stop this from being replaced with the old after you reboot?
I've tried replacing the busybox version in /MMP/usr/bin any ideas where the original is stored which replaces the /bin version on reboot.

The replaced /MMP/usr/bin version still stays with the after reboot.


28-04-2010, 08:12 AM
And what's the benefit of using it ? Performance, stability or only new commands ? Could anyone explain details?

28-04-2010, 10:10 AM
New Commands.

Example when we were trying the Azboxepg addon one command used in the script was the TR command that is in this busybox also crond is in this. once added you just need to create a symlink to the command you want.

I might just create a startup after reboot script to copy from Hdd to /bin and then create the symlinks.

28-04-2010, 04:02 PM
can anyone do that script to add to S10user?

I dont understand mutch of the symlink creation