View Full Version : S99PriorityManager : New Priority Script

09-05-2010, 10:44 PM
S99PriorityManager v1.2 Relased Here (https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showpost.php?p=723623&postcount=20)

10-05-2010, 12:41 AM

10-05-2010, 08:43 AM
Excellent work. Thanks.

Using Priority Management is it possible to speed up the running of azepgmgr the epg populating software. It uses quite heavy cpu usage.

Using kdg firmware it runs in 4 mins on standard firmware it takes 8 mins.

10-05-2010, 08:57 AM
Since I don't use azepgmgr I don't know how it's working, but AFAIU from your message it starts in boot, then runs 4/8 minutes with heavy cpu usage,

a) then exits.

b) then stays in memory with low cpu usage, but it does not update anything periodically. So there is no need for this, we should kill it to save sources

c) then stays in memory , it does update EPG periodically. But we can give low priority after 4-8 minutes to fastedn other proceses.

d) then stays in memory , it does update EPG periodically. But we can give low priority after 4-8 minutes to fasten other proceses.

e) then stays in memory , it does update EPG periodically. But we cannot give low priority after 4-8 minutes, because it still needs high processing power

Could you please tell me its working style, so I can update script properly. But I need clear and exact information about this.

There is another point for cases b,c,d,e. How will we decide to take an acition on azepgmgr ? Waiting 8 minutes is safe? Does not sound so.

Of course we can simply give high pritority to azepgmgr permanent and I think this will speed it up as in KGD. But giving high priority to an application will effect other applications with high priority. Maybe we can find a better solution to does not effect other process.

Excellent work. Thanks.

Using Priority Management is it possible to speed up the running of azepgmgr the epg populating software. It uses quite heavy cpu usage.

Using kdg firmware it runs in 4 mins on standard firmware it takes 8 mins.

10-05-2010, 03:56 PM

It runs as example (a) as a one off run on startup after a reboot.

well thats the way I run it.

normally I don't have a problem as my box reboots daily at 06:00 so no one is watching. only if you reboot in the evening it does cause problems not so much now due to your script.
Just would like to speed it up.


10-05-2010, 04:30 PM
how can i know that the script is running

10-05-2010, 05:02 PM
So it's easy. I'll add this to next version (maybe tonight)


It runs as example (a) as a one off run on startup after a reboot.

well thats the way I run it.

normally I don't have a problem as my box reboots daily at 06:00 so no one is watching. only if you reboot in the evening it does cause problems not so much now due to your script.
Just would like to speed it up.


10-05-2010, 05:05 PM
Use this command to see log file: tail -f S99PriorityManager_IsRunning
Change menu a few time, each time wait 60-70 seconds to see new log.

no file or no change in log file means it is not running

how can i know that the script is running

10-05-2010, 06:03 PM
To those running azboxepg with S11ApplyEPG this will have to complete before this script will run.

To get around this I created a symlink in start.d to the wakeup.sh file in the EPG folder and added & to the end of the command. I use ./azboxepg -a&
the symlink I called S11ApplyEPG.

I use MAZ to create the symlink.
Move into folder where you require symlink.
Right click and select new symlink.
Target is the path of file /DATA/hdb1/EPG/wakeup.sh
Name S11ApplyEPG or what ever you want starting with S.
Then Apply.

just to note when when azboxepg is running it appears as follows:

1176 root S 6484 1154 31.0 6.4 _azepgmgr
988 root S < 20M 902 27.1 20.8 CRTVCore
1029 root S < 10M 1027 6.8 11.0 SDecoderServer
1185 root R 1396 1156 6.5 1.3 rsync
1084 root S < 20M 1008 4.6 20.8 CRTVCore
950 root S 744 902 4.3 0.7 JIPC_Server
986 root S < 788 902 4.1 0.7 ir_control
953 root S 744 952 4.1 0.7 JIPC_Server
1212 root R 468 1198 3.1 0.4 top
1030 root S < 13M 902 2.1 13.6 DStar
1028 root S < 10M 1027 1.5 11.0 SDecoderServer
989 root S < 776 902 1.5 0.7 CRTVSetup
1073 root S < 4960 1 0.3 4.9 emu_module
1079 root S < 20M 1008 0.1 20.8 CRTVCore
1098 root S < 4960 1097 0.1 4.9 emu_module
994 root S 2296 993 0.1 2.2 file_control
954 root S 744 952 0.1 0.7 JIPC_Server
1115 root S < 20M 1008 0.0 20.8 CRTVCore
1009 root S < 20M 1008 0.0 20.8 CRTVCore

ignore my rsync I have no issues with that.

10-05-2010, 07:31 PM
Also noticed the extra free memory available now.

AZBox[~]$ free
---------total used free shared buffers
Mem: 100484 92544 7940 0 1360
Swap: 102392 4588 97804
Total: 202876 97132 105744

double to what was there before 7940.
well done.

11-05-2010, 02:25 PM
Thankyou for your nice script! I have been testing a lot the script and these are my results:

1) It seems that, when hitting pause when playing a mkv movie, the script is returning at the "UNKNOWN" configuration or, in any case, some different from the configuration of "MEDIA". If I hit play nothing is changed, it is not reverting back to "MEDIA". Can you confirm this?

2) In configuration "TV", if I am looking to a HD broadcast, the context menu for streaming, recording, etc is very slow. I have a general feeling that the menu in "TV" is a little slow.

3) I am using sbox+mgcamd (only local). I think I must give sbox a nice value lower than mgcamd, for example -7, since sbox will come first and after mgcamd. Do you think is this right?

4) If I understand right the modules "SETTINGS" and "PLUGIN" have the same configuration as "UNKNOWN". It is this right? Also in this case, I feel accessing settings a little slow.

11-05-2010, 02:52 PM
Thanks for your feedbacks ! This types clean test results will help me to fine tune the script to reach a final release.

1) Interesting, I'll test this case and fix it in next release.
2) I'm aware of some slow downs in TV-mode. I'll decrease CoreTV priority. Last night I tested this and solved the problem. Will be in next version.
3)Yes. (BTW what is the sbox executable nameshown in PS, sbox -case sensitive. I want to add it to the script with the same priority as other EMU's)
4) Yes, i'll try to a way to detect "SETTINGS" and "PLUGIN" menus.

Thankyou for your nice script! I have been testing a lot the script and these are my results:

1) It seems that, when hitting pause when playing a mkv movie, the script is returning at the "UNKNOWN" configuration or, in any case, some different from the configuration of "MEDIA". If I hit play nothing is changed, it is not reverting back to "MEDIA". Can you confirm this?

2) In configuration "TV", if I am looking to a HD broadcast, the context menu for streaming, recording, etc is very slow. I have a general feeling that the menu in "TV" is a little slow.

3) I am using sbox+mgcamd (only local). I think I must give sbox a nice value lower than mgcamd, for example -7, since sbox will come first and after mgcamd. Do you think is this right?

4) If I understand right the modules "SETTINGS" and "PLUGIN" have the same configuration as "UNKNOWN". It is this right? Also in this case, I feel accessing settings a little slow.

11-05-2010, 03:01 PM
Just now I am looking a movie in "MEDIA". However S99PriorityManager_Last_Menu is giving me "UNKNOWN" (Yes, I have let some minutes to the script)
I have this at command line:

[~]$ grep SDecoderServer /tmp/S99PriorityManager_Process_List|w c -l

That is not right, since, as is written in the script:

elif [ $TV = 10 ] && [ $MEDIA = 6 ]; then

11-05-2010, 03:18 PM
I'm sure that I tested this a thousand times and this was working fine. There should be some cases that an other instance of the SDecoderServer executes.

So I'll change this as following for a safe check

elif [ $TV -lt 12 ] && [ $MEDIA -gt 6 ]; then

Just now I am looking a movie in "MEDIA". However S99PriorityManager_Last_Menu is giving me "UNKNOWN" (Yes, I have let some minutes to the script)
I have this at command line:

That is not right, since, as is written in the script:

12-05-2010, 09:10 PM

I was using "old" S4ProcLVL scipt.. then I've tried your 1.1 script

When using yours 1.1 it streams better large 1080p movies (p.e. 14GB file) from my NAS.. It runs flawlessly - old script cannot handle it and it freezes a lot.

BUT.. when using your 1.1 and watching TV, after 20 minutes my box hangs up every 30s for 5-10 sec. It hangs totally.. I cant ftp to it and so on..

I am running 0.9.4892 on my AZ Elite

Hope it helps somehow

12-05-2010, 09:36 PM
Yea, there is a bug in 1.1 and I fixed this in 1.2 already. But I'm waiting a reply from opensat before publishing it (May be tomorrow) . Here is the current change log for v1.2:

# v1.2
# -----
# Fixed : Sometimes CRTVCore collects all CPU power and this slows down everything. So I decreased priority of CRTVCore.
# Fixed : Fixed a bug in restart command ( /DISK2/etc/start.d/S99PriorityManager.sh restart )
# Improved : All process priorities fine tuned.
# Improved : Better menu detection.
# Improved : Better sleep mode detection.
# Modified : Loop sleep time decreased from 60 seconds to 30 seconds.
# Added : azepgmgr support to protect TV/Media applications from the glitches caused by its initial process. (Thanks to Smudger for the
# information and test results!)
# Added : Client/Server mode switch. For those who want to this script on a box being used as a CAM server should just change the line
# "MODE=CLIENT" to "MODE=SERVER" and save the script. After saving the script use this command:
# dos2unix /DISK2/etc/start.d/S99PriorityManager.sh
# Added : Audio menu prioritization.
# Added : Settings menu prioritization.
# Added : Plugins menu prioritization.
# Added : Cheops EMU prioritization.
# Added : SBox EMU prioritization.


I was using "old" S4ProcLVL scipt.. then I've tried your 1.1 script

When using yours 1.1 it streams better large 1080p movies (p.e. 14GB file) from my NAS.. It runs flawlessly - old script cannot handle it and it freezes a lot.

BUT.. when using your 1.1 and watching TV, after 20 minutes my box hangs up every 30s for 5-10 sec. It hangs totally.. I cant ftp to it and so on..

I am running 0.9.4892 on my AZ Elite

Hope it helps somehow

13-05-2010, 04:33 PM
For your information with the script+hardware acceleration ON I can play a movie (AV**AR) at 40 Mb/s! without a single freeze or DTS audio drop.

13-05-2010, 08:15 PM
why you have to wait for opensat replay

13-05-2010, 10:03 PM
Just wanted to be publish a bugless script and requested Smudger to test and review it. Thanks to him..

I'm posting the script right now !

why you have to wait for opensat replay

13-05-2010, 10:10 PM
S99PriorityManager v1.2

################################# ###################
# Description:
# This Script is written by buyukbang and inspired from the script made By MalMen.
# Special thanks to Smudger for the all information, tests and power measurements!
# 1. S99PriorityManager automatically changes the priorities of the processes to give optimal performance for the menu being used. I tested
# all processes one by one, decided their effects on the performance of all modules and wrote a bug-free (hopefully) script.
# 2. S99PriorityManager provides power saving ! Smudger's power measurements show that S99PriorityManager decrease power consumption of the
# box from 25W to 23W while watching an SD channel and from 28W to 24W while watching an HD channel.
################################# ###################
# User Defined Parameters :
################################# ###################
# History:
# v1.2
# -----
# Fixed : Sometimes CRTVCore collects all CPU power and this slows down everything. So I decreased priority of CRTVCore.
# Fixed : Fixed a bug in restart command ( /DISK2/etc/start.d/S99PriorityManager.sh restart )
# Improved : All process priorities fine tuned.
# Improved : Better menu detection.
# Improved : Better sleep mode detection.
# Modified : Loop sleep time decreased from 60 seconds to 30 seconds.
# Added : azepgmgr support to protect TV/Media applications from the glitches caused by its initial process. (Thanks to Smudger!)
# Added : Client/Server mode switch parameter for those who want to this script on a box being used as a CAM server.
# Added : Audio menu prioritization.
# Added : Settings menu prioritization.
# Added : Plugins menu prioritization.
# Added : Cheops EMU prioritization.
# Added : SBox EMU prioritization.
# v1.1
# -----
# Added : RSS and Browser components stay in memory after first usage. Added support for automatically killing RSS and Browser
# components when using other menu.
# v1.0
# -----
# Fixed : All process priorities updated according to the results of my long tests. Mediaplayer performance, IP TV, Recording,
# ECM Time (for EMUs) are optimized.
# Fixed : Old scripts use "snice +XX" command to give processes positive nice values (lower priority). But this command does
# not guarantee to decrease the priority and system sometimes ignore this command. You can check old scripts by top command
# while changing menu modes. "<" sign means negative nice value and high priority, "N" sign means positive nice value and
# low priority. After a few times changing the menu modes everything has "<" sign and this is really nonfunctional situation.
# To fix this problem I used "snice STOP" which cannot be ignored by the system.
# Fixed : massimo1167's script is not compatible with the option "Always Start in TV Mode" and this causes totally wrong
# prioritization. This is fixed.
# Fixed : Old scripts block firmware upgrades and upgrade process sticks at "Extracting". S99PriorityManager fixes this issue and
# fully compatible Opensat upgrades. Just wait 45 seconds at "Extracting", then upgrade process will continue.
# Added : ftp,samba,telnet prioritization in sleep mode. I suggest you to transfer your files with FTP during sleep mode prioritization.
# This is the fasted method.
# Added : Photo menu prioritization.
# Added : Browser menu prioritization.
# Added : RSS menu prioritization.
# Added : Use this command to stop the script (does not work in old scripts) : /DISK2/etc/start.d/S99PriorityManager.sh stop
# Added : Use this command to restart the script (does not work in old scripts) : /DISK2/etc/start.d/S99PriorityManager.sh restart
# Added : Logging. Use this command to see log file : tail -f /tmp/S99PriorityManager_IsRunning
################################# ###################
# Intallation:
# 1. Check "User Defined Parameters" and if needed edit parameters then save the scipt.
# 2. Put this script under "/DISK2/etc/start.d", use following commands in TELNET with below order.
# 3. chmod 755 /DISK2/etc/start.d/S99PriorityManager.sh
# 4. If you edited and saved the script use this command: dos2unix /DISK2/etc/start.d/S99PriorityManager.sh
# 5. After the first run of the script standby.sh and wakeup.sh scripts will be created under /DISK2/etc . These scripts will help to main
# script for the decision of the sleep mode by creating and deleting a file ( /tmp/S99PriorityManager_Sleep ) If you have already
# standby.sh and wakeup.sh in /DISK2/etc you must manually add below commands to scripts before running S99PriorityManager.sh :
# echo 0 > /tmp/S99PriorityManager_Sleep ==> to standby.sh
# rm /tmp/S99PriorityManager_Sleep ==> to wakeup.sh
# 6. /DISK2/etc/start.d/S99PriorityManager.sh start (After this command standby.sh and wakeup.sh will be created under /DISK2/etc)
# 7. Restart the box. 30 seconds after restarting use below command to check if the script is working.
# 8. tail -f /tmp/S99PriorityManager_IsRunning
################################# ###################
# Important Notes:
# - Scripts works in a loop with 30 seconds sleep times. So wait max 30 seconds for prioritization. You can decrease this to 15-20 seconds
# if you want, but values below 10 may cause a small performance loss.
# - A looped script in /DISK2/etc/start.d/ will block the other scripts with a higher heading value. So use only one looped script (and
# this is it). This is the reason why I used "99" in the script name. This will not block any script with two digit but will block scripts
# with higher values as heading value.
################################# ###################

Download the script:

13-05-2010, 11:46 PM
I think the script file is not unix like.

14-05-2010, 12:03 AM
You're right. I re-attached the file. You can redownload it or simply type the command at Telnet prompt:

dos2unix /DISK2/etc/start.d/S99PriorityManager.sh

Sorry for the DOS format

I think the script file is not unix like.

14-05-2010, 06:00 PM
I have two observations:

1) If I press power on the remote but after I choose "cancel" instead of "sleep", I will return back to "TV" but for the script the menu is always "sleep". Can you check or it is only me?

2) How the script is handling reserved recordings (recordings made when the box is in pause)? Is the box switching to "TV" (or "MEDIA")?

14-05-2010, 06:40 PM
1) This is basically the question that I waited for an answer from opensat. Their answer is "Cancel does not trigger anything" . So there is no way to detect this. Just use power button to wake up the script after sleep.

look here:

2) Hmm, this is a test case that I never think about. I'll inspect its working style and then try to handle it. If I manage, I'll add it to v1.3 version.

I have two observations:

1) If I press power on the remote but after I choose "cancel" instead of "sleep", I will return back to "TV" but for the script the menu is always "sleep". Can you check or it is only me?

2) How the script is handling reserved recordings (recordings made when the box is in pause)? Is the box switching to "TV" (or "MEDIA")?

14-05-2010, 06:55 PM

Below is what I get when I test the script. I move to youtube and plugins but I don't get any other log. Is this what I should get?

AZBox[~]$ tail -f /tmp/S99PriorityManager_IsRunning
17:26:41 05/14/10: INITIALIZING

14-05-2010, 07:04 PM
Same thing that is written at above two messages.

Do not use "CANCEL" to wake up the box. It's currently not possible to detect according to the opensat :(

May be I can find a work araound for this, but may be I cannot...

Just use power button to sleep azbox and again use power button to wake it up.


Below is what I get when I test the script. I move to youtube and plugins but I don't get any other log. Is this what I should get?

AZBox[~]$ tail -f /tmp/S99PriorityManager_IsRunning
17:26:41 05/14/10: INITIALIZING

15-05-2010, 04:45 PM
This problems are solved in v1.3. Currently testing v1.3. Here are the latest changes:

Fixed : "CANCEL" option in sleep menu is now detected as it should be.

Improved : TV recording and channel switch speed.

Added : Reserved programs are now supported. When a scheduled recording starts, TV prioritization will be applied until it ends.

Added : CIF mount support for those who want want to mount cif shares of your network to Azbox. (auto-mounts shares when the file server is online, auto-unmounts share when the file server is offline)

Added : NFS mount support for those who want want to mount cif shares of your network to Azbox. (auto-mounts shares when the file server is online, auto-unmounts share when the file server is offline)

Added : Swap file support for Azbox. You can activate this option so that to S99PriorityManager creates swap file on your HDD or Flash disk which will help RAM by caching some part of the memory. Swap usage file helps large file operations like recording.

Added : "Deep Sleep" option. You can activate this option if you want to kill all unnecessary applications when box goes to sleep mode to improve downloading speed. There are some a side effects of deep sleep. For more information please read "USER DEFINED PARAMETERS" section.

Added : Transmission (torrent client) sleep mode prioritization.

Added : aMule (eD2K client) sleep mode prioritization.

I have two observations:

1) If I press power on the remote but after I choose "cancel" instead of "sleep", I will return back to "TV" but for the script the menu is always "sleep". Can you check or it is only me?

2) How the script is handling reserved recordings (recordings made when the box is in pause)? Is the box switching to "TV" (or "MEDIA")?


Below is what I get when I test the script. I move to youtube and plugins but I don't get any other log. Is this what I should get?

AZBox[~]$ tail -f /tmp/S99PriorityManager_IsRunning
17:26:41 05/14/10: INITIALIZING

15-05-2010, 04:51 PM

But where I'm able to find vers. 1.3

15-05-2010, 05:31 PM
Very nice! I had already made some changes for transmission but now I am very happy that this is on the script!

17-05-2010, 10:25 AM
I'll publish it in this week. Just need some testing for a few days. Besides, I'm waiting another reply from opensat.



But where I'm able to find vers. 1.3

17-05-2010, 01:07 PM
# Added : azepgmgr support to protect TV/Media applications from the glitches caused by its initial process. (Thanks to Smudger!)

I have checked script version 1.2 for azepgmgr.
I guess that the value of nice of azepgmgr should be 5 in all modules and should always be 5, except SLEEP.

Beware if azepgmgr is started BEFORE PrioprityManager with a script in start.d you will have a lot of problems and big instability for the long time azepgmr needs to finish its task. I have checked this: S99PriorityManager will start after a lot of time.

On the other hand if it is called AFTER it will not receive any optimitation, since there is not a azepgmgr nice setting in any MODULE.

Am I wrong here?

17-05-2010, 01:52 PM
Smudger's test results show exacly the same and I already set +5 azepgmgr for all modes but including SLEEP mode. Negative snice values for
azepgmgr does not provide too much, that's because I set +5 also in sleep mode.

Starting any program within start.d is not a good idea if it tales too long time to finish, but using & character will provide asynchronous execution, which is usually used fot this type of problems if its script does not need a return value. Smudger is using without this type of script. So the azepgmgr script that you mentioned is really a bad implementation.

Smudger'a usage also guarantees that azepgmgr works after S99PrioprityManager.

BTW, I don't use azepgmgr since two platforms that I watch have EPG information from the sattalite. So I don't have much knowledge about azepgmgr. May be you can ask Smudger for details.

I have checked script version 1.2 for azepgmgr.
I guess that the value of nice of azepgmgr should be 5 in all modules and should always be 5, except SLEEP.

Beware if azepgmgr is started BEFORE PrioprityManager with a script in start.d you will have a lot of problems and big instability for the long time azepgmr needs to finish its task. I have checked this: S99PriorityManager will start after a lot of time.

On the other hand if it is called AFTER it will not receive any optimitation, since there is not a azepgmgr nice setting in any MODULE.

Am I wrong here?

20-05-2010, 01:36 PM
Opensat did not respond to my question, they even censured my two messages written as a reply. I just wrote "no response from Opensat?" and they censured these messages. I cannot believe this. How can be a company and their owner/workers can be such idiot to discourage volunteer code writers .... They are simply dummy...

Could you please reply this message in official forum to make them embarrassed to block too much messages from too much customers....


By the way,

I packed the script as a plugin and will provide a user interface to see Priority Manager logs and activate/deactivate/restart Priority Manager. There will be no need for telnet anymore.

Moreover, I added a feature to automatically execute user selected programs in sleep mode, automatically kill them after wake up. So that you'll be able to automize running of some CPU intensive processes without writing commands from telnet always while protecting your TV watching comfort by giving all system sources to TV and Mediaplayer applications.

Sorry but unfortunately this new feature and plugin related works will cause a small delay, v1.3 release will be this weekend.

20-05-2010, 02:03 PM
Thanks for your hard work byukbang. We do appreciate it.

20-05-2010, 03:04 PM
thumps up


20-05-2010, 03:47 PM

I could put your message on the official forum but the moderator has to approve the replay first:banghead:

So I really doubt that It will be granted (its on Note: This message is awaiting approval by a moderator. )

and yes opensat is filled with idiots :piggy:

20-05-2010, 06:20 PM

Thank you all for support, Smudger's and Zenith's (and may be censured ones) replies on the official forum resulted a reply, finally. However there are no new information for me, and certainly not a detailed reply.:boxing_smiley:

I requested details and now working on the plugin. C U soon...

20-05-2010, 09:31 PM

You have to give full support to BUYUKBANG world because it loses its time for the benefit of all.
From here I appreciate your work and ask OPensat help.

Sorry, I do not speak English, am Spanish, from cadiz. the text is translated by google

23-05-2010, 12:52 PM
dear buyukbang can you tell us if possible when we're going to have version 1.3 of your script?thanks in advance.

23-05-2010, 01:08 PM
A few hours later ! Added some new features other than I wrote above. Especially one of them is very good. It speeds up DOM u to 20% ! Just doing last tests...

BTW, I'll create a new thread for v1.3...

dear buyukbang can you tell us if possible when we're going to have version 1.3 of your script?thanks in advance.

23-05-2010, 01:52 PM