View Full Version : i dont suppose any of u guys record the TNA feed do you>

06-05-2010, 10:30 PM
i record the "feed" but i always get broken up playback

its weird....

07-05-2010, 12:41 AM
I did watch live stream on monday night via justin dot tv and missed Feed today due to work issues but it was mentioned on monday nights show that TNA is back to regular thursday night Tapings next week just after Tna Sacrifice ppv 1 week on Sunday .
maybbe feed was running weak and causing poor pics via recording ?
or maybbe they started somehow soft encrypting feeds so thier copyrights would not be comprimised ? mite be a few factors involved as to why your recording went bad ?
but i'll make a point to have a look next thursday for TNA feed and report my findings ,
cheers ,

07-05-2010, 12:58 AM
cheers mate, it is strange....i wish i was home to see how it streamed live and what the signal levels were