View Full Version : Cheers LEE what a box

11-05-2010, 10:35 PM

Well my box arrived this afternoon and I could not wait to try it......Got the setup done and connected via 4 in 1 diseqc switch to 4 Sats, scanned all channels in, and then uploaded patch.

All I can say is MAGIC !!!!!!

Tried to connect CCCam from DM800 through to spider 9000, but although I have read the HOW TO's cannot yet get connected.......Anyway gift is opening enough just now until I can have a further read, or........get some assistance.

Thanks RABBY for your help......and trying to confuse me....LOL....only kidding.


11-05-2010, 11:56 PM
very simple m8...

https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?p=713551#post71355 1

fist read this if you can just ask for help we all are here...

12-05-2010, 12:00 AM
Well done FENDOCH
sit back and watch some good TV
and wonder what will happen next
with these boys you never know


12-05-2010, 07:09 AM
very simple m8...

https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?p=713551#post71355 1

fist read this if you can just ask for help we all are here...

Cheers m8.......not only have I read that post by you but also printed it out......Maybe I need to read again, as it was getting late, and may have rushed something..

I put everything in as required, but still says .......CCCam disconnected.......So maybe a new day, new dawn. HOPEFULLY !!!!! :respect-020:

12-05-2010, 10:14 AM
Make sure you dont enter the 'C' Just the other info ie address-port-user-pass.

Hi m8

Yes I have done it that way, yet still shows CCCam disconnected....BTW using CCCam 2.1.1 on DM 800. It shows when I press pr IP addy of DM 800, port , but still says disconnected.

As usual it will be something silly, but I have double checked in case i missed out a dot or something, with the excitement of setting up the new box, but nothing.

Any suggestions??????

12-05-2010, 07:05 PM

Thanks RABBY for your help......and trying to confuse me....LOL....only kidding.

No Problem m8 ? That is why I Like the Satscene[Just Toooo confuse ] Everyone? LOL:respect-048: Anyway got you up and running , You just have to Listen what [I SAY ON THE PHONE] :respect-013:

12-05-2010, 08:02 PM
Aye RABBY....that will be right....I would need a interpreter to understand you....and I live in the same country as you LOL.

All I need now is to sort out my CCCam connection.....tried for over 3 hours today with no joy.....Followed the instructions on here, to no avail......It will end up being simple, just need to get used to the way this box works, but I have to admit, its a cracker of a box, and fairly simple to use......just need to have a play LOL

12-05-2010, 08:14 PM
Aye RABBY....that will be right....I would need a interpreter to understand you....and I live in the same country as you LOL.

All I need now is to sort out my CCCam connection.....tried for over 3 hours today with no joy.....Followed the instructions on here, to no avail......It will end up being simple, just need to get used to the way this box works, but I have to admit, its a cracker of a box, and fairly simple to use......just need to have a play LOL

I have just been doing this m8 , and failed same as you

but if I run newcs from my other box I can add the newcamd in on this 9000 and that works just fine

I also checked a c line from external host and thats ok too

so all I can say is a local c line failed for me too , and I am not sure why this is either , but I prefer the local N line anyway so mine is running ok on that at the moment

12-05-2010, 08:17 PM

The way I See it M8?? I No what I am doing ?? You Think you no what you are Doing ?? I Did not Need Help? You DID [ I GAVE YOU IT ]:king-041: Anyway Blind scan is comming to a END ??You no what I Meen ?? LOL:respect-applause-00

P.S Hope you get [CCcam ] Sorted ? Have to go to sleep Shortly [ Getting up at 5:30 am ]:nopity:

12-05-2010, 08:43 PM
I have just been doing this m8 , and failed same as you

but if I run newcs from my other box I can add the newcamd in on this 9000 and that works just fine

I also checked a c line from external host and thats ok too

so all I can say is a local c line failed for me too , and I am not sure why this is either , but I prefer the local N line anyway so mine is running ok on that at the moment

Thanks m8 at least its not just me then......I am sure it will be something silly, but hopefully someone else thats already done it.....and got it working with CCcam, will let us know, how he did it......

Anyone got CCCam working locally, please let us know how you did it ?????

What do you do to get newcamd to work, and get your shares into the spiderbox m8.....never used that before.....and does it matter which newcs version you use ?????


13-05-2010, 04:31 PM

Still no luck m8, been trying all different configurations to try and get CCcam to connect to spiderbox, but no joy.

Someone must have it working OK, surely !!!!!

13-05-2010, 07:36 PM
Might sound daft but have you got CAPS and lower case in the correct place? It had me a couple of times :respect-010:

13-05-2010, 08:58 PM
Might sound daft but have you got CAPS and lower case in the correct place? It had me a couple of times :respect-010:

LOL thought about that too......but no.....

Tried test file from a friend on my DM800 logged in no problem showing all his shares, but no reshare to spiderbox, and he had put no restrictions on it to test. Took the C line of his off the 800 and put it onto the spiderbox.....NO CONNECTION..... Gift is working perfectly so box is seen and connected to the lan, but cannot connect to CCcam in any way !!!!!

So I think must be a problem with spiderbox !!!!!

Will keep trying, but I have my doubts now....running out of ideas LOL

13-05-2010, 10:25 PM
long as you get the server details correct in the name , port , name and pass etc I find an incoming c line from a "friend" works fine

it was a local one from my tm9100 I couldnt get to work , and yes I triple checked lowercase/caps , and all other details too

the n line works ok on the spider in newcamd , from the tm9100 which is running newcs 1.66 , and as long as again you have sorted out the port , name , pass etc it works perfectly ( been using newcs on the techno for some time since I stopped using gbox )

so in my case its the local C line I couldnt get to work , whereas an external C line and a local N line worked fine , and still are

13-05-2010, 10:53 PM
long as you get the server details correct in the name , port , name and pass etc I find an incoming c line from a "friend" works fine

it was a local one from my tm9100 I couldnt get to work , and yes I triple checked lowercase/caps , and all other details too

the n line works ok on the spider in newcamd , from the tm9100 which is running newcs 1.66 , and as long as again you have sorted out the port , name , pass etc it works perfectly ( been using newcs on the techno for some time since I stopped using gbox )

so in my case its the local C line I couldnt get to work , whereas an external C line and a local N line worked fine , and still are

Thanks for your reply m8

I have tried everything today, but still cannot get the CCcam connection to the spiderbox.

Pinged to both boxes perfectly, so the ethernet cables are fine, changed over cables to a different position in the router, still perfect, so the router connections are OK, even disconnected the spiderbox and placed it where the DM800 was still no connection.

A friends external connection works perfectly on the DM800, but placing the same details in the spiderbox.....no connection.

So I think I have tried everything possible, that I know to get even a local connection via CCcam from my DM800 to spiderbox......it will just not connect !!!!!

I will give Lee a phone in the morning, and see if he has any thoughts.

Phew !!!!! and there I thought the dreams were a long learning curve, and these boxes were supposed to help beginners...LOL

Still I must admit that I do like the spiderbox, and understand that it takes time to sort out some of the little niggly things.

Cheers for all the assistance and help.

14-05-2010, 01:31 AM
The box works perfect Internally i can show you both pictures...even i have conect two internal servers

if some think i can suggest..

1.change use name and pass again to server and client..

2 .try to load new s/w and factory default...

3.Swich of the Gift

14-05-2010, 07:49 AM
The box works perfect Internally i can show you both pictures...even i have conect two internal servers

if some think i can suggest..

1.change use name and pass again to server and client..

2 .try to load new s/w and factory default...

3.Swich of the Gift

Hi m8

ok the name/password has been changed to avoid conflicts, already thought of that, also the c line was tested on my linux box to confirm working in the first place. Perfectly ok

The patch has been re downloaded and re-applied to the spiderbox both my c lines from my own Lan and a c line sent from a friend were tried but to no avail, but all work on my linux box. Also PINGED both boxes and working perfectly.

I also relocated the spiderbox and swapped it over with the linux
box, this is to confirm that it will be used with a known working ethernet connection and user port. Still did not connect........

What other software would you suggest ?????Using Darkmania v 2 + gift at present. Would doing a factory default knock out my gift ?????

I love this box, but it would be nice to get this function working as it should.

I will wait for your comments m8


14-05-2010, 03:43 PM
M8...is very rare case this for me...

factoary default will only rase your C lane ,not the Gift...imposible.

check m8 in your routers if you have take of DHCP and that IP you ising somethink else.!

try change ip from DHCP in manual in your spiderbox ...let me know..

14-05-2010, 04:47 PM
M8...is very rare case this for me...

factoary default will only rase your C lane ,not the Gift...imposible.

check m8 in your routers if you have take of DHCP and that IP you ising somethink else.!

try change ip from DHCP in manual in your spiderbox ...let me know..

Hi m8

Absolutely nothing being received by spiderbox.....IP has remained static throughout. Both tested N line for newcamd and C line for CCcam. Both received perfectly on DM 800.....NOTHING received on spiderbox !!!!!

IP of spiderbox has never changed (static) it has never been on DHCP, always manually done. IP of DM800 has never changed (static) Nothing in the router is conflicting.

Conclusion spiderbox is not connecting to ANYTHING whether LOCAL or external. Gone back to an earlier patch....magic patch 04/13....still the same....returned to your latest patch, works perfectly.....but no connection to CCcam or Newcamd......Conclusion the same.......spiderbox not connecting to anything.

Lee is going to try and replicate over the weekend, I am sending him both C line and N line for him to test.

Will get there hopefully soon


14-05-2010, 06:33 PM
only a wildshot:blush5:
on spiderbox use the same ip as router.
have a look at this.

14-05-2010, 06:40 PM
m8 did you try change Ip ,but one think you have to be very carfully.......Gateway and Nameservers ...check please that in setup.. try change ip of spiderbox....

14-05-2010, 08:24 PM
only a wildshot:blush5:
on spiderbox use the same ip as router.
have a look at this.

Hi m8

Thanks for your input, but I have already checked the thread and the details on my setup......They are correct, I have been a user of DM's for over 6 years, and am aware of how the configs work. This box is a cracker starter box, but would be better if the connections to CCcam and Newcamd were working.


Hi m8

Changing the IP will not make any difference......there is no conflict in the router, so there is no reason to change IPs. The box is pinged perfectly within 5ms so the lan knows its there........but the connections to both CCcam and Newcamd on this particular box, are not working....however I have sent both test lines C and N to Lee for him to check, on another box, and which worked perfectly coming in to my DM 800.

So we will see what transpires, I would expect that there is a fault on this particular box.....not a problem.....we will sort it out....and I will be even happier once it is all up and running.

Fortunately I am retired and had the time to be changing all the settings patches, cfg, files, etc and a good friend who gave me his test lines.

Keep the fingers crossed.

and THANKS to all


14-05-2010, 08:29 PM
with the local lines I eventually realised that the name is of the nameserver or ip address , so if the dreambox or host box is on say , then that is what goes in the server name section

name and pass in the right boxes and making sure caps or lower case are used , and not using o instead of 0 etc ( typos ) , and of course the correct port number being used

same applies with external c lines except you use the actual nameserver address and again checking lower case , caps , letters and numbers etc , or ,com or .org etc as required

mine runs fine on local n line from newcs as I said earlier , and also mine is ok on external c line , both using either 20 april or 6th may firmware

I am now on 6th may darkmania2 and that seems to work ok on local n line and external c line ( no different than before )

I notice you can also add in newcamd lines as a host so I assume this is the same as me using the tm9100 with newcs1.66 ( not tried it yet )

I also tested the white card in the box and that opens my channels correctly too , so I may try the newcamd server part with local white card and see if the n line works on another box like my ice or dream , using the spider as a host

this really is an amazing little box , and the pic quality is superb , menus are good , you even get the ecm and name of nameserver on screen if you press info twice !! ;)

14-05-2010, 08:52 PM
with the local lines I eventually realised that the name is of the nameserver or ip address , so if the dreambox or host box is on say , then that is what goes in the server name section

name and pass in the right boxes and making sure caps or lower case are used , and not using o instead of 0 etc ( typos ) , and of course the correct port number being used

same applies with external c lines except you use the actual nameserver address and again checking lower case , caps , letters and numbers etc , or ,com or .org etc as required

mine runs fine on local n line from newcs as I said earlier , and also mine is ok on external c line , both using either 20 april or 6th may firmware

I am now on 6th may darkmania2 and that seems to work ok on local n line and external c line ( no different than before )

I notice you can also add in newcamd lines as a host so I assume this is the same as me using the tm9100 with newcs1.66 ( not tried it yet )

I also tested the white card in the box and that opens my channels correctly too , so I may try the newcamd server part with local white card and see if the n line works on another box like my ice or dream , using the spider as a host

this really is an amazing little box , and the pic quality is superb , menus are good , you even get the ecm and name of nameserver on screen if you press info twice !! ;)

Hi m8

With working on other linux boxes I was aware that the name server or IP addy was my host/dreambox ip addy, (server name). Same with external C lines and N lines I was aware of the details there. I am aware that things are also case sensitive, generally lower case.

But all that is OK if the connections to the box are working, which in my case I think I have proved beyond reasonable doubt, that they are not.

As I said its a great box, and I have spoken to LEE who I have also sent the test lines too. So we will wait and see, and no doubt get things sorted.

At present, I can enjoy what I have, and enjoy playing with it and learning about it more. Its just like a new toy again. :respect-023::respect-023:

14-05-2010, 09:12 PM

this really is an amazing little box , and the pic quality is superb , menus are good , you even get the ecm and name of nameserver on screen if you press info twice !!

Noticed that as well m8 :respect-048: ? Will start doing my own Softcams @ Just what I use to do with the Dreambox [ Get this box going as strong as possible ] Not that it Needed ?? I Will help as Always

15-05-2010, 01:06 AM
all i can say is i ordered my spiderbox from lee on wed morn recived it yestaday great service support the sponser goldwaffers.com:respect-049:

15-05-2010, 02:47 AM
Hi m8

Thanks for your input, but I have already checked the thread and the details on my setup......They are correct, I have been a user of DM's for over 6 years, and am aware of how the configs work. This box is a cracker starter box, but would be better if the connections to CCcam and Newcamd were working.


Hi m8

Changing the IP will not make any difference......there is no conflict in the router, so there is no reason to change IPs. The box is pinged perfectly within 5ms so the lan knows its there........but the connections to both CCcam and Newcamd on this particular box, are not working....however I have sent both test lines C and N to Lee for him to check, on another box, and which worked perfectly coming in to my DM 800.

So we will see what transpires, I would expect that there is a fault on this particular box.....not a problem.....we will sort it out....and I will be even happier once it is all up and running.

Fortunately I am retired and had the time to be changing all the settings patches, cfg, files, etc and a good friend who gave me his test lines.

Keep the fingers crossed.

and THANKS to all


M8 ...does not mater is or not conflict on your routers...

can be even, if from your server that Ip is Been Kick off... !

or somethink is corrupt to the box it self...

That not your fault but you never know ....

I recomande again to try 232rs.....and change IP of spider again and user name and pass...

15-05-2010, 10:25 AM

OK m8 to keep you happy, I have redone my WHOLE network.......26 connections......Rebooted the router, and added one device at a time, making sure that each static device is registered and each DHCP is registered.

I have also CHANGED the IP of the spiderbox from to, well away from any other IP on my network.

I have also changed the name and password from spiderid, spiderpass to fendoch and spider.

I have done a factory default on the spiderbox, and redownloaded the patches, softcam, and channel list, and redone the whole spiderbox setup again.

Everything is back up and running perfectly.....no problems....with anything.....EXCEPT......still no CCcam connection or Newcamd connection.

This has taken me over 2 hours from start to finish to complete, and as I said before, there is a DEFINITE fault with the connections to CCcam and Newcamd on this particular box.

There does not appear to be any corruption in the patches, as I have taken YOUR patches from 2 different sites, and if there was corruption in the patches, then other people would be having the same problems.

However if you are now saying that the spiderbox is corrupting the images when it is loading, THEN.......it is this particular box that is at fault.

We all live and learn m8, but I think you should agree that I have carried out every single request by you and others, and in fact gone further by redoing my whole network and the box itself to prove that there is no conflict.

I have NEVER had any conflict within my network, in all the years I have been involved in this hobby, because I know how to sort out any problems that may arise. However it is totally outwith my control, if there is a hardware or software problem within my box.

In any case Lee has the test lines, which he has emailed to say he will be checking over the weekend, and I have told him the same as I have said here......That I am very happy with my purchase.......and I am willing to wait for his answers. I do not have a problem at all in waiting. However I should have a box that should be able to connect internally or externally, which I do not.


16-05-2010, 07:01 AM
Hi m8

Eventualy got the box working.

Too long a story, but basically a glitch in the software......after redoing my whole network and still not connected with the test line, I started going through the network menu, and I noticed, that each time I entered the C line details and saving, when I went back in, everything was there, but on each line the cursor was sitting 3 or 4 places from the end of the line.

What I mean is for example

No matter what I did I could not get rid of the extra lines_____ So although I was putting in the correct details, it was adding these extra parts, and therefore my lines were saved wrongly.

At present I cannot explain to you what changed last night.......ALL will be revealed later......but after I did the change, and went to bed.......I could not sleep, so I decided to have one last go......went to network, server setup and YIPPEEEEEE I had 306 cards coming in the test line.....I opened up the details, and none of the _________were there anymore, and the correct details had been saved.

I must thank you all very much for your efforts in helping me and for this cracking box.....and as I said to you at the beginning, I had a feeling it would be something SIMPLE, but very frustrating when you know you have done everything correctly, but still does not work.

Many many thanks once again, and soon you will understand what was changed.


16-05-2010, 10:00 AM
we are all happy you sorted it out....:respect-040:
and thx for telling us other about your problems..that help others.:respect-055:
now enjoy your spiderbox.:podium-016:

16-05-2010, 08:32 PM
We are like community here i can tell i am very Happy to hear that...Enjoy my Friend ,can happens to any one one time hap nets to me
for hours ....only for no-ip.info and no-ip,info mean( ., )

16-05-2010, 11:36 PM
Good news fendoch, glad to hear you sorted it out :respect-067:

18-05-2010, 10:36 PM

I know that this has been a very frustrating exercise for you, but without these types of problems and solutions, we do not learn.
I think that we have all learned a lot from these discussions.
A big thank you to all.

