View Full Version : Latest Patch as Killed my 5400ci Super

08-05-2010, 12:15 PM
Just tried to load the latest "Phantom" patch onto my TM5400ci Super and it as killed it dead. As the load was coming to end of the "Green" bar the STB went dead!!!!! when I try to switch it on again from the rear all I get is the 4 green lights at the front and then nothing, as any one else had this problem with this new patch?????

08-05-2010, 12:19 PM
Try recovery procedure with null modem cable and orginal TM firmware from their website.

08-05-2010, 12:55 PM

these general instructions can also be used on the 5000 and 6000 range of technomates as well as the 1000 range
just make sure you use the correct latest working patch for your model number
and also make sure you are using darkman loader v1.87 and not an older loader

Turn the receiver off at the rear mains switch and re-load the Phant0m patch,
or use the technomate firmware if necessary

When the Darkman v1.87 loader asks connect to receiver turn it back on at the rear

turning the receiver on at the rear will force the download and clear the problem caused by any incomplete or faulty patches

after it has completed , reboot the box by turning it off and on again at the rear mains switch ( power cycle the box )

the box should boot and work normally

sometimes you may have to remove the lnb cable when the box is off , just to stop it looking for channels , reconnect this after the box has been restored but turn it off beforehand

now switch it back on and test

08-05-2010, 04:08 PM
Many thanks, all working again, regards.

08-05-2010, 10:49 PM
Just done my 5400Super using usb stick.

No problems what so ever...

Thanks Compass :-)