View Full Version : a little info please

10-05-2010, 11:29 PM
i am looking to buy a new receiver had enough of my tm6800hd
do you have to use a router to work the 9000? as i share my stepsons internet connection,the router is down stairs and my sat gear is upstairs in spare room i use a netgear wirless usb adaptor not a great signal but good enough for web browsing
all info much appreciated

10-05-2010, 11:46 PM
You can buy home plugs/ spider plugs one plugs
in at the router position into standard 13 amp socket
one at the spider box gives lan connection phone
the sponsers Im sure they will be able to sort it.


11-05-2010, 05:56 PM
you cana lso buy very long ethernet cables very cheaply from e bay , 20 metres , 25 metres etc , so if you can run this under floorboards , in cupboards or walls etc then its a cheap method of getting a lan to the room where the box is

I ran cat5 in the cavity wall myself , up to the loft , and then have an 8 way hub in there with a feed from the router

you could run in a cat 5 cable direct , or use a long lead , or possibly use a wireless game adapter to allow the box to talkj to the router over wi-fi

11-05-2010, 06:12 PM
I used home plugs and found them to be absolutely useless. Running ok with ethernet cable:respect-055:

11-05-2010, 06:18 PM
you will have problems setting up a Spiderbox with a netgear router have had 3 out of 4 that would not work automatically

11-05-2010, 07:12 PM
When I knew I was going to get a spider box I needed to run a very long ethernet cable from the front of the house to my sat boxes at the back of the house, I bought a 25mtr plugged cable but it was way to short.

I then bought another 10mtr one and cut a plug of each cable, I then threaded one of them through an air brick in the lounge and one through a hole drilled in the window frame at the front of the house and ran the cables round the house under the gutter.

I then used a plastic box with two circular holes near the lid and a nylon cable block and joined them, it works perfectly and is 35meters long.

12-05-2010, 04:03 AM
You could use the electric circuit to make a LAN, try Devolo or something similar.

It's a cheap way to connect different locations inside a house.