View Full Version : Annoyng reboot every 2 hours....

14-05-2010, 07:48 AM
Hi all,

I am experiencing severe problem: Roughly every 2 hours I am getting Error message and ask for a reboot.
This is very annoying....

Currently I am using azbox-0.9.4754. Tested with azbox-0.9.4785 and azbox-0.9.4829 and result is same....reboot every 2 hours.
Tested last 10 multicas versions...same....In my opinion Multicas is not the problem but the FW.
Didnt test with 0.9.4879 yet.....
Also to add that I am watching mainly 16E, Total TV pack, dont have any observation for other transponders/packs

Does anyone else have that issue as well? Any fix available?
Yr help/advice is highly appreciated

14-05-2010, 08:32 AM
have you tried deleteing you sat settings and rescan you sat. it's a pain but the only time I have had this in the past is if I use old channel files.

also on the upgrades did you do factory resets extra?

14-05-2010, 12:02 PM
Hi Smudger,

Thanks for the idea.

Well what I did is:
0. Did a backup of all (Channels+RSS+Plugins)
1. havent done actory resets
2 Updated from ta USB and did format of application area
3. Restored all from backup

I think yr idea is very good, so not to use backup but all manually (find sat signal again by moving the dish with the motor, scan/download all channels and save...)

I will do that on the weekend....hope all will be OK