View Full Version : Help with setting up on 5 satellites

15-05-2010, 05:21 PM

My set up: 80cm dish with brackets on 5 satellites. I have DiSEqC switch 4 way switch. My receiver is TM600 (Linux, very similar software to DB).

My question is:

- If I connect 3 satellites directly to the DiSEqC switch and then get a single output dual monoblock LNB (for 13&19 with build in DiSEqC switch) and connect it to the 4th input in the DiSEqC switch, would this set up allow me to watch the 5 satellites. I am not keen to pay £45 for 8 way switch.

16-05-2010, 10:20 AM
Sorry to tell you but you will have to pay £45 for 8 way switch.

No other way round this one. ( with your setup )

16-05-2010, 11:49 AM
duoblock (diseqc switch inside) and diseqc switches are mostly complicated and don't work as wanted (order of commands given and diseqc levels (1/2.0, 1/2.1 and combinations of these with the given commands) this all again in combination with your receiver. Buy yourself a good diseqc 1.1 switch (8 ports) and you have room for further expansion on a second dish.

16-05-2010, 09:00 PM
Hi daddycool2,

Why not go for a £65 Motor and pickup 15 Sats (At least).

I had a Zone1 45cm S@y Dish pointing at 1w. Intelsat and Thor (Digitv).
Changed to a Zone2 S'y 60cm dish (£21 with LNB), with a (£65) Motor.
Took 1hr to setup pointing at 1W (Had to addapt U bolts to conneci Dish
to Motor) Now pickup from 30w (100% sig quality) and all other Sats (Exept 4w Amos)
to 42e Turkisat.

With Neddys (Cannaldigitaal) FTA HD channels (12 HD Cnannels) open on 23.5e
It takes 2 seconds to change from (Film HD 23e) (Code, with Morgan Freidman)
to (S@y News 28e) Both have a Signal Quality of 95%.


16-05-2010, 10:04 PM
Thank you all for the excellent advice.

@Bbigfoot: Your suggestion sounds tempting. I live in Aberdeen; do you think the motor will be OK with the weather and wind? What type of motor do you recommend as I am novice in this.


16-05-2010, 11:47 PM
Hi daddycool2,

The Motek Disecq Motor is a Motor that will fit your 80cm Dish,
It will deal with a Dish up to (1.2m).

It will come with 2 U Bolts, move your dish to (1w Intelsat 10-02) you may
know it as Thor, Mark on your wall bracket (Vertical 30cm or so poll part of bracket)
the center of your dish.

Undo Coax from LNB, Remove your dish, bolt it onto your new Motor, set you
motor's Latitude for Aberdeen (57.9n).

On the side of your Motor is a scale of Latitude, just set that to (58N).
Fit your Dish back onto your bracket with the Motors clamping bolts loose.

Take the coax cable from your STBox connect to the Motor In, Make or
buy a 1m F connector Coax Loop to connect your Motor (Out) to the LNB on
your Dish. Thats that end sorted for now.
The power to move the dish is sent up the Coax from your STBox to the
Motor. (12v power) no need to plug Motor into power point.

Load a set of Motorised Satellite setting (Channels) into your
STBox (best if you do this First). Your Motor will use USALS as well
as Disecq (Find USALS best)
Choose USALS in your Motor menu put in your Longitude (9w) for Aberdeen
and then your Latitude (58N).

Choose BBC World on 1W (Good Sig), go up to dish (Your Motor is set to 0%) so
move dish to the mark you made on the bracket (The one pointing to 1W).
tweek dish for best Sig Quality, then tighten up bots.
HAPPY Motoring.


17-05-2010, 06:57 AM

Thank you so much for the detailed advice. It looks like that I am going to have 'lots of fun' next W/E.
