View Full Version : Channel Lists for S4000

09-04-2010, 02:45 PM
Channel Lists for S4000

place any channel lists for the Icecrypt S4000 in this thread please

also any details like the number of satellites or arc that has been used

ie:- ASTRA/HOTBIRD , or 42 EAST TO 30 WEST , etc

also any details like diseqc switching , motorised , 4 port switch , 8 port switch etc

anyone using these lists should make sure they set all satellites to the correct diseqc details , like say 0/0 if motorised , 1/1 to 1/4 if a simple 4 port switch is used , usals position set for your location where necessary

and post any other relevant details please

thank you

18-12-2010, 02:23 PM
Under "restructuring" there is a setting called delete all empty transponders.

Don't EVER, EVER select it :). Of course I had to find out what it did and when it didn't appear to do anything I wrote back to the box .... and then found I lost all sats/transponders i had'nt scanned.

I had to re-enter all the transponders on 9E and 1W by hand :(

18-12-2010, 02:58 PM

so thats what happened...

im doing a sat scan by scan today, then in the week i'll do my own list - but it wont be as good as yours

its so snowy here today, im surprised its finding any sats TBH

18-12-2010, 07:07 PM
One alternative would be to add the network search transponder for each of the missing satellites in my settings and then do a network scan.

The flaw to this plan being I don't know which transponders have NIT data!

08-01-2011, 01:27 AM
I suspect the reason my settings didn't work is that they are configured to use seven LNBs setup using Diseqc 1.1. You would have needed to re-configure you satellite settings to use USALS or Diseqc 1.2

Try the attached, it should be more compatible.

This is a first attempt to combine your settings with mine for a movable dish. What's missing is a lot of the radio channels as I get save errors when I try to add them.

Perhaps this is the maximum size an FDU can be?

03-02-2011, 04:25 AM
Latest 7-sat settings from me

06-07-2011, 11:37 PM

So I've cobbled this together using polaredit v, using its import from a e2 option....coupled with a new fdu from a scan on the s4000 today.

I've used SGTFLIPFLOP's e2 bouquet (1/7/11)....thanks to him - I hope he doesn't mind.

I've changed a few things - to make it midlands based for the regional bits.......and I've deleted a few pay hd bits. I've also bumped up some of the standard fta channels to the top (bbc1 itv1, 2 etc).....as polaredit likes things alphabetical when it imports......(grrrr)

So enjoy - I take no credit for this... at least the kids won't be moaning at me for some disney channels not working. If this helps great, if not tough! lol

Feel free to put better versions up too.


16-08-2011, 12:19 AM
anyone got a list for SLY UK ?


im so dumb, i missed the sticky...found what i needed in post #6 of this thread.

18-08-2011, 01:27 PM
The list in post 6 needs updating

04-11-2011, 09:07 PM
hi has anyone got a upto date channel list sorted into groups for 28.2 east


05-11-2011, 12:05 AM
i beleive u can convert catseyes channel list into ice but dont ask me how

07-11-2011, 09:34 PM
See my reply above post #7 - I admit the instructions are brief, but hopefully you can follow them to make your own / copy flip flops channel list.

hi has anyone got a upto date channel list sorted into groups for 28.2 east
