View Full Version : Pli image problem

08-05-2010, 09:22 PM
Anyone had any problems with Pli image I have ran Pli vrtually from beginning since February with hardly a glitch I did an update via the net 2 days ago and since then my diseq settings have stopped working i.e. motor does not turn and as soon as I go for any epg data the box gives the sorry message I have gone through all the settings possible is it time for a new image or is there something I am missing.


08-05-2010, 11:25 PM
yip i had probs lastweek after an software update. i had to reflash the box in the end. i do a back up now before an update all good again

09-05-2010, 06:14 AM
I wish I had done a back up myself I will do from now on pity they have not got auto backup or something like system restore as in windoze. Thanks for the reply at least I know its not me.
