View Full Version : broken channel database

13-04-2010, 11:16 AM
azbox premium + 2 X dvbs tuner , latest firm 0.9.4754
when i change from hotbird 13 to hellassat 39 and try to navigate channel list i get a "there is a problem u must restart azbox " and after restart there are no channel lists unless i reload my backup with acc .
it isn't a firm version issuue as i upgaded from 4717 and the problem still exists .
any suggestions ? do i have to reload firm after a format and rescan all channels and sattelites ?
is there a way to skip starting again from scratch ? :banghead:

13-04-2010, 02:27 PM
I've had so many of these tyrpes of Problems that my Azbox is in its cardboard box waiting to be sold to a friend.

In fact I just got a new Clarke Tech yesterday. Enough of my off topic chat.

Try this, delete just the satellite giving the trouble and then make it again as a new satellite.

One thing, the next time you update the software the problem might come back but you won't need to start from scratch & scan all your satellite again.

What drove me mad was that I couldn't edit the satellites' positions. For instance Hellas Sat moved to 53 East and I couldn't find any way to get it back to 39 East. Other sats moved too sometimes.

Anyway enjoy your Azbox. I looked all over the net for help but found no answers, hence my delete - new sat 'system'. Nothing else helped.

Edit:- You haven't got the same problem but I've had your problem too. Can't really remember what I did, I think I did the delete old sat for that too or maybe just deleted all the problem sat's channels & rescanned. Sorry I can't help more. My memory's not what it was.

joe 1234567
13-04-2010, 03:02 PM
yes i had this prob .trie delete all not used channes. my box is fine !

13-04-2010, 04:35 PM
I had this problem once with 4717 firmware.

13-04-2010, 07:21 PM
thanx mates ,
deleting only hellassat and rescanning it again was one of my initial thoughts .
i'll give it a try .