View Full Version : about to buy please help a wee bit

08-05-2010, 04:38 AM
alright all

im about to upgrade from my tecnomate

i have not realy had time in the last few years due to working all hours but i have managed to save me hard earn pennies to upgrade .

i have a meter motorised dish pointing at most sats .
is it easy to set this box up whats the diffarence between the 700 and 900 is it worth me just buying another tecnomate but the hd one ..

cheers chaps

jase :D

terry l
08-05-2010, 08:02 AM
Easy to set up yes m8..
Difference in the 7000 and 9000 the 9000 hd..
The 9000 has better function's..
All round a good bit of kit.

09-05-2010, 10:31 AM
Both are HD boxes but the 7000 has a few things removed to cut the price a bit more. eg a connection or 2 and the CI slot.

09-05-2010, 11:53 AM
Whilst the TM is patchable, there is a big question mark about how much support it may get in the future. And the Spiderbox (whichever version) is more versatile as to what it can do, with the potential of more to come, and the support at the moment is terrific. I'm sure you won't regret buying one.

12-05-2010, 08:46 AM
Em im thinking of going the spiderbox route as well later this year. Can you connect to a home wifi network via a laptop running XP?

12-05-2010, 10:24 AM
Em im thinking of going the spiderbox route as well later this year. Can you connect to a home wifi network via a laptop running XP?

whilst I am sure this could be achieved using ICS , most users have nothing but problems trying to do it this way with any box , as its irrelevant to the spiderbox as its a pc connection issue

the point here is that your spiderbox ( or any other with lan ) should be connected to the router , not the pc , and this can be achived using a cable , or homeplugs , or possibly a wireless adapter like you use on an xbox

so direct connection to a router should be employed , not to a pc or a laptop

as for the differences , these have been detailed on this forum somewhere , but basically the 9000 has more slots and more outputs etc then the 7000 , so think of a 7000 as a budget version of the 9000

12-05-2010, 12:37 PM
The 9000 has a RF output the 7000 don't. That another difference. Have a look on goldwafers
SpiderBox 7000 HD +++

This is a cut down version of the 9000 HD
Differences between the 9000 HD and 7000 HD are the 7000 HD has:
No CI Slot
No RF Modulator
1 Scart Socket