View Full Version : Adding external servers

04-04-2010, 04:44 PM
If you have a patch loaded, and you want to add a CCcam or newcamd server to your spiderbox..

In the Accessories menu, select Network
the third entry down in the first column is "Server" select "Server Setup" to the right of that field.
You will see a column with "01.Off" to "10.Off"

Select the field next to 01.Off.

Type gives you the option of CCCAM or NEWCAMD
The entries are almost identical for these setups

Selecting CCCAM

You must have a C-Line given to you by a friend with a server, or one you have created yourself if you have your own server , and the C must be in CAPITALS at the start of the line.

So if you have a line like

C: friend.dyndns.org 12000 login password

it may have other parameters beyond password, ignore them


C: friend.no-ip.tv 13000 login password { 0:0:2 } etc

Enter the name "friend.dyndns.org" or "friend.no-ip.tv" into the "Name or IP Address" field.

Enter 12000 or 13000 etc. (it can have whatever value the server owner sets for the port) into the "Port" field

ID and Password are obvious.

For Newcamd, you must have been given an N-Line which looks like this (CAPITAL N)

N: friend,dyndns.org 11000 login password 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14

The only difference is that it starts with an "N" which is discarded for our purposes, and the string of numbers 01 - 14 (in this case) which is the DES Key.

enter the sequence given to you by your friend in the DES Key field without spaces.
The example above would look like this

To save your CCCAM or NEWCAMD lines, select "Apply" at the bottom of each screen.

That's it.

checks to make

Check the C or N at the start of the actual line is in CAPITALS , not lower case.
Check there are no space chars on the end of the lines.
Check there is a CR (press enter) on the last line.
Check cccam.cfg is the actual name if the file , not txt as saved by notepad, amend the filename if needs be

I think there an issue if you have a repeated line in the same file, like the same username on more than one line, I think all the lines must be different

The Spiderbox will not accept the same domain twice.(Genuine CCcam servers use no more than one line)
Genuine CCcam servers use no more than one line and one port.
You may enter CCcam lines from an Oscam server by adding another random character at the end of the domain and editing it manually later.
Using no-ip as well as dyndns can mean the same server may be used twice as the hostnames are different

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line priority ( taken from al sat and posted by member manunt )

leave all on
Press <PR button
Scroll to C line you want to use
Press Fn1 on remote
That line will be come active server.

this will prioritise the server you wish to use as default , which could be a local card in another local box

this is because you cannot add 256 after the 14 in deskey

might be of use to some members ;)