View Full Version : That is Me up and Running

07-05-2010, 06:02 PM
Got The Box today ? That was Quike as I Ordered it Yesterday From the LEE [Goldwavers ] All up and Running on 1 West [ GIFT ] Working No Problem !!!! Great Picture on HD Channels ?? What can I Say ?? Super for the Price:respect-048:

07-05-2010, 06:30 PM
Well done Rabby.

07-05-2010, 06:46 PM

Had it up and running in 10 Minutes m8:302: Have do Give a thanks to [DARKMAN ] For a Simple to Use Box ? At a cheap Price , Even get a HDMI Cable , What more can you ask for ?? LOL:king-041:

07-05-2010, 07:02 PM
Still messing with mine rabs....loaded Darkmans gift-patch can't open Nova sport on 1west..checked all the network and it's all connected ok...I'm all authorized, having a root round now to see what the problem is :smash::D

07-05-2010, 07:12 PM

Nova sport Is not included with the GIFT m8;)

07-05-2010, 07:14 PM
That will teach me delving too firkin deep rabs....nova isn't one that's open which figurss :biggrinjester:

Up and running to here and the canal pictures are superb :respect-051:

Thanks to Lee for a great service and thanks to Darkman and all the Team, well impressed, the receiver smaller than I though but i like it like that its very neat and hey we don't need hdmi cable there is a excellent quality one in the box....fantastic :respect-059:

07-05-2010, 07:14 PM
I also found that Nova Sports and all Digi transponders would not open with my new 9000. They are fine if you insert a Diablo 2, so not quite sure why the gift does not work on those channels.

07-05-2010, 07:15 PM

Nova sport Is not included with the GIFT m8;)

Sorry pal I posted the same time....i've just realised that :sifone:

07-05-2010, 07:15 PM
Ah, that explains it then.

07-05-2010, 07:22 PM
You can get Nova on 13east using the latest patch and the latest softcam key (from Kempa).

07-05-2010, 07:34 PM
Even get a HDMI Cable

And a 4 in 1 remote control.

07-05-2010, 07:39 PM
Cheers brutus :bravo-009:

I can't believe i've gone so long with a high def tv and not used it to its full potential. I'm watching the trawlers on thor discovery hd and the detail is absotlutley fantastic...can see all the ice over the trawler...shes fighting 9m waves and the water is green n the spots of water on the camera is superb. You can even see the hairs on the crabs legs :respect-069:

All I can say its like watching digital then going back to anologue only 6 times better with hd....made my day has this and thanks to all the posters who recommended this lovely box....satpimps never fail :respect-010:

righto i'm off to watch a bit of tv now and set up 19east :party::sifone:

07-05-2010, 07:42 PM
When loading Softcam for patch DigiTV channels on 1west, make sure Ucas & Ucas Autoroll are both set to 'ON'...

07-05-2010, 08:50 PM

You can get Nova on 13east using the latest patch and the latest softcam key (from Kempa).

Point me in the Right Direction m8 , Got the latest softcam ?? What Patch[ Getting a bit confusing [There seems to be Patch*s Everywere ]LOL:smilielol5:

07-05-2010, 09:01 PM

Nova sport Working no problem with latest softcam ?? Just leave it on that channel ? Does not open Right away at first [ Then OK ] For Zapping about:D

07-05-2010, 10:54 PM
cheers rabs ure a star :respect-067:

08-05-2010, 08:44 AM
Got The Box today ? That was Quike as I Ordered it Yesterday From the LEE [Goldwavers ] All up and Running on 1 West [ GIFT ] Working No Problem !!!! Great Picture on HD Channels ?? What can I Say ?? Super for the Price:respect-048:

Well RABBY, thats me ordered mine, so hopefully receive it on Tuesday, and up and running thereafter......so hopefully you can make all the mistakes first....LOL.....and then pass on the goodies to me.....LOL

Certainly looking forward to receiving it from LEE :respect-040::respect-040::bravo-009:

08-05-2010, 01:30 PM
Sorry Im a bit dimmer than everyone else. Have mine up and running although using a v11 box with my motor so i had to manually imput sat positions.

Gift authorised but having lots of trouble with freezing and scrambled channel messages. Haven't really been able to open much. I am using Solwise 85Mbps Ethernet Home Plug Adapter which I was told would be fine?

Not quite sure what to do with the new darkmania patch with the new softcam key. Anyone give me a quick run through on what to do especially when it comes to the softcam key bit?

thanks in advance

