View Full Version : Fan Noise on Clone

09-05-2010, 05:34 PM
Hi all,

I have just installed the following image - Dream Elite Black Hole 1.3 OE1.6 DM800 sim201 #75

I have an issue with the fan noise, you can still hear the fan (or processor) when you put the box in standby.

Is their a way to control the fan or processor noise or it's it just the image or faulty box.

I would realy appreciate to support with this.

Thanks in advance.


09-05-2010, 05:55 PM
you could use a pc fan controller to control the fan speed , which is what I have done on my original dm800HD

09-05-2010, 06:17 PM
Do you mean control it by a plugin or some other software?

09-05-2010, 06:38 PM
I mean with a physical , hard wired , pc fan controller , plenty on e bay and cheap too

09-05-2010, 07:01 PM
look inside box what fan you need: goto computer/electronics shop and get a quality cooling fan eventually with thermo sensor on it and see if you have the possibility to have a big box cooler fan installed to, case of not overheating your box.

09-05-2010, 08:23 PM
Hi there,

I have unplugged the small noisey fan from inside the box, all quiet now.

As for my original DM800, that doesn't even have a fan and i have never had an issue with over heating.

Thanks for your help.


09-05-2010, 09:27 PM
Hi there,

I have unplugged the small noisey fan from inside the box, all quiet now.

As for my original DM800, that doesn't even have a fan and i have never had an issue with over heating.

Thanks for your help.


The fan must be needed maybe the clone will overheat, let us know the outcome please


10-05-2010, 06:35 AM
don't play with the life of your box, find a good replacement cooler, if the chip overheats could die suddenly.

10-05-2010, 08:57 AM
don't play with the life of your box, find a good replacement cooler, if the chip overheats could die suddenly.

will another cooler be silent, or quiter than the one fitted, does it fit into the same power source as well. Does anyone have a model number of the fan required and or photo of it fitted.



10-05-2010, 09:35 AM
check in the box, it will be indicated on the fan, shop will be able to give you info on noise, take fan with you to the electronics shop.

10-05-2010, 10:18 AM
I've read on the chinese clone forum that is with the latest clones and latest drivers its ok to disconnect the fan.
So far no problems, I have watched hD channels even recording (still no hotter thank my original DM800)

On standby for a while, very cool.

So will see how it goes, as a matter of interest will the fan control plugin work well if i reconnect in the future?



10-05-2010, 10:48 AM
frankly I class disconnection of a cooling fan as extremely silly

you can never have enough cooling on a pc , and a dreambox is no exception

you can easily fit a silent running fan , and a variable fan controller too , to get the required no-noise scenario , and very cheaply I might add

better to spend a few quid on decent cooling than have the expensive chip blow , clone or not

those of us with original boxes with no cooling have added fans and controllers to do these exact jobs , and I dont think a day or two is a valid test , heat will kill stuff over time , usually months in this case. so either cool it or dont come here when it fails and you have to spend humdreds of pounds on a replacement !

10-05-2010, 11:10 AM
You shouldn't have to add a fan or heatsink when you pay over £400 for a original box, it should be already fitted.

It's really bad by DMM not taking care of it.

10-05-2010, 11:41 AM
You shouldn't have to add a fan or heatsink when you pay over £400 for a original box, it should be already fitted.

It's really bad by DMM not taking care of it.

I totally agree with you m8 , but whats happened has happened , and most dm800 owners like me have retrofitted cooling into our boxes , as can be seen from numerous forum posts about it , and on the new dreams they do fit cooling

so anyone who removes cooling already fitted , without replacing it , is a fool IMHO

10-05-2010, 01:29 PM
I don't moan or winge about things so if does overheat I won't be looking to cry about it on here.

I'm only advising what i'm trying, Ive had my original DM800 for 1.1/2 years and it has never felt really hot to touch and I have never experienced any issues. So why should I bother retrofitting a fan if the Dream Multimedia don't deem it neccessary.

You have your opinion which your entitled to but surely the manufacturer has considered all issues.

As for my clone I paid GBP130.00, so i'm not overly fussed.

I will however try the fan control plugin as I mention in my previous post.

We are all entittled to do what mods we like, i'm just advising what I'm doing.


10-05-2010, 08:40 PM
From what I've read most people haven't had any problems removing the fan . Me , I left it in as the noise is minimal and you get used to it after a couple of months :) You can hook up the fan +ve to pin 8 on the SCART which will switch it off while on stand-by . I personally haven't tried this but it's reported to work .


17-05-2010, 03:53 PM
Do a search for Dreambox cooling fan on e-b-a-y

There is an external fan that works well

17-05-2010, 06:46 PM
I have one now for a year

Remove the fan connection the second day I've had it

No probs, but...........................

Replaced the sim with a ferrari sim and installed BH 1.3 on OE 1.6 base ferrari patched.

And there came the problem with heat box wasn't stable on HD channels after 2 hours, reflashed the box with newenigma 2.8.4 ferrari patched and all troubles goone

18-05-2010, 01:31 PM
No issues so far with no fan using DreamElite BH1.3 0.6.

However as another problem I do get 0% signal strength on Sky HD channels when the tuner is cold ie first start up.

Thanks for all your help.



18-05-2010, 11:08 PM
I too have a clone and notice the HD channels are tempermental on start up for about 5 minutes, then once it's all fired up, perfect.

A mate of mine is experiencing problems with his noisy fan since he stuck an inline signal amp i. but since he disconnected the fan it's all working well.

But I have to agree with echelon here...it does seem a bit mad to disconnect a part that was fitted in a clone, we all know the makers have gone for cheapness, so why would they add to the cost when they don't need to?

19-05-2010, 12:42 AM
well ive been reading this with intrest as my clone doesnt have a fan and i didnt know it was supposed to have one.

i take it the board has a slot for a fan ?

i will be going ton **** shortly to buy a fan like someone suggested above because now ive fitted my hdd today i think it could over heat more than normal although its not really been that hot but if a fan can be fitted then it will be done as a safety issue.

im glad i found this thread now as im still learning about these little boxes.


19-05-2010, 12:58 AM
ive just ordered one from flee**** now for £15 - it says its a dreambox original one so im hoping that will be ok.

will update here once it comes.


19-05-2010, 08:29 AM
so why would they add to the cost when they don't need to?

Maybe you should be asking DMM why they didn't fit a fan when they should have ?


19-05-2010, 05:20 PM
Maybe you should be asking DMM why they didn't fit a fan when they should have ?


hmmmm that's a valid point!

21-05-2010, 10:42 AM
I too have a clone and notice the HD channels are tempermental on start up for about 5 minutes, then once it's all fired up, perfect.

A mate of mine is experiencing problems with his noisy fan since he stuck an inline signal amp i. but since he disconnected the fan it's all working well.

But I have to agree with echelon here...it does seem a bit mad to disconnect a part that was fitted in a clone, we all know the makers have gone for cheapness, so why would they add to the cost when they don't need to?

Good point Billy. I've only got my DM a couple of weeks and not using it full time yet, but the fan noise is definitely audible. I'm looking at adding an in-line resistor to lover the speed rather then remove it altogether - it has to be there for a reason!!

I've also got an internal drive fitted but went for a low heat, low noise WD drive rather then a noisy high speck laptop version.

27-05-2010, 02:22 PM
You can also get a notebook cooler which goes underneath the DM800 and works like a charm. And of course remove the noisy fan. Silent and effective solution...