View Full Version : How to use newcs in xcam (and cccam and newcamd too)

03-05-2010, 10:17 PM
See attachment below to create a newcs.xml file for your ccam server with newcs also running.

NewCS Config Examples
Below are examples of the N line for your xcam cardclient.config or cccam.cfg
If you are running xcam then you need change the cardclient config. You will need to make a few changes to the N lines see below example

You can put this straight into your cccam config but xcam cardclient see below
N: 192.168.1.X 10000 username password 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14

Xcam cardclient.config
To run it in cardclient config you need to change it to

newcamd:192.168.1.X:10000:0/0000/0000:username:Password:0102030405 060708091011121314

( note:- there is no actual space in the last string of numbers , the forum has put that in )

hope this helps
Problems Running The Config Creator Software
If you have problems when you try running the software and it says comdlg32.ocx missing, then extract the comdlg32.ocx file and copy & paste it in C\windows\system 32\
Also for Vista users right click on application and then run as administrator.

28-04-2012, 10:43 AM
Editing CCcam.cfg Instructions for CCcam

Edit the CCcam.cfg file in the /CCcam/var/keys folder and add your C line.
Use a suitable text editor like notepad to do this then save the file.

Example, to add a C Line you'd enter the following

C: server_address.com port username password

To make it simpler, lets say:
my server URL is server_address.com
My port number is 12000
My username is: kinkdink
My password is: satdudez

My C Line would look like this in CCcam.cfg

C: server_address.com 12000 kinkdink satdudez

Editing cardclient.conf Instructions for Xcam

Edit the cardclient.conf file in the /Xcam/var/etc folder and add your C line.
Use a suitable text editor like wordpad to do this then save the file.

Example, to add a C Line you'd enter the following


To make it simpler, lets say:
my server URL is server_address.com
My port number is 12000
My username is: kinkdink
My password is: satdudez

My C Line would look like this in cardclient.conf


another example is below

Your cline in the cardclient.conf should look like this :-



I have figured out that if you edit the same config file with a newcamd N line it works as a local share off that same server box
( my local lan , the host server box is using a fixed local ip )

example ( use the newcamd N section for this line , and use a # line above it for comments )

# n line below connecting to local host server on
newcamd: 08091011121314

so thats newcamd : ip address : port number : 0/0000/0000 : name : pass : deskey 1 to 14 as above ( no spaces )

substitute a host address for the ip address if the source is external

paste the line into the bottom of the newcamd N section halfway down the actual file , below the examples that are in there

and I can set the xcam to auto from manual in the plugin menu so a reboot activates it and shows newcamd in the server line

obviously you have to have the server running newcs and add the name and pass etc to newcs in the newcs control panel

_________________________________ _________________________________ _____________________

standard lines for cccam and newcamd/newcs look like this

c line

c:host.dyndns.org 15000 user1 password1

n line

N:host.dyndns.org 15000 user1 password1 0102030405060708091011121314