View Full Version : New S400HDPVR

05-04-2010, 06:14 PM
Hi Guys,

Got a New S400HDPVR today, good pictures, signal quality better then TM6900 HD, however got a couple of problems, any horizontal transpnders above 12,110 are not able to be scanned, if they do, say i scan 12,515 i get channels on 11,671, low frequencies ok.

Loaded latest firmware 1.08.01 got MCAS working but loses card initialization after a few minutes.

Tryed a factory reset no joy.

Update most likely a fault in the receiver, switched it round to loopthrough from another receiver, when switch other on all horizontal transponders return.

06-04-2010, 03:00 PM
Hi Guys,

Got a New S400HDPVR today, good pictures, signal quality better then TM6900 HD, however got a couple of problems, any horizontal transpnders above 12,110 are not able to be scanned, if they do, say i scan 12,515 i get channels on 11,671, low frequencies ok.

Loaded latest firmware 1.08.01 got MCAS working but loses card initialization after a few minutes.

Tryed a factory reset no joy.

Update most likely a fault in the receiver, switched it round to loopthrough from another receiver, when switch other on all horizontal transponders return.

does it say service error? is their signal strength?

06-04-2010, 07:13 PM
No errormessages, changed it today and got a replacement, scanned astra 19e listed channels in highband, when finished scanning no signal quality, but signal strength 86%, cant believe that i have got two receivers with the same problem. But will keep seing if maybe just me.

Using firmware 1.07.69. build nov 09(both were from same batch).

Have found works on highband horizontal occasionally.

06-04-2010, 11:37 PM
you might have an LNB problem...


07-04-2010, 07:32 AM
Dont think its the LNB, as connect it to my TM6900 and all High band horizontal work.

When i did the initial scan from first switch on i got transponders up to 12.110then would not scan any above that, when finished scanning no signal quality even on 12.110.

Will see when switch on this evening how things are.

07-04-2010, 11:29 AM
better check the lnb settings on your icecrypt are correct then , like 9750 - 10600 etc , as all receivers use 4 states to operate an lnb , HI-V , LO-V , HI-H and LO-H

07-04-2010, 01:46 PM
Dont think its the LNB, as connect it to my TM6900 and all High band horizontal work.

When i did the initial scan from first switch on i got transponders up to 12.110then would not scan any above that, when finished scanning no signal quality even on 12.110.

Will see when switch on this evening how things are.

SORRY i thought you meant high symbol rates, not just the freq.

08-04-2010, 10:49 AM
I doubt you are suffering a receiver fault more likely a setting error somewhere. Check the Diseqc settings that are shown along side the LO freq. They should be 0/0 but I have noticed that they come preset at factory to different options for different satellites. This can upset Diseqc motors and certain LNB's. They are preset for cascade Diseqc switches which are rare in the UK.

08-04-2010, 02:05 PM
I doubt you are suffering a receiver fault more likely a setting error somewhere. Check the Diseqc settings that are shown along side the LO freq. They should be 0/0 but I have noticed that they come preset at factory to different options for different satellites. This can upset Diseqc motors and certain LNB's. They are preset for cascade Diseqc switches which are rare in the UK.

interesting - thanks! I will check mine, even tho i dont have a prob (that i have noticed)

09-04-2010, 07:41 AM
A update, i hink i need to check my dish/LNB, as been doing some playing about with usals settings and moving between satellites and find that i seem to get a short increase in signal quality and the occasional picture, as an example when moving back to 19e from 13e, just before it stops astra a short increase in quality, using 12,110H as the test signal, tried adjuting using disecq 1.2 settings no joy. \very strange problem, as when i reconnect my TM6900 everything is ok. Might update to latest firmware see if that helps.

09-04-2010, 08:53 AM
Use Usals, select your sat and go to it. Go to positioner setting and change usals E/W setting by 0.5 of a degree east or west select goto and see if signal strength improves. If not try other direction. Repeat by smaller increments to fine tune. I did this on marginal satellites and have improved signal reception by as much as 20%. There may be slightly different motor control settings between the boxes. If you can get a decent reference satellite signal Usals should do the rest if your motor/dish is plumb and true.

09-04-2010, 08:58 AM
haha i wont even go THERE!!!

Diseq for me.

09-04-2010, 05:06 PM
From sat****

Advantages of USALS

If the dish is not initially aligned perfectly to face due south (in the Northern hemisphere) then the search for satellites is normally problematic. However, with USALS, this inconvenience no longer exists because the program calculates the positions of all "visible" satellites, on the basis of latitude and longitude of the installation site, with a precision of +/- 0.05 degrees. This is possible because the USALS program also decides the direction of rotation.

With DisEqC1.2 a manual search and memorisation of every satellite position is required. However, with USALS all you have to do is point the dish towards a satellite at the centre of the arc and USALD will automatically find and store the rest.

With DisEqC1.2, the user is obliged to seek the help of an expert every time a satellite position has been changed or a new one activated. However, with USALS, you need only to add the name of the new satellite to the list, and its orbital position. The motor will move to the new position without need for further programming or alignment!

As the user doesn't need to carry out complicated adjustments or programming, the risk of making a mistake is greatly reduced. This is unlike standard DisEqC1.2 where a small error can require the installation procedure to be started from the beginning.

09-04-2010, 06:19 PM
Hopefully now success, moved my LNB slightly, now getting a signal on 12,110H on 19e, will try other transponders later.

Now working ok, turned out to be a problem with the cabling at the dish.