View Full Version : Home Streaming by wireless - Can you do it?

04-05-2010, 08:41 PM
I have got my spiderbox to do home streaming using spider plugs to router and lan cable from PC to router. I am now trying to get the link from PC to router as a wireless connection with limited success. The spiderbox gives message that it download file then comes up with message that this format will be supported later but just before the screen goes back to the fn1 page I see the film start to play. My question is can home streaming be done with a wireless pc/router link or must it be via lan cable?

WaterRat ( a spiderbox newbie....)

04-05-2010, 08:51 PM
The wireless format might not yet be supported as the message said...
Imho, I can't see why is not working, check the ip for your wireless connection and amend it in the spiderbox and that should solve the problem, I think.

04-05-2010, 10:00 PM
Try using a AVI file they are supported
at present not all formats are


05-05-2010, 08:48 AM
Thanks Guys for the replies. I have a test file I am using which like I said fully works when I connect by spiderplugs/lan cable (this gives me a ip address ending in 06). This file also plays when put on usb stick attached to the spiderbox. However when I change to spiderplugs/wireless pc/router connection(this gives a ip address ending in 02) I seem unable to get and keep the spiderbox/pc connection.

I will keep playing to see if I can get it to work, will keep you posted.

WaterRat ( a spiderbox newbie)