View Full Version : Jitter/frame dropping on some HD Channels?

Midnight R
08-04-2010, 05:47 PM
Anyone noticed some slight jitter on some of the Sky HD channels?

I'm getting some on mine, its especially noticable on Rush HD. I've also noticed it during the footie on ITV HD.

Its strange however as I don't seem to get it on other HD channels such as Dubai Sports HD on Badr 4.

I've tried changing settings on the box but nothing seems to cure the jitter.

Anyone have any suggestions/comments or is this likely to be a firmware issue?

Midnight R
08-04-2010, 06:23 PM
Ok, think I may have sorted it by changing to diseqc and squeezing a little more quality out of the signal.

Fingers crossed as this seems to be a very good box so far.

08-04-2010, 06:33 PM
I've been noticing it a little on mine when watching recordings from E4 and the likes... wasn't sure if it was down to bad signal, box being over utilised, problem with the HDD or issues with the cam glitching.

I've not been watching it enough though to tell how frequent it is, or if it occurs under other cir***stances. But it IS annoying and I hope it's something simple.

I'm only using a standard issue BSkyB dish & LNB so would I benefit from changing to diseqc too? Or does this only work with motorised setups?

08-04-2010, 07:10 PM
I've been noticing it a little on mine when watching recordings from E4 and the likes... wasn't sure if it was down to bad signal, box being over utilised, problem with the HDD or issues with the cam glitching.

I've not been watching it enough though to tell how frequent it is, or if it occurs under other cir***stances. But it IS annoying and I hope it's something simple.

I'm only using a standard issue BSkyB dish & LNB so would I benefit from changing to diseqc too? Or does this only work with motorised setups?

altering the diseqc would only work for motorised setups to get the dish spot on the signal

a fixed dish should already be spot on

Midnight R
10-04-2010, 02:39 PM
Just a quick update,

Adjusting the signal strenght on disqec didn't cure the jitter but I've just installed the 1.7.94 firmware from the 2nd March 2010 and its definately smoother. Previous jitter seems to have gone.

I notice that the makers changed the video codex's in more recent updates so that could account for the jitter.

Anyway, this firmware seems as stable as any of other the more recent ones so I'll stick with this for now.

Love this box

10-04-2010, 05:32 PM
Flashed earlier in the week to FS1.08.09 but like you I noticed a lot of jitter whilst watching the Grand National today. I've now changed down to FS1.07.94 and as you say it does seem a lot smoother. Nice to be able to downgrade as well as upgrade the firmware without resorting to hacks.

Midnight R
13-04-2010, 08:28 PM
Whoops, I just did a factory reset before installing the latest firmware and what do you know the jitters gone!

The upload must of somehow become corrupted when I upgraded last week and it looks like the improvement that I noticed with the older FW was to do with doing a reset 1st!

Anyway, very relieved as this firmware is far more stable than the older ones.

Perhaps its wise to always do a factory reset before installing new FW.

I'm getting fantastic results with this box tonight.

13-04-2010, 09:23 PM
Whoops, I just did a factory reset before installing the latest firmware and what do you know the jitters gone!

The upload must of somehow become corrupted when I upgraded last week and it looks like the improvement that I noticed with the older FW was to do with doing a reset 1st!

Anyway, very relieved as this firmware is far more stable than the older ones.

Perhaps its wise to always do a factory reset before installing new FW.

I'm getting fantastic results with this box tonight.

I think I will backup my channels list , factory reset , install the older firmware , factory reset again ,and then install the latest firmware and plugins

thereby starting afresh apart from the channel list , shouldnt take long and I know o0n other boxes a factory reset is always a good idea anyway , so will try it ( especially as I may wish to try enigma 2 when it arrives ;) )

Midnight R
13-04-2010, 10:06 PM
Might be worth reformatting your usb stick as well.

I also unpacked the FW rar directly to the stick as well.

I am seriously impressed with this box at the moment!