View Full Version : Streaming Dreambox --> iPhone

12-04-2010, 02:48 PM
Streaming Dreambox --> iPhone Alpha Release

You need this:
- A box with installed Neutrino + yWeb

Please delete segments after the unzip the folder and create it anew! Otherwise there probably a few problems. I will be fixed soon
Linux is: not yet


- LiveTV look of your D (ream)-Box on the iPhone (HTTP live streaming over 3G & WiFi)
- Steer your box from the iPhone
- Share your TVBild with others (uploading to a web server, view with QuickTime X or the iPhone)
- Invite your TV picture via FTP to a Web server and look from this WebServer

After the download:

Configuring the iLiveMediaServer:
User + password set
Select Very important: Under either the IP library, which the computer reaches your iPhone (by DynDNS to replace with the respective DynDNS address), or the path to the website where you reach the uploaded via FTP stream.


It is an alpha status - I have so far paid little attention to exception handling etc.
Wenns eat the whole thing is done in the App Store.

What does not:
- Timer management is not implemented yet finished
- So far no support Enigma/Enigma2
- If you want to look over dyndns and 3g you have next to the 2 ports for the box and the iLiveMediaServer additional streaming video port (31,339 isses do believe) externally accessible