View Full Version : Help with installing cccam with kinkdink installer.

29-04-2010, 01:10 PM
Hi guys,

I'm a Icecrypt noob and I'm having trouble installing cccam with the installer.
I keep on getting "could not create file".
I have tried turning my firewall & Uac off.

Can someone please advise me any suggestions?


29-04-2010, 01:13 PM
I have managed to connect the stb to my network and access the var dir/ from there.
Can I place the files in the relevant folder?

29-04-2010, 01:58 PM
Hi morashid679

I am an IceCrypt noob and have been having problems with KinkDinks Ice Installer.

The cause of my problems was the firmware that I was using. I downloaded the latest from the IceCrypt website and I had to FTP the files in the end. After that I couldn't get the receiver to see the plugins.

I then downloaded v1.07.94 from the Firmware section of this site (this was the firmware or above required) and everything is working now as it should.

Hope this helps.

29-04-2010, 02:11 PM
Also when using the installer unless changed by yourself dont enter a password just use the ip address. I use DMtools to ftp to my box it is very easy to use to edit and ftp files to and from the box. Download it from the dreambox section on this site.

29-04-2010, 02:14 PM
I have managed to connect the stb to my network and access the var dir/ from there.
Can I place the files in the relevant folder?

Yep - note where the actual executable and config files go and drop them into the corresponding folder on the box. chmod the executable if required, edit the config and you are good to go. As nice as the installers are CCCam involves copying just a few files so is no big deal and you know exactly what's going on.

29-04-2010, 02:51 PM
Hi morashid679

I am an IceCrypt noob and have been having problems with KinkDinks Ice Installer.

The cause of my problems was the firmware that I was using. I downloaded the latest from the IceCrypt website and I had to FTP the files in the end. After that I couldn't get the receiver to see the plugins.

I then downloaded v1.07.94 from the Firmware section of this site (this was the firmware or above required) and everything is working now as it should.

Hope this helps.

I have downgraded from the latest to the stated above and I still get the error.

29-04-2010, 04:35 PM
Use DM tolls to ftp the files to the corresponding folders on the box. Then right click the files - attributes - change the permissions to 755 and edit the config file as required. Easiest tool to use if the installers are not working.

29-04-2010, 04:37 PM

link to get the DMtools.

29-04-2010, 04:42 PM
as a side note I have found that when changing firmware versions it is best to reset to default system settings first then install the firmware update. I found it is more stable this way rather than upgrading / downgrading from one to another.

29-04-2010, 06:30 PM
I will try that.
Where do I put all the files via FTP?
Sorry to sound like I want to be spoonfed. It's only I'm a total noob in this game.
I appericiate any advice.
Or if there is a guide can someone direct me please.

29-04-2010, 06:32 PM
I can access all the folders via my network so, do I still need dm tools?

29-04-2010, 10:38 PM
You need to create the folders for the CCcam manualy for some reson I needed to create them manualy you need to ftp and create

29-04-2010, 11:15 PM
you can drop the files in like that but I find DM tools easier as you need to change the default permisions for the files excluding the config file to 755 which if you drop them in manually then you would have to use a command prompt to do it. I would say give DMtools a go and decide for yourself.

30-04-2010, 12:05 AM
I have managed to ftp to the stb.
How do I create a new folder?

30-04-2010, 12:45 AM
you can drop the files in like that but I find DM tools easier as you need to change the default permisions for the files excluding the config file to 755 which if you drop them in manually then you would have to use a command prompt to do it. I would say give DMtools a go and decide for yourself.

I have changed the numbers to 755 and now how do I change the default permission?

30-04-2010, 01:33 AM
With the ice installer do I have to be connected via serial or just ethernet?

30-04-2010, 02:29 AM
This is doing my head in aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Can some explain step by step what I have to do please please.

I have tried to ftp with dm tools and have chmod 755 and now ho do I change the default permission.

30-04-2010, 09:09 AM
This is doing my head in aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Can some explain step by step what I have to do please please.

I have tried to ftp with dm tools and have chmod 755 and now ho do I change the default permission.

You're done - you can now run your executable.

Personally I wouldn't bother with FTP - just access your box over the windows network and telnet for perms and starting/killing processes when testing.


1) Windows - Copy octagon.sh40 to /var/bin
2) Telnet - chmod 755 octagon.sh40
3) Windows - Copy content of keys folder (CCcam.cfg, SoftCam.key) to /var/keys
4) Windows - Edit /var/bin/CCcam.cfg to add your C lines
5) Telnet - Run /var/bin/octagon.sh40

You're up and running.

30-04-2010, 09:24 AM
Ok just looked at the DMtools how complicated is that!!
Ok lets see if i can help you. once you have connected via FTP using DMtools you will see the in the left handside the FTP://192.168..... click on it then in the righthand side you will see a folder called var click on that then you should see folders bin keys etc if you dont! then create them using the create drectory above, between editfile and permissions, you need to create these three folders in lowercase bin etc keys once you have done this then try using kindink installer again good luck

30-04-2010, 12:02 PM
Thanks m8,
I will let u no once I try today.

30-04-2010, 03:31 PM
Thanks m8,

I created the file and after that I used the kinkdink installer.

Now I still get scrambled channels.

What frequency do I use to scan for sky uk astra 29.2e 2a 2d eurobird?

30-04-2010, 05:58 PM
Ok just looked at the DMtools how complicated is that!!
Ok lets see if i can help you. once you have connected via FTP using DMtools you will see the in the left handside the FTP://192.168..... click on it then in the righthand side you will see a folder called var click on that then you should see folders bin keys etc if you dont! then create them using the create drectory above, between editfile and permissions, you need to create these three folders in lowercase bin etc keys once you have done this then try using kindink installer again good luck

many thanks ! thanks to your clear instructions, cccam now working for me.:respect-023:

30-04-2010, 05:58 PM
When I scan for services I don't get all the channels as with my TM500.
Am I doing anything wrong?

30-04-2010, 06:18 PM
Thanks, to everyone who helped me set this up.
I created all the folders via dmtools then used kinkdinks installer.

30-04-2010, 06:21 PM
When I scan for services I don't get all the channels as with my TM500.
Am I doing anything wrong?

you could try turning network scan on mate, see if it picks up your missing chhanels.

30-04-2010, 10:55 PM
I got them after scanning both 28.2e and 19.2e together.
Thanks again.