View Full Version : First time patching

mr p
09-05-2010, 11:12 AM
Can any one give me advice regarding patching technomate 1000d super,
I have loaded darkman loader & latest patch also softcam, i come to browse
on the loader, click on patch come to open but does not register on the loader. I have clicked connect it does load but not the latest patch, same with the softcam. Help apresiated as i am a newbey as far as this goes, am i doeing some thing stupid, have i not loaded some thing i should have done. Just tried again says version 3.08p detected.

With thanks

09-05-2010, 11:35 AM
Switch off computer and receiver before connecting! switch on receiver then computer. Use short null modem cable. software: download: browse to the unpacked patch for your model. Auto connect should find your receiver, if this succeeds exit and press connect. Be careful not to load wrong patch on to your receiver!
for channels upload first (keep this copy as backup)
you can now edit your current channels and transponders: don't surpass the maximum allowed channels and transponders on your box: remove not used satellites, radio channels if not used, don't blind scan on existing channel list.
Channel editor (https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?t=110802) <= click here

mr p
09-05-2010, 12:09 PM
Thanks for the info, i have just tried what you said with no joj, if i blank of c/
do***ents/ desk top it shows it at the very end, does this mean it as loaded
this is in the browse mode. with thanks

09-05-2010, 12:15 PM
put your new patch in the root of your drive c:\ or D:\ so you can see what you do!

mr p
09-05-2010, 10:22 PM
Thanks a lot for all your help, finally loaded latest patch, am i right in saying that the patch only opens ideto incription on canal sat, apox 25 channels.
With thanks

09-05-2010, 11:09 PM
Thanks a lot for all your help, finally loaded latest patch, am i right in saying that the patch only opens ideto incription on canal sat, apox 25 channels.
With thanks

also does digi tv on 1w , and arqiva on 4.8 east , and some biss and dcw channels on various sats with the correct keys

also check the compass posts regarding wce , or maybe fausto using your pc etc

14-09-2010, 05:24 PM
i have bought a tm 500super linux where would i find a loader and patch for this model any help please as i am a novice at this :banghead: