View Full Version : reg key

12-04-2010, 09:43 PM
HI this box is a great box the only problem is when things go wrong like gift it takes a age to sort out if your reg key fails and you ask for new 1 you may wait weeks but if you are not bothered about gift then great box for money thanks

12-04-2010, 09:49 PM
HI this box is a great box the only problem is when things go wrong like gift it takes a age to sort out if your reg key fails and you ask for new 1 you may wait weeks but if you are not bothered about gift then great box for money thanks

I am affraid but that how it is, to use the gift the box needs to be registered, which makes sense...so if you loose the reg key for some reason, unless you wrote it down somewhere before, it's just very difficult to find 'your detail' amoung thousands of boxes details...

12-04-2010, 10:09 PM
I am affraid but that how it is, to use the gift the box needs to be registered, which makes sense...so if you loose the reg key for some reason, unless you wrote it down somewhere before, it's just very difficult to find 'your detail' amoung thousands of boxes details...

not saying anything bad about it m8 just saying if your reg key fails even if you wrote it down and still fails when re installing you will wait a while for new 1 is that not right ??

12-04-2010, 11:46 PM
Ive had mine one of the first out never had
to install the key I keep a copy of the key and the mac
as long as they are correct I dont see why it would fail
to register as nothing would have changed ?


13-04-2010, 05:56 PM
Ive had mine one of the first out never had
to install the key I keep a copy of the key and the mac
as long as they are correct I dont see why it would fail
to register as nothing would have changed ?


dave m8 hope yours stays ok but reg key can fail for no reason mine was ok for 4 mth turn off the box couple of days later turn back on and reg key failed if you read forums not only me but i got something else so not bothered
just saying if it goes you can not but it right you have to wait for some 1 else to fix and you can wait a while m8 weeks some times

14-04-2010, 09:24 PM
You are quite correct bod but thankfully the instances of keys failing and for some inexplicable reason aren't accepted on re-entry are extremely rare amongst the thousands in circulation. As is the length of time waiting for a replacement as most receive the replacement within a couple of days.
Unfortunately the keys are released in batches and sorry to say, you were unlucky enough to experience the worst delay I have known. There in the end though mate :cheers2:

16-04-2010, 09:38 PM
You are quite correct bod but thankfully the instances of keys failing and for some inexplicable reason aren't accepted on re-entry are extremely rare amongst the thousands in circulation. As is the length of time waiting for a replacement as most receive the replacement within a couple of days.
Unfortunately the keys are released in batches and sorry to say, you were unlucky enough to experience the worst delay I have known. There in the end though mate :cheers2:

its ok m8 its only been 10 days am still waiting for boxer26 just to answer pm never mind the reg key like i said soon has i lost reg key i bought something to replace gift while i was waiting for new reg key but like you say might get there in the end ?? lol

19-04-2010, 09:03 PM
HI if you want this box for the gift then think again when reg key fails you will have a right job getting any help you will be told my DARKMAN to go to another forum were you will get help off boxer26 forget that you will be told my that forum to get in touch where you bought it lol round and round we go like am556 said worst delay his heard of funny when you read that forum not only me who cant get in touch with boxer26 so what happens when you have to pay for the gift ?? would you buy this box without GIFT ??
well not going to ask for reg key any more putting it down to experience thanks ps still pretty good box

19-04-2010, 10:56 PM
The delays I have heard of are when people have not included the box serial number AND Mac address, the original key would no doubt help too. These two numbers are needed to ensure
a) it is a genuine request for a genuine box
b) server access is granted to cross matched key, serial and Mac address.

If you think you may have omitted or possibly copied these numbers wrong, I would send another request to Boxer26.

19-04-2010, 11:23 PM
I managed to mess up my box twice and both times got a replacement key within a couple of days. I've seen your threads, and while I sympathise with your situation, you were told what steps to follow and how to take care of getting a new key, and there's no sign that you followed the advice. My apologies if this seems harsh, but you seem to be more interested in publicising your problem than fixing it.

20-04-2010, 12:52 PM
I managed to mess up my box twice and both times got a replacement key within a couple of days. I've seen your threads, and while I sympathise with your situation, you were told what steps to follow and how to take care of getting a new key, and there's no sign that you followed the advice. My apologies if this seems harsh, but you seem to be more interested in publicising your problem than fixing it.

lol right so i did not PM boxer26 or phone shop 3 times now and PM Darkman right yous make me laugh its always the same thing got mine in 2 days got mine in 1 why do yous say others fault fact is bought this box with gift and publicising fact that you get mess about when you really need the help of shop owns ps you can not fix this without new reg key

20-04-2010, 02:11 PM
I managed to mess up my box twice and both times got a replacement key within a couple of days. I've seen your threads, and while I sympathise with your situation, you were told what steps to follow and how to take care of getting a new key, and there's no sign that you followed the advice. My apologies if this seems harsh, but you seem to be more interested in publicising your problem than fixing it.

by the way you will have getting your new key in couple of days ANRAKH Administrator - ***** Team am not administrator for that forum lol :respect-055:

20-04-2010, 05:35 PM
The delays I have heard of are when people have not included the box serial number AND Mac address, the original key would no doubt help too. These two numbers are needed to ensure
a) it is a genuine request for a genuine box
b) server access is granted to cross matched key, serial and Mac address.

If you think you may have omitted or possibly copied these numbers wrong, I would send another request to Boxer26.

thanks m8

20-04-2010, 05:45 PM
HI right if you need new reg key you have to pm boxer26 and supply him with

box serial number AND Mac address, and the original key o k done that apart from original key thanks AM556

02-05-2010, 08:03 PM
HI well still no reg key boxer26 waste of time phoning shop tuesday who i bought off now to top things off wont connect to my cccam server lol

03-05-2010, 01:41 AM
not saying anything bad about it m8 just saying if your reg key fails even if you wrote it down and still fails when re installing you will wait a while for new 1 is that not right ??

Who lose Gift .Has to ways...Ask Sponsor... I am sure he can resolve that in 24-48 hours.....

Some time need be patince...is virtue

03-05-2010, 01:45 AM
HI if you want this box for the gift then think again when reg key fails you will have a right job getting any help you will be told my DARKMAN to go to another forum were you will get help off boxer26 forget that you will be told my that forum to get in touch where you bought it lol round and round we go like am556 said worst delay his heard of funny when you read that forum not only me who cant get in touch with boxer26 so what happens when you have to pay for the gift ?? would you buy this box without GIFT ??
well not going to ask for reg key any more putting it down to experience thanks ps still pretty good box

That not true....

if some one come to me ...i am patch makers not key maker..

.The only Inginer can solved that urgently is Boxer26.......

But i will be happy to assist any one of you in 24 hours..time here in satpims..

03-05-2010, 02:31 AM
well darkman it as put me off buying a spiderbox i will stick to my tripledragon kathrein 910 technomate 6800 diablowifi

03-05-2010, 09:16 AM
Who lose Gift .Has to ways...Ask Sponsor... I am sure he can resolve that in 24-48 hours.....

Some time need be patince...is virtue

ok m8 bought box off you on your site then pm you on your site 6 weeks ago then you sent me to spy forum to pm boxer26 no reply off boxer26 then pm again with details still no reply but never once slag box but if you are will to give me my money back i would take it to make things worse wont connect to my Cccam server now so no gift and no cccam now iam senting box back to your shop

03-05-2010, 09:34 AM
That not true....

if some one come to me ...i am patch makers not key maker..

.The only Inginer can solved that urgently is Boxer26.......

But i will be happy to assist any one of you in 24 hours..time here in satpims..

do you not read your PM on your site ?? think you to busy looking on other forums lol

04-05-2010, 01:14 AM
do you not read your PM on your site ?? think you to busy looking on other forums lol

I check for your Tomorrow...send me Pm here...

04-05-2010, 07:26 PM
I too had lost my reg key on my box a few months ago & after not being able to re-enter the necessary info (Which i had written down) i then followed the advice given on the relevant forums...

First i PM'ed Boxer with all my details (He is aware of my status on both A**** & S***** forums), waited 3weeks for a reply (Common sense indicated that no reply meant no available new keys at that time & i did not need Boxer to waste his time replying to tell me that & every one else who had PM'ed him, so it was just unfortunate timing as others have experienced)...
Then i made a courtesy call to the shop where i bought it & was lucky enough to be told a new batch of keys had just arrived & i was given a new key & my box was back up & running 2mins after my call)(The shop did not know my status with any forum)...

I think this proves that there is no favouritism regarding status/relationships with any forums & that every SpiderBox owner is equally as important as the next & are treated as such...(Which is what i expect as i do not deserve or wish to be treated with special attention at all as it is fairer for all)

Understanding that new keys can not be issued until new keys are made available for those unfortunate in the rare occasions when a box loses it's registration settings, plus some patience is required when/if this happens are two things to consider...
Fortunately i have both of the above & do not feel i was unduly waiting any longer than i should have been...
Some are lucky & others simply have to wait until new keys arrive from the relevant source, all dependant on when this unfortunate situation occurs...

04-05-2010, 07:42 PM
not saying anything bad about it m8 just saying if your reg key fails even if you wrote it down and still fails when re installing you will wait a while for new 1 is that not right ??

Check your PM now and i hope all will be OK.

04-05-2010, 09:23 PM
well DARKMAN was has good as hes word reg key in 24 hours thanks got the reg key tonight works great again THANKS DARKMAN

05-05-2010, 12:53 AM
We are trying our best....but even we are human and some time can be mistakes....

I only can says ,i am sorry what happens to you and inconvenience and i hope you will Enjoy....