View Full Version : CI Cards, softcam keys and cccam servers

12-04-2010, 09:43 PM
Can people advise what methods they are using to decrypt channels on different sats because the CCcam servers (Paid) I have used an currently still are are glitchy and freeze quite regularly. I have the latest plugin (Xcam Client) from coldasice and the latest firmware. It happily connects to the server but I havent enjoyed a glitch free channel yet on 2 different pay sites and I am not too sure if it's the plugin or the servers thats the problem. Can anyone advise what setup they are using and also what the softcam.keys are and how to use them. The box is great when it works but I paid a pretty penny for the setup to save money on sky and sold it the missus that it will be better and I have yet to both convince her and at the same time stop her moaning when it freezes half way through an episode of lost. I think the box is the best thing since sliced bread and with E2 on the way sure will only get better. Any info you guys provide will be much appreciated.

12-04-2010, 10:03 PM
I used CCcam (not the Mcas/Xcas you are using) and gave up 'coz of the glitches. The same lines work perfectly on my old linux box. So, one way or the other I put it down to the receiver.


12-04-2010, 10:09 PM
Using XCam with an external cardshare (Sky IT) with perfectly watchable pics (the odd glitch every now and again).

For me XCam/Mcas are the most robust options right now.

Midnight R
12-04-2010, 11:55 PM
I'm using Xcam with a very cheap server and most of the time it's very stable. At other times it glitches frequently, but as I said its cheap so I'm not worried. I watched a whole game of footie the other night and I counted 5 split second glitches and no freezes which aint bad. Tonight wasn't so good.

Bear in mind that for Sly UK the server needs to be very well set up to provide glitch free TV. I've tried a few and only ever found one that offered a truly glitch/freeze free service but it was almost half the price of a legit sub. On the whole these servers are money spinners with no real care put into providing a decent services.

Back to the box I would say that providing the support continues the stabilty will improve although I already consider it too be reasonably stable especially with the recent firmware. Although that FW seems to have caused some PQ deteroration so I've reverted back to older FW thats not quite so stable. I'm sure it'll all come together in the end.

Midnight R
13-04-2010, 12:06 AM
Forgot to add that if for any reason the pings on your internet connection are below par you won't get good glitch free service.

13-04-2010, 09:52 AM
I dont think any of the cams are good enough yet to determine if server c lines freeze or not

I have a dreambox so can check the lines quite easily ( and a tm9100 local server too ) , but have yet to find a good enough solution on this ice s4000

the latest firmware is definitely the most stable firmware to date

we just need newer or better cams to go with it that give the same stability that I get from my dm800HD

as for softcams , you can use it for digi tv on 1 west , as mentioned in my thread on here

13-04-2010, 11:27 AM
Agreed. Not everything works perfectly all the time as I'd like as yet - ie cards shared via the slots, EMU and CS client/server. Getting there at a relatively decent speed. My sole aim is to watch all Man Utd games which I'm managing to keep doing with the secondary task of reguarly recording my wife's Japanese programmes (also OK). Add sharing my cards externally and not having to change clients/EMUsand auto update keys and it gets a bit more complicated.

Midnight R
13-04-2010, 12:43 PM
Yep, I feel confident that this box will get there in the end and being able to share my card would be the icing on the cake.

Regarding Clines I've discovered that some packages are rock solid on this box. The arabsat stuff on Hotbird for example never crashes or freezes and I've left it on all day at times. 28e is far more fussy and can crash frequently with older fw.

Iwouldn't recomend this box as a replacment for a sly box just yet.

Midnight R
13-04-2010, 05:20 PM
Well I don't know what I'm doing differently to anyone else but I just watched the whole of Dragon (Bruce Lee story) on Sly Action HD with only two split second glitches.

I'd have to say that based on my experience this box is reasonably stable with Xcam.

I'm sure people have tried this but if you have any problems its always worth doing a factory reset and then reinstalling everything. Sometimes plugins firmware can be corrupted during download or upload to the box. Otherwise I'd say the box is sensitive to what its being connected to and local network conditions. Maybe far more so than any DM's that have had an age for the FW/SW to mature.

13-04-2010, 06:12 PM
I agree Midnight DM's have been around along time and when I got my box around two - three months ago there didn't seem to be much support at all for it. Now there is a steady stream of Firmware and plugins available and with E2 around the corner I am sure this will be a very popular box.

14-04-2010, 04:45 PM
Is the general concensus that the Xcam plugin is the better option for cardsharing on this box? It works for me but haven't got the other options to work with any efficiency ie, incubuscamd or fortis cccam.

14-04-2010, 04:56 PM
Is the general concensus that the Xcam plugin is the better option for cardsharing on this box? It works for me but haven't got the other options to work with any efficiency ie, incubuscamd or fortis cccam.

I tried cccam and it was worse than xcam , never got incubus or anything else working as yet

xcam still gives me freezes where it will say scrambled channel , sometimes the pic will freeze for a second or two

and I know its not my server or B/B/ s the same one is rock solid on my dm800HD and from a trusted source , and a low ecm rate of around 0.220 secs

so at the moment I would not trust this box to tell me about good or bad servers , my dm can do that for me

hopefully the plugins . firmware or both will imrpove to the point where its rock solid