View Full Version : Does HD automatically become SD?

Power Bank
11-05-2010, 11:08 PM
Does an HD transmission (whether on satellite or terrestrial) become downgraded to standatd definition automatically if you tune into it with non-HD tv?
I have a non-HD tv and want to experiment tuning into an HD channel either on satellite or freeview.

My Sony video cam for instance will playback an HD recording as a standard def. picture on a non HD tv.

Power Bank :willy_nilly:

11-05-2010, 11:49 PM
This is how it works. You will need an HD receiver to receive the HD channel and then it will be outp[ut as non HD viz scart or ccoax but here's the rub it will actually be better than an SD broadcast. And when that hd reveiver picks up an SD channel that too will look better than with a normal sd box.

Its all down to scaling the HD box will scale better than an sd box.



12-05-2010, 12:08 AM
Scaling is no substitute for HD original output.

You would need to spend millions and still not achieve same quality as original HD image.

01-06-2010, 10:07 AM
+1, it will be not even close to HD....

Scaling is no substitute for HD original output.

You would need to spend millions and still not achieve same quality as original HD image.

Power Bank
01-06-2010, 09:46 PM
It's an interesting tale of sweet frustration in my trying to upgrade tv from my analogue flat screen. I hasten to add my tv is by no means an old chuck-away set yet.
As I decided to replace it with new, there was the Plasma. So I paused to see what that was like. Then the LCD came in the shops but in mini size screens and the Freeview was in a box, not built in. Then came the built in Freeview tuner in the LCD size I wanted but there was a reliability issue with the screen developing lines and picture fading. All recent tvs are HDMI ready but only now there is a growth has begun in the HD channels - Freeview is still testing HD. (there was the HD 1080, then 1080i & 1080p etc as well). Generally Blue Ray is just getting a foot in the door and a new format is on the horizon. It is just madness. So while I am keen to invest on a large LCD (HD), I am honestly enjoying my analogue Sony because I am a "transmitted program" watcher not a "pre-recorded prepacked prog watcher on CD /DVD/ BR Dics."

So I await the technological progress on all fronts with interest.
Power Bank