View Full Version : sky uk plugin question

09-04-2010, 09:00 AM
there are sky or freesat EPG plugins for E2 on other boxes...

does that mean, if i put E2 image on the icecrypt, i would be able to use the plugin?

(i guess what i mean is, do E2 plugins designed for a certain stb, work on other E2 OS's made for other STBs? )

09-04-2010, 03:13 PM
Nasty thread title, gave me the creeps! Maybe u should have inserted EPG somewhere?

09-04-2010, 03:21 PM
Sorry I can't answer your question as I have not tried that plugin.

Midnight R
09-04-2010, 06:56 PM
Well it depends if someone has written a Sky EPG plugin for the Icecrypt E2 image. I may well be wrong but I wouldn't imagine that the code will be the same as that used for other images on say DM's for example.

Anyway, I would say 1st install E2 on the Crypt to see if you can get along with it. You may find that the picture quality suffers as I have noticed that this happens to some other stb that weren't originally designed to run E2 natively.

Go for it, I for one would love to hear your feedback.

Good luck

13-04-2010, 01:17 PM
Nasty thread title, gave me the creeps! Maybe u should have inserted EPG somewhere?

i did, after i realised = chill out.