View Full Version : Setting up your SpiderBox Setup & Installation Guide

04-04-2010, 04:49 PM
NB:- the latest patches are dated march 2012

This is how to set it up the easiest way possible.
USALS motor setup.
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Connect all cables.
LNB cable to LNB in
HDMI or Scart connected between the TV and the spiderbox
Network cable connected. One end to the spiderbox and the other to a suitable router.
Turn it on There IS a switch at the back.
press the power switch in your remote control to turn it on.

Press the menu button.

Select the Installation section by scrolling right/left

Go to motor setup, press OK

Enter pin code "0000"

Press the green button to allow you to enter your longitude and latitude.

Longitude is switched between E & W by pressing the < and > buttons.

Enter your longitude by using the number keys. Note: if your Longitude is 1.5W (for example) you must enter 001.5W in this field.

Enter your latitude, e,g, 55.6N. You can change N to S with the arrow keys too, but most of you won't want to do that.

Scroll down to save and press OK.

********************************* ***************** **
Apply a patch:

Get a USB stick.

Download a patch from here https://www.satpimps.co.uk/forumdisplay.php?f=579 (https://www.satpimps.co.uk/forumdisplay.php?f=579)

EXTRACT the file (*.uad) from the rar file and copy it to your USB stick.
You must extract the file using winzip or winrar or a similar program as the rar file on a USB stick will not be of any use to you.

Insert the USB stick into one of the USB ports in your spiderbox.

Go to the Accessory Section of the menu and select USB.

Scroll to the .uad file you have copied there and press OK

In the popup window, select S/W Update

Wait for your box to load the patch.. DO NOT POWER OFF

The box will reboot by itself with the new patch installed.

Apply a settings list
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Following the same procedures as for loading a patch, load a settings file from here: https://www.satpimps.co.uk/forumdisplay.php?f=576 (https://www.satpimps.co.uk/forumdisplay.php?f=576)
You are all set.


the new versions of the 9000hd box & Combo box (september 2010) does not get activated via Neuvoxstream anymore as it does not work ..
you install your new patch and go to Ethernet+ and register there .. the key will pop up and say connected

06-08-2010, 09:37 AM
and here are my various notes to the 7000 and 9000 HD boxes , a 5000 SD box may be different to this ( different menus etc )



the new versions of the 900hd box , 7000HD box & the Combo box (from september 2010) do not get activated via Neuvoxstream anymore and it does not work if you try it..
you install your new patch and go to service+ and register there .. the onscreen box will pop up and say connected

set the ip to a fixed ip in network server and also back up your channel list to usb stick if you are upgrading ,and the system as well , onto a usb pen drive formatted to fat32

1) and then load the boxer26 patch from 12 FEB 2011 from a usb stick ( or a later patch if there is a newer one, check the dates )


2) alternatively just load the latest patch for your box as it seems it always incorporates all the previous additions and fixes

now factory reset the stb from the menu , reboot , and load the channel list you backed up ( or one from here ) and then highlight network and turn on the gift in network using 1111

go into network - ethernet and register ( working lan and internet connections required ), and the ethernet gift will say connected only , with no date showing but will have the 250MCaabbccdd01 code where the last 5 pairs of your mac code come after the 250MC for registration (it ignores the first 00 of the actual mac code listed in grey in NETWORKING)

go into keyedit and turn on both of the ucas options ( third and fourth ones down ) , also press reset keydata too on the second option down , and exit , then load in the latest spiderbox HD softcam from the spider softcam section ( or the SDsoftcam if using a spiderbox 5000 SD box )

so its:-
Download the softcam zip or rar file , go to the unpacked winzip or winrar folder icon, there will be a softcam file inside, right click on it and copy it to usb stick
Go to your usb and paste that file onto your fat32 formatted usb stick. I usually copy the whole softcam folder to the usb stick
Take the usb to your box and plug it in, go to menu, USB, highlight the softcam key file and click ok to update your box.
Before that, Make sure in the key edit menu, you reset all key data, and make sure both Ucas are set to On. and use 1111 on NETWORK

reboot and you should now have ucas with the latest softcam keys , and the 1 gift server connected and authorised and working

then check channels that are opened by the server and ucas ,
if not check the mac address is correct according to the one inside the box on a white sticky label ( or inside the front flap ) , also check the box has a valid ip address from the router and is connected properly

finally , backup the channel list again , and the system as well , to the pen drive , for safety

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you can disengage the code but you need the remote to do it
but i will explain anyway
menue,parental control,then you enter 4 digits,then lock channel,off,lock installation off
that will stop the need for entering the code,except on the parental control
you will still have to enter the 4 digit code to enter that

thanks go to mister-t for this guide above

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nb:- ensure your usb device is formatted to fat32 first

PVR function.

Go to PVR menu.
Here you can set the recording size and turn off/on the Timeshift.
To record press the Record button on the remote. To end recording press the Stop button on the remote.
To review the recording press the Play button on the remote. A list of all your recordings will appear.
Choose the recording that you want to watch and select it using the OK button.
You can pause,forward or rewind.
To return to TV press the Stop button.

You can record using the EPG by pressing the green button.
Select channel and press the REC key.
If you want to Timeshift,still when a recording is in progress,press the pause button.
To resume watching, press the Play button.

You can Timer record using the Timer option in the menu.
Select the Timer Index - untill 7 recordings can be scheduled.
Set Active to 'Recording'.
Set channel, Start Time and Duration and then exit.

to delete recording
press play button, a list of recordings appears
high light file to delete
press red button to delete
there is also a selection to delete all recordings


line priority ( taken from al sat and posted by member manunt )

pressing the remote control <Pr button brings up the client list , instead of going into the network section

leave all on
Press <PR button
Scroll to C line you want to use
Press Fn1 on remote
That line will be come active serv*r.

this will prioritise the serv*r you wish to use as default , which could be a local card in another local box

this is because you cannot add 256 after the 14 in deskey

setting up your router for the spider and other boxes etc

check the range of ports on your netgear for starters

if your netgear is on , then it is likely that the following ip,s are available to you from the netgear to , or thereabouts

choose spiderbox menu , network , ip setup

so if you set your spider to say, with netmask to

it would read

network setting manual

IP Address

Subnet Mask


1st DNS

2nd DNS

MAC Address (your personal 12 character hexadecimal box mac address is here , same as on your internal motherboard sticker , like this:- 12:34:56:ab:cd:ef)

then hit apply at the bottom and reboot

then go into your netgear control admin panel

and add that fixed ip and mac addy to the local allowed lan equipment ( read your router manual for this )



look through the top vents with a torch and you will see the mac address written on a label inside the spiderbox on the component board

write this down on a piece of paper , then go into menu-accessory-network , select Network just below Type , where it says IP Setup

The Mac Address is shown at the bottom above apply , check the details in there exactly match the ones you wrote down

on the 9900 the mac address is on a sticker near the front of the stb, left hand side of the cardreaders it requires removal of cover to see it


if they are the same , leave it alone !!

while you are in that menu you will also see your router ip address

so it will be something like this :-

IP address
SUBnet mask
1st dns
2nd dns
Mac Address 01:23:45:1A:B8:C9

if that is similar to what I have written above , then your mac code and ip address are correct , so apply and exit , OR just exit

please note , the mac address shown above is an EXAMPLE , and not anyones actual mac address , that actual info is private !!

mac addresses consist of 12 character , a combination of the digits 0 to 9 and letters A to F , which means they are hexadecimal

if the system info section is showing oct 7 2011 then the latest 2011 boxer patch seems to be in the spiderbox , so exit


you can do similar tricks with your pc , lappy and any other connected equipment , by choosing a different ip address from the range

preferably leave the first 10 ip,s free for any dhcp connections , and fix your boxes , laptops , pc,s and tv,s to higher ip addresses as there are usually over 200 to choose from

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on my boxes press menu and choose usb , you should see your FAT32 formatted pen drive if you inserted it beforehand

browse to your backup folder or channel list folder you made earlier on it using your pc or laptop

at the bottom of the usb menu it will alternate between slideshow and the four coloured buttons with different options for each colour

green says save data

so press green

choose the top CHANNEL DATA and press the ok button , it will save your channel list in UDB format

pressing ALL S/W DATA will save the system file in UAD format

nb:- these can also be saved anywhere on the usb stick , even the root , but I like to use folders on mine to keep it neat and tidy


posted on another forum , here is what they said

i have got just about every avi file to work perfect by using divx manager and selecting rhapsody, xvid, bit rate 887 and converting, then playing the converted file through usb, the conversion is very quick and so far no problems, link to download divx manager is in supplied instruction book, regards ardvaak


I have one or two AVI files that will play on nothing - not the spiderbox, not the Azbox, and not the Vu+
I used WinAvi ver. 9.0 to convert them and now they work on all three receivers. - anrakh



EXTRA COMBO INFO on accessing terrestrial channels

if you press the sat button and scroll to the end of the list you will see terrestrial
press ok on terrestrial that should take you into the channel list

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note , these are the main differences between the two main HD boxes :-

the 9000 has 2 scarts , a cam slot , an rf output modulator for rf channel delivery by analogue coaxial methods , and the remote control can be used to operate your tv , vcr etc

the 7000 has only 1 scart , , no cam slot , it has no rf output modulator , and cannot be used to operate a tv or vcr etc either

but apart from the above they do the same basic tasks and can use the same HD channel lists and softcam etc

06-08-2010, 12:47 PM
is there any way to Disable the pin code "0000" every time when i goto motor setup it can get rather annoying .
cheers ,

17-08-2010, 10:51 AM
is there any way to Disable the pin code "0000" every time when i goto motor setup it can get rather annoying .
cheers ,

Go to menu, control panel and all it's there for you, you have the option to set pin on installation or not. Just turn it off.

BTW, please this section for guide only, any question to go to the main section.

29-08-2011, 05:09 PM
new simple guide to setting up a spiderbox 7000 or 9000 HD or or 9900HD or HD combo

forget epg files until you know what you are doing

use winzip , winrar or 7zip to open the files after downloading ( basic pc skills required here )
ALWAYS unpack the files from zip or rar containers into their RAW STATE before copying them to a USB stick


1) first job is check the date in the menu-system-info and if it isnt feb 2011 or aug 2011 or sep 2011 or oct 2011,
patch it from usb stick to march 2012 by selecting S/W update ( usually from a 2010 or 2011 date )

so bring it up to 2012 standards first , ignore the above if its already got 2012 in the menu

then factory reset and update by usb stick to oct 2011, and factory reset it again

MARCH 2012 is now the latest patch and so is the latest date in menu - system info

so we are updating a previous 2011 date to the latest patch date available , in this case MARCH 2012


2) now it is patched and up to date (2012), do the following

add the channel file from a usb stick that has been formatted to fat32 , or formatted in the spiderbox menu

now turn on the networking with 1111 by highlighting NETWORK in orange (below UNKNOWN) and using the remote control to key in 1111

this turns on the ethernet "gift" using the remote control which you can check later , KEY EDIT will now appear just above NETWORK

also turn on both ucas options in KEY EDIT above NETWORK , and also reset keydata in there afterwards ,again using the remote control

now load the HDsoftcam from usb stick using the remote control and browsing to it and then select it using OK , say yes to importing it

then check your usals or diseqc settings as required ( especially if you have a vbox ) using the remote control

now alter any user settings in the menu for your own preferences as required by you using the remote control (like the RF channel)

then check it picks up free to air satellite channels on all satellites you can receive using the remote control

now check menu-accessories-network-ethernet and ensure it says Connected , only use register the first time you use it

lastly , test on ethernet and ucas channels , opened by those emus using the remote control (press info twice to check the channel source)


3) if you have altered the mac code in any way the box will have trouble connecting to the router and internet, so dont touch it
if you have altered the 12 character hexadecimal mac code , or its all showing zeros , enter it again using the remote control
it can be found on a white label inside the spiderbox on the actual motherboard , use a torch to see it through the top vents
write it down on a sheet of paper and keep it with your instruction manual - just in case

if and when you are au fait with epg settings , then use whichever epg file you wish from usb stick and do the epg download
you can only use one of the files , even though there are dozens , so choose the one you require , possibly the sly uk 28e one for UK

using dishpointer , or a gps satnav will tell you your usals location ( your coordinates ) , as will many sites like bing maps or google maps

for more detailed info or info not in this simple guide refer back to the detailed posts made earlier in this thread or in other threads in the spiderbox sections



EXTRA COMBO INFO on accessing terrestrial channels

if you press the sat button and scroll to the end of the list you will see terrestrial
press ok on terrestrial that should take you into the channel list

5) on the 9900 the mac address is on a sticker near the front of the stb, left hand side of the cardreaders it requires removal of cover to see it

10-10-2011, 10:29 PM
those of you looking for the official spiderbox forum , try here



If you have an external HDD you can connect it via the USB port and take full advantage of the SD 5000′s PVR facility.( or any other spiderbox or similar box )

Note: The HDD must be formatted in FAT32.

The best way to do it is with the Spiderbox itself.

With the HDD connected to the box, press the Menu button, go to the ‘USB’ option.
Press the Green key on the remote <Format>
When the operation is completed your HDD is ready to use.
Exit the USB menu and go to PVR menu.
Here you can set the recording file size (selectable between 256,512,1024,2048,and 4096MB) and turn off/on the Timeshift facilty. (It is better to leave this on).
To record to the HDD simply press the Record button on the remote (you will see ‘rEC’ displayed on the Spiderbox). To end recording press the Stop button on the remote.
To review the recording press the Play button on the remote. A list of all your recordings will appear. Simply choose the recording that you want to watch and select it using the OK button.
You can (pause), (ff****), (rw<<), at up to 64X speed, or jump forward or backward through the recording (indicated by the blue bar) by using the (< )or (>) keys either side of the (OK ) button. To return
to live tv press the Stop button
You can record using the EPG (where available) by pressing the green button. Use up/down/left/right keys to select channel and time of the programme you want to record (make sure the programme is highlighted) and press the REC key (bottom right key marked with a red dot) a small red mark will appear on the EPG listing.
Press list/ok twice to resume viewing the last channel you were watching.
At the selected time the receiver will switch channels and move the dish if this is also needed.
If you want to Timeshift (this can also be done when a recording is in progress), simply press the <pause> button (you will see ‘tIM’ displayed on the Spiderbox). To resume watching press the Play button.
You can navigate using the same keys as for reviewing a recording (as above).
You can Timer record using the Timer option in the menu.
Select the Timer Index (up to seven recordings can be scheduled).
Set Active to ‘Recording’.
Set channel, Start Time and Duration and then exit.
The Spiderbox will switch to the scheduled program (switching/moving to the correct satellite first if necessary) and then execute the recording.

For further options consult your Spiderbox User’s Manual


Here is a post by William-1 that you may find useful

Setting up a Motor + a fixed dish on a Spiderbox HD
I have used this Q&A as a sticky for other members to follow thanks to gmcmen for the original reply.

Setting spiderbox 9000 with diseqc switch
My setup includes a motor which moves from 33 east to 30 west (hispasat) and a static dish which is pointing at Hellasat (36east I think). I have a diseqc switch which I am hoping to connect the motor on port 1 and the static dish on port 2. I am also using USALS to drive the motor.

How do I set this up on a spiderbox? Do I have to set the option for each satellite on the motor to be on port 1 of the diseqc switch (if there is such option) and just the one satellite on port 2?

Reply from gmcmen
Yes you are correct, go to
Satellite Search
select each satellite and below select its DisEqC port
all on motor should have the same port number (1 in your case) and the fixed on 2.

Yes you are correct, go to
Satellite Search
select each satellite and below select its DisEqC port
all on motor should have the same port number (1 in your case) and the fixed on 2.
Many thanks. It works great!

Thanks to gmcmen

more setup info here too


and here too


another good post below


Firstly , backup your channel list -- just in case

then make sure that you are on the Sat you wish to remove,
the Menu - Channel Manager - Remove - Yellow Button - Options Chan Remove - TP Remove - Sat Remove - Press OK - All Channels on the selected Sat are Ticked - OK will remove them.

Once again make sure that you are on the correct Sat before carrying out this procedure.


How to make your Spiderbox wireless (WiFi) using a vonets wifinetwork adapter/bridge

This I find is the easy way to connect your Spiderbox to your WiFi router.
It is done with a “WiFi Bridge” I use one from “OpenMedia”
The WiFi Bridge will come with software on a disk, after installing the software to your PC.
1. Connect the WiFi Bridge to a USB port and the Lan port on the PC.
2. Run the software and it will detect wireless networks in range.
3. Choose your network from the list.
4. Enter the passphrase for your wireless network.
5. A popup on the PC should say you are connected to a wireless network, the light on my wireless bridge turns blue when connected.
6. Remove the wireless bridge from the PC and connect it to the Spiderbox USB and Lan ports.
7. Allow it to connect and your done.



1. Press MENU on remote & browse to MOTOR SETUP press ok
2. scroll down to COMMAND
2. scroll using right arrow button until you see GO TO CENTRE press ok
3. you will see a message displayed COMMAND EXECUTED
4. then press EXIT

you also have the option to Recalculate Position in Command options

I Used to use a TM motor & found motor drift whilst using USALS, switching to Diseqc solved this.

But i moved on to Supreme Intelligent Dark Motor which works with USALS & Diseqc