View Full Version : AZBox prem HD USALS EDIT

14-04-2010, 03:56 PM
Can you help me with my problem I’m trying to edit satellite position on the azbox hd premium
These are the steps I’m taking with no results
Step 1, from settings.
2,TV channel.
3, tuner
4, antenna setup
5, Position setup
6, Usals
7, sat position
8 enter new position using the remote control
Now this is where I have the problem when I exit OR go to position it reverts back to the pre edit position
I’ve tried to get help on other sites without results any help would be appreciated

28-04-2010, 06:22 PM
Looks like no one as the answer to the problem

joe 1234567
28-04-2010, 06:42 PM
no problem just you !

28-04-2010, 07:12 PM
Can you help me with my problem I’m trying to edit satellite position on the azbox hd premium
These are the steps I’m taking with no results
Step 1, from settings.
2,TV channel.
3, tuner
4, antenna setup
5, Position setup
6, Usals
7, sat position
8 enter new position using the remote control
Now this is where I have the problem when I exit OR go to position it reverts back to the pre edit position
I’ve tried to get help on other sites without results any help would be appreciated

Hi tomdec,
after step 8 go down to Command Mode make sure it is set to Go to Position, press ok to Run Command after this your position should be saved.

Regards, Welshman..

29-04-2010, 07:51 PM
Thanks Welshman
Tried going to the
Go to position-- press ok then exit still doesn’t work it returns to the pre edit

01-05-2010, 01:57 PM
Thanks Welshman
Tried going to the
Go to position-- press ok then exit still doesn’t work it returns to the pre edit
Hi, the only I can think of is which Firmware Version are you using?
I am using 0.9.4829 and my setting are saved ok.

I'm sorry I can't be any more help than that.

Regards, Welshman..

02-05-2010, 10:24 AM
thanks i'll try new firmware