View Full Version : Optical digital audio output on BBC HD

13-04-2010, 09:10 PM
Using the optical output on BBC HD, I only get sound with the NAR audio channel. The Dolby Digital channel gives silence. This means that I get the very annoying audio commentary. Changing the AV settings has no effect.

Is it possible to get the optical output to produce S/PDIF output in this case?

13-04-2010, 09:35 PM
I got this on my dr who recording last saturday. The commentary ruins it and if you try to switch the audio to non nar the picture breaks up and is unwatchable. BBC HD defaults to NAR and this creates our problem. I don't know of a solution, because its fine if you watch live.

17-04-2010, 08:13 PM
Checked today, Dolby Digital audio works through the Optical output, feeds into my Audio system.

18-04-2010, 05:04 PM
Checked today, Dolby Digital audio works through the Optical output, feeds into my Audio system.

My audio system does not support Dolby digital. I need the receiver to output S/PDIF (48 or 96ksps). It will be interesting to see if the Enigma image, when it arrives, supports this.