View Full Version : What's the catch with Icecrypt?

19-04-2010, 04:19 PM
So what is the catch with Icecrypt or Octagon SF1018HD as it's called?

What i've seen it's a copy of the DGS Ipbo***00HD or Cuberevo but withot modular tuners?

..and you can run Enigma2? so why isn't it more popular than it is?

19-04-2010, 04:51 PM
Might be it's a relatively new box and other boxes have more support which will affect anyones decision when shopping for a sat receiver. I have had it around 2 - 3 month and when I first got it support was lacking to say the best. That has changed and the box is getting better and better but still has some hurdles to overcome.

19-04-2010, 05:19 PM
I got mine just over a week ago and put the AZBox in the garage. It's got a great picture and the Xcam gives far less freezes than I had on my AZ. I'm just hoping that Enigma2 will give me some of the features that are still missing like full sly uk epg and web browser.
It's got proper twin tuner support with PIP, time shift, pvr, etc.
So far I'm very happy with it and the support seems to be getting better all the time. :respect-054:

Midnight R
19-04-2010, 05:31 PM
I've never heard of this box being a DGS clone of any sort, where have you heard this from?

Anyway, I've had a Cuberevo and they seem very different certainly in terms of build. The Cube was a very well put together bit of kit, the Ice seems a bit more plasticky but is cheaper to buy. Nothing wrong with the Ice's build though just what you would expect at the price.

The cube also couldn't run Ccam which the ice can, so I would assume that the two boxes have different chip sets. Having said that though the two boxes do have comparable PQ which is excellent on both.

Neither the Ice nor the Cube however, are up to DM software standards at this point but hopefully it'll all come togther in time. The Cube has made great progress lately and is now very stable as a client using mgcam and there are some good images and skins for the box. They've also sorted out a full Sky EPG.

Nothing like this for the crypt at this point in time but for me it ticks a lot of the right boxes. It has great PQ, is resonably stable as a client, dual tuner, timeshift etc and is cheap compared to everything else.

I've had the expensive boxes before and for me this hobbie is most satisfying when you can get something for nothing if you know what I mean? What I mean is its more satisfying to get it all for as little as you can. For me that means not having to pay silly money.

I hope this box attracts someone willing to write an image and sort out an full epg but even as it is I would be happy.

19-04-2010, 07:14 PM
E2 coming soon i beleive...

19-04-2010, 08:02 PM
E2 coming soon i beleive...

Do you really have to post this bull in every thread? Please grow up.

Midnight R
19-04-2010, 08:35 PM

19-04-2010, 09:41 PM
Do you really have to post this bull in every thread? Please grow up.

oh my god, you cheeky tw4t !

Post 23

and Post 2 here

19-04-2010, 10:19 PM
I've had the expensive boxes before and for me this hobbie is most satisfying when you can get something for nothing if you know what I mean? What I mean is its more satisfying to get it all for as little as you can. For me that means not having to pay silly money.


I agree totally with you there mate, the reason i am struggling to find the best box to buy as the Vu+ duo doesn't seem to have any good PQ.

My Ipbox had the best picture i've seen from any box and DGS software has been improved, zapping time has really improved lately.

20-04-2010, 07:42 AM
Originally Posted by Midnight R
"I've yet to see a STB running E2 that had good PQ!"

20-04-2010, 07:52 AM
The cube also couldn't run Ccam

You're kidding, right? Don't Cuberevo's run on opensource Linux? And you're telling us they can't run CCcam?


Midnight R
20-04-2010, 08:00 AM
You're kidding, right? Don't Cuberevo's run on opensource Linux? And you're telling us they can't run CCcam?


Yep, something to do with the chipset not being compatible.

Go figure!

Midnight R
20-04-2010, 08:04 AM
Originally Posted by Midnight R
"I've yet to see a STB running E2 that had good PQ!"

You alright mate?

Not sure what this has to do with this thread but I stand by this.

I would be happy to be proved wrong though.

BTW, get yourself a decent TV before you do any more STB comparisons :rofl:

20-04-2010, 08:07 AM
They have SH4 chip, same as Kathrein which cant run Cccam at present although there have been rumours (denied by most people in the know) that version 3 will be able to run on these processors.
So cams available as client are incubus and now mgcamd, which has stability issues with latest Cccam.

20-04-2010, 08:10 AM
"BTW, get yourself a decent TV before you do any more STB comparisons "
Are all Samsung TV's not worth having?

Midnight R
20-04-2010, 08:13 AM
"BTW, get yourself a decent TV before you do any more STB comparisons "
Are all Samsung TV's not worth having?

Budget brand built down to a price.

Ok for undiscerning viewing but don't decieve yourself that they can compare with the likes of a Pioneer.

20-04-2010, 09:06 AM
@ Midnight R
Thank you so much for the benefit of your knowledge.
If I could take the liberty of summing up using quotes from your posts to help members who may be considering buying a receiver:
Dreambox 8000 picture is "very poor"
All receivers using enigma 2 images "cannot have a good picture"
Reading this may dismay some people but the good news is that unless "you are discerning enough to own a Pioneer TV, indeed it is laughable :rofl: if you dont, you wont be able to notice.

Midnight R
20-04-2010, 09:23 AM
@ Midnight R
Thank you so much for the benefit of your knowledge.
If I could take the liberty of summing up using quotes from your posts to help members who may be considering buying a receiver:
Dreambox 8000 picture is "very poor"
All receivers using enigma 2 images "cannot have a good picture"
Reading this may dismay some people but the good news is that unless "you are discerning enough to own a Pioneer TV, indeed it is laughable :rofl: if you dont, you wont be able to notice.

Yep pretty much sums it up, although some people have a keener eye and may be able to notice the differences on a lesser TV. You obviously can't.

Re: E2 I would be happy to be proved wrong and look forward to having a play with it when it becomes available for the Ice. But I won't hold my breath that the PQ will be anything other than poorer than the current FW provides.

And yes once again for me the DM 8000HD has crap PQ end of!

Anyway, time for you too jog on back to the DM section now bye :respect-051:

20-04-2010, 10:50 AM
Midnight R and Crabber,

you guys have been bickering on every thread.what's wrong with both of you? Anymore of this,i may have no choice but to put both of you on the naughty corner.

You guys have to realise that we all have different opinions and I may have to agree with Midnight R again that any receiver that runs enigma 2 never have good pq.

few examples, kathrein ufs910 fantastic with original firmware and crap pictures with enigma2 and the same with ipbo***00. i also had vu+ and dm 8000 (briefly) and the pictures were below standard

20-04-2010, 08:09 PM
Yep pretty much sums it up, although some people have a keener eye and may be able to notice the differences on a lesser TV. You obviously can't.

Re: E2 I would be happy to be proved wrong and look forward to having a play with it when it becomes available for the Ice. But I won't hold my breath that the PQ will be anything other than poorer than the current FW provides.

And yes once again for me the DM 8000HD has crap PQ end of!

Anyway, time for you too jog on back to the DM section now bye :respect-051:

E2 is already available for the Ice.
Totally agreed re. DM's. I had a 600 and thought it was total sh*te - I was comparing to my ItGate (at less than 1/2 the price).
FWIW, the best HD picture I've seen came out of a Fortec Star box and they're just about the worst you can buy for support and functionality!
I also have a cheap Goodmans TV and the PQ is pretty good...and I hate Goodmans products!

20-04-2010, 09:36 PM
Running AAF Easter Image at the moment so yes E2 is available on the Icecrypt.

Midnight R
20-04-2010, 09:48 PM
So, what are your thoughts?

Any good?