View Full Version : Dummies guide to setting up Vu+ Duo

17-05-2010, 06:37 PM
Dummies guide to setting up Vu+ Duo by Lee Goldwafers.com

1. Install image.

Download a USB image file, eg Blackhole Image from

Unzip the vuplus folder to the root directory of a USB Pen Drive.
Power off Vu+ Duo with switch on the back
Insert USB Pen Drive into the USB socket on Vu+ Duo
Power on Vu+ Duo
Image will auto install from the USB Stick.
Look at the display on the receiver, it'll display when the update has finished.
Remove the USB Stick
Power off receiver.
Power on Receiver.

Image is now installed.

2. Network

Connect an Ethernet LAN cable from your router to your Vu+ Ethernet port.

Press Menu

Select Set Up Press OK

Select System Press OK

Select Network Press OK

Select Network wizard and press OK.

3. Setup Motorised Dish using USALS

First get your longitude & latitude info from _http://www.satsig.net/maps/lat-long-finder.htm

Enter your post code into satsig.net and you'll get the correct LON & LAT info for your location.

Example if I enter the following UK postal code: SE1 6JZ into _http://www.satsig.net/maps/lat-long-finder.htm

I get the following LON & LAT:
Longitude: -0.1042°
Latitude: 51.4979°

Press Menu
Select Setup Press OK
Select Service searching Press OK
Select Tuner configuration Press OK
Select Tuner A Press OK

Configure Tuner for Motorised Dish using USALS.
Use the < > buttons on remote to select Simple.
Use the down button to select mode and use the < > buttons to set to Positioner.

Configuration Mode: Simple
Mode: Positioner
Longitude: 0.104 (Make sure you enter your own Longitude settings here)
Latitude: 51.497 (Make sure you enter your own Latitude settings here)

Press OK to save.

Press Menu
Select Setup Press OK
Select service searching Press OK
Select Positioner Setup Press OK
Select goto 0 Press RED Button

Dish should now goto 1w.

4. Upload a Channel List

Download a pre-configured channel list example catseye's from


Unzip the Channel List to your local HDD.

Example C:\Catseye E2 Settings File 75 East-58 West

Use VuCC to upload channel list to Duo.

VUCC is an essential tool to have.
Download VuCC From


5. Install Cam
Download CAM TGZ file from https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?142280-VuPlus-Community-Black-Hole-Image-EMU-S
(for oe2.0 images use the ipk files here https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?161009-Vu-Plus-community-BH-oe2-emus-(2013))
FTP the cam-filename.tgz or ipk to the /tmp folder on Vu+ (usually this is var/tmp)
ideally use the cccam v2.30 to avoid problems
Press Green Button then Yellow Button on Vu+ remote control.
Select Manual Install Bh Package.
Select the cam-filename.tgz file and press OK.
Message will appear - Do you want to install cam-filename.tgz
Select "Yes" and press OK.
Message will appear - Installed.
Press the exit button on remote a couple of times to come out of all the menus.

for the latest ipk files, use the following similar method

ftp the blackhole v2.30 ipk file to the tmp folder on the box

use the menu or plugins addons and the plugin manager and select the ipk installer (press the green button and then the yellow addons button and then use the 4th option down in the menu - manual install IPK packages)
this should now see the ipk file in the tmp folder you transferred earlier
select the cccam ipk file and tell it to install by pressing OK etc
when finished , cccam is on the box and the cfg file in var/etc can be modified to add a c or n line using an ftp program like filezilla (VuCC) and the free program NOTEPAD++ (install notepad++ first onto your pc if not done already)

6. Activate Cam
Press the Blue button and use the < > buttons on remote to select the CAM
Press OK to run the CAM.

the cccam cfg file is located in var/etc after the correct cam emu has been installed
( On E2 Boxes the 3C.config is Located at /etc with Attributes set to 755 or All config files can be found in /etc )

These instructions are for Blackhole Image other images button configurations might be slightly different.

How to setup Vu+ with VBox II DiSEqC 1.2 Positioner.

If your VBox II already has the satellite positions stored and your changing from an old receiver to Vu+ then follow this procedure.

Write down your VBox II satellite position numbers. These are the numbers displayed on the front of the VBox II when moving to a
specific satellite position. These position numbers can also be found in your old receivers motor setup menu.

Example lets say...
Position 1 on VBox II = Astra 19e
Position 2 on VBox II = Eutelsat W2 16e
Position 3 on VBox II = Hotbird 13e

You get the idea...

First send the dish to Astra 19e using Vbox II.

On Vu+ Remote Press Menu
Select Setup Press OK
Select Service Searching Press OK
Select Tuner configuration Press OK
Select Tuner A Press OK

Now set Configuration Mode to Advanced. Use Left or Right keys on remote to select.

Configuration Mode: Advanced
Satellite: Astra 19e
LNB: 1
DiSEqC mode: 1.2

Scroll down to botton of the page with the down arrow on remote.

Use USALS for this sat: No
Stored position: 001

Press OK to store.

OK that's Astra 19e setup now to setup Eutelsat W2 16e

Now send the dish to Eutelsat 16E using Vbox II.

Select Setup Press OK
Select Service Searching Press OK
Select Tuner configuration Press OK
Select Tuner A Press OK

Configuration Mode: Advanced
Satellite: Eutelsat W2 16e
LNB: 2
DiSEqC mode: 1.2

Scroll down to botton of the page with the down arrow on remote.

Use USALS for this sat: No
Stored position: 002

Press OK to store.

OK that's Eutelsat W2 16e setup now to setup Hotbird 13e

Now send dish to Hotbird using Vbox II

Select Setup Press OK
Select Service Searching Press OK
Select Tuner configuration Press OK
Select Tuner A Press OK

Configuration Mode: Advanced
Satellite: Hotbird 13e
LNB: 3
DiSEqC mode: 1.2

Scroll down to botton of the page with the down arrow on remote.

Use USALS for this sat: No
Stored position: 003

Press OK to store.

You get the idea, now repeat for the rest of the satellites and your done.

This is enough to get you started, the fun starts learning the rest.

ps:- TsPanel install help is here https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?161307-installing-TSpanel


11-04-2011, 02:15 PM
Is there a default root passwd? Or a way to alter it with the remote?

Kind of hard to FTP etc when you can't login :confused:

11-04-2011, 03:00 PM
There is no password by default.

Use VUCC to login.

11-04-2011, 03:09 PM
I did some checking and the image I installed claims no password but VUCC ,filezilla and others all complain about password . HTTP gets me to the web inerface. With no password. Hmmm. I 'll keep trying.


Passwd was vuduo

Only took me a few hours

11-04-2011, 05:43 PM
Yes depends upon image.When you are asking passwd please inform image.

I just guess you have now backup image?

18-09-2012, 10:38 PM
I use windows 7, with no issues
as far as the VU goes, its likely it comes with the latest boot loader/image
but if you need to update the unit with an image of your choice, a usb stick is the simplest way to do it

all you need is the unzipped file on the mem stick called VU Duo, and the image files within the folder

02-01-2013, 11:15 AM
VuCC 0.8 is now out for any E2 linux box owners to use, has various functions including channel list installation and telnet and ftp

also out are new versions of Dreamset and Dreamboxedit for loading in channel lists etc (choose E2 if you own an E2 box)

DreamboxEdit tells you where the list is when you choose E2

so the path is :-


use dreamboxedit or dreamset for editing channel lists on your pc and for transferring them from the box to the pc or to the linux box from the pc

19-01-2013, 11:13 PM
share a folder or volume on a Windows machine on a fixed lan IP

On your PC setup your folder or volume for sharing and give it a share name - keep it simple for now with no space eg. films for a folder and drive letter for the volume

Then on your linux box

setup - network > MountManager > Add new network mount point

Mount using: FSTAB (mount using linux)

Active: enable

Local share name: film (for example)

Mount type: CIFS share

Server IP: (whatever your PC IP is)

Server share: /films (what you shared as on PC)

use as HDD replacement: no

Mount options: rw (or ro for read only)

Username: user (account name on PC with share rights)

Password: pass (account names password)

Press OK

check its mounted in the mount manager as it should show green on each side


for a NAS , do the same again but use the login name and pass of the nas web interface (admin panel),
and the volume name for where the folder normally goes (Server share: )


10-02-2013, 01:07 PM



Firstly, ensure you have a suitable usb stick and have formatted it on the duo using the format procedure in the BH image (blue button)
Insert this stick when prompted AFTER THE IMAGE HAS BOOTED UP (ie:- do not insert the usb stick at all until prompted)
I would recommend a stick of 16 gig or 32 gig and a branded make too (like the tiny red PNY 32 gig usb sticks from mr.memory), BH seems fussy about sticks and they can fail even if formatted correctly and you cannot really tell until you use them
When the stick is formatted you will be prompted to reboot so do so, and then MOUNT the stick as usb in the mountpoints manager
The stick will be chosen and used for the epg download, and is also where you should store your picons too (not the flash or the hdd - you definitely dont want it on the hdd as it will keep waking the hdd up and there will be a delay of freeze whilst the hdd spins up all the time - a usb stick is instant read/write access as its solid state)

format it as 1 partition using EXT2 (for usb sticks) as your formatting options

Now for Crossepg 0.6.2_GIT, which is embedded into BH images


setup the following


now go back and setup the following



exit (back)









setup fast plugin using GREEN and GREEN by selecting crossepg reload

or press GREEN (plugins) - RED (panel setup) and choose FAST PLUGIN SETUP and set crossepg download using the red button to select it

this now allows you to quickly press GREEN TWICE to force an epg download/reload

exit when the plugins menu shows over the top of BH RADIO

CROSSEPG should now be working and displaying more than now and next in extended epg and graphical epg


10-02-2013, 01:14 PM
XMLTV settings in VIX 3

Here’s the settings that work best using XMLTV

First go to EPG setup … menu/setup/system/epg/settings …the only thing you really need to do here is set the EPG location to USB on the top row

EPG Location - /media/usb/

Then … menu/setup/system/epg/settings/setup/system/epg/settings/XMLTV-Importer

You will notice that daily automatic import is disabled, this is because some people have found this causes problems (but you may not)

instead of using this option enable “start import after booting up” and use power manager to reboot the box daily (see power manager)

Daily automatic import - DISABLED
Automatic start time - 0700
Standby at startup - disable
When in deep standby - skip the import
Show in plugin browser - NO
Show in extensions - NO
Start import after booting up - ENABLE
Load long dexcriptions up to X days - 7

Then choose your sources (blue button)


After you’ve chosen your sources … green button to ok then yellow to start a manual import.

When import is finished you should have a populated EPG

As referred to earlier use power manager to boot the box daily to update the epg

Menu/setup/system/vix/power manager

Enable Power Manager - YES
Enable Standby - YES
Standby time - 0900
Retry after cancel (mins) - 30
Enable Deep Standby - NO
Enable GUI Restart - NO
Enable Reboot - YES
Reboot Time - 0800
Retry after cancel (mins) - 30

Set reboot and standby time to suit

Once you’re finished setting everything up press epg button then the menu button to set the look of the epg to suit your needs

View Mode - TEXT
Show bouquet on launch - NO
Picture in graphics - YES
Service title mode - Service Name
Info button (short) - Channel Info
Info button (long) - Single EPG
OK button (short) - ZAP
OK button (LONG) - ZAP + EXIT
Channel 1 at Start - NO
Skip empty services - NO
Base time - 15 MINUTES
Primetime Hour - 20
Primetime Minute - 0
Number of rows - 12
Event font size - -4
Service font size - -1
Service Width - 248
Picon Width - 58
Timeline font size - 0
Timescale - 180

10-02-2013, 03:46 PM


so if tuner A is hotbird

menu - service searching - tuner config - tuner A

13.0e eutelsat hotbird 13a/13b/13c

Tuner B

28.2e EUTELSAT + ASTRA 1N/2A/2B/2F

reverse if the feeds are the other way round


and if using a diseqc switch on either feed use:-


THEN CHOOSE PORT A and choose the satellite it uses , repeat for ports B and C and D too

set voltage + 22 khz tone - YES
SEND DISEQC................. - NO

22-02-2013, 10:32 PM
how to view the duo or solo2 etc in vlc on your laptop or pc

put the lan ip address of the duo into firefox
the web interface should present itself
now click on the tv bouquet containing the channel you wish to view
click on the 2 tv,s on the right of that channel in the onscreen list
select vlc as the player in the popup

vlc will now open and the programme will be displayed and will stream into vlc

26-11-2013, 01:22 AM
Anybody with a windows pc or laptop can use this tool to determine the box was actually on the network -

Advanced IP Scanner.

See it in action and/or download from here:::

It's free for home use and it's quite a handy little tool.
With just one button to click it becomes an extremely user friendly tool.
A right click on an entry in the results pane opens up a list of options and tools such as ping, tracenet, telnet and ssh.

It just takes a couple of seconds to scan a network and gives you the
STATUS, NAME, IP, MANUFACTURER - and- MAC address of everything on your network in the results pane.

Armed with this information it just is not possible to enter the wrong IP address in any software -
either in the VuCC by Lee or in any ftp program such as filezilla without using the VuCC.

thanks go to teduk for telling this forum about it

04-02-2014, 03:56 PM
tutorial by cokeaddict on usb stick setup and swap file setup

for the usb, you will need to format it either in windows as fat32 or in BH (blue button, blue button, usb format wizard), it will accept fat32 from windows, or any of the linux formats, if you do it in the BH image, you can split it up into up to 4 partitions and have them all different format types if you feel the need for it.

Once it's formatted you need to go into the bh mount wizard (blue button, blue button, Devices manager), then mount the usb as a /media/usb (and if you have multiple partions mount 1 as universes and whatever else takes your fancy), also mount the hdd in there too as /media/hdd.

Once the mounts are set it will reboot the box.

When it is online again, you can go into the bh panel and grab the HD picons, they will auto install on your usb stick for you.

I would also suggest setting up a swap file now you have a usb stick (blue button, blue button, swap file settings), create a swap file and then set it to auto start and then activate it.

14-03-2015, 12:26 PM
setting a password on a VU box (or any linux box)



adding a c line to cccam.cfg (for cccam 2.30 preferably)

using DCC , or VuCC , or filezilla , or Flash FXP , FTP to var/etc and edit the cccam.cfg

copy and paste your line into this config and save it


restart cccam

(NB:- you can edit this on your laptop and FTP the edited file to var/etc instead)

you will find this info in the sticky threads at the top of this forum and in the other VU and dreambox discussion forums here too

no idea about macs but the principle must be the same

on a windows pc , ftp is used with VuCC and filezilla , dreambox control centre (DCC) , flash fxp , putty and many other ftp programs

11-04-2015, 12:00 AM
consider the following forum comments to be preferred when setting up a VU box (any) or a dreambox (any) or any similar linux box

I prefer to call it MANDATORY myself , but consider it "best practice" , especially for newbies to these boxes

I ALWAYS set a password using telnet in DCC on any linux box using BH or VIX or OpenPLI

I also ALWAYS fix the IP address too, always have done on my old dm800 and tm9100 boxes

so ALWAYS set a fixed ip and always change the password too , as soon as you install an image

in this case I would set the box to something like or higher and change the password from say "blank" where no password was used, to a proper lower case password like say for example "satpimp" using telnet in DCC and the passwd command

ensure you have fixed the IP on the box , dont let it just choose its own in DHCP AUTO as this will tend to change regularly depending on the order devices connect

also ensure you have telnetted to the box in DCC or similar and changed the password , or used the tuxbox commander password changer plugin

then check your router admin panel and ensure you know the correct ip address for the box and that its logged onto the router (lan devices connected) - ping the box i p address using a command prompt to prove its "talking" over the LAN

The IP will only change if DHCP is set to yes in the box (this really needs changing to no and a manual i p address set)

But this can only happen if the box has been turned off then on again in a different order to the last time it was used,ie last time was pc first then box,this time box first then pc.

With DHCP set to on the router will automatically assign the lowest available ip,so if last time the pc was turned on first that would get and the box would get

just in case go into the router and look at the attached devices,this will tell you the IP thats assigned to the box,then go into the settings of the FTP program and ensure they match.if not change these settings to match the IP shown in the routers attached devices.

set it to dhcp so all settings are correct , then untick dhcp and just alter it to the ip you want (using the same one previously used saves me altering settings on pc)

when checking the network on these boxes, you should use DCC , as DCC will tell you more about failures and DCC will allow a connection to any linux box , not just dreamboxes

DCC is also used to telnet to the box and change the password using the passwd command

routers can reserve the IP address you have chosen so that it always uses the same one anyway as the mac code is saved

other programs like VuCC may also help with the above


I use flash fxp and DCC as my main FTP programs (but filezilla is a useful alternative)

DCC can also be used for telnet purposes which allow you to change the password and in my opinion it is imperative that people change the password as soon as possible after flashing an image. I have done this for about 7 to 8 years now, starting with my dreambox and also with vu boxes too

it is the height of stupidity NOT to set a password on your box, same as the same can be said if you dont password your pc login or bank login or paypal login

bear in mind if doing this for somebody else, you may not know the password so may have trouble due to not knowing what they have used, or have trouble setting one yourself (these tutorials assume you started fromn scratch and no password was set, or the image maker provided the password in his notes about the image or firmware)

so , to stop ip addresses changing due to the switch on order of devices (like was said earlier) then you should fix the lan ip address of your vu box (or dreambox) and that way your FTP program will be set to use the same ip address , same name and same password each and every time you log into the box using it

if it all stays the same, nothing changes, therefore is easier , simpler and no room for errors

it would also stop somebody accessing your box and playing april fools on you by changing your box password (same applies to your router too)

if you think about it, those default logins are what caused all the phone hacking scandal too (in simple terms)

all seems common sense to me, nothing clever about it at all, its the K.I.S.S. principle

I believe in setting a password so that the laptop or pc or dreambox or vu are "happy" , same with setting a fixed ip on all boxes, including non-linux , plus on a NAS too (its obvious to set login password and fixed ip address on a NAS)

its important to do regular backups of your vu and your laptop or pc etc , if you dont , on your heads be it


also try changing the audio settings to stop NAR working


1 - English
2 - undetermined
3 - Original
4 - any

prefer ac3 = YES
prefer audio stored service - NO


ACRONYMS and Glossary of terms :-

D.C.C. = Dreambox Control Centre - file manipulation

VuCC = Vu Control Centre - file manipulation

Filezilla - file manipulation

DBedit - DreamBox Edit - channel list installer, save and backup too

F.T.P. = File Transfer Protocol (in DCC and VuCC plus other programs)

Telnet - a command box similar to the dos command box on a pc (in DCC)


image login name - nearly always root

image login password - could be blank, or set by the author ,
or use DCC and set it yourself using the telnet command passwd

i p address, either the one used by DHCP from the router, or the one you have set manually

port, if required, this will be set by yourself or have a default number which can vary


Removing unwanted channels from your bouquet (channel list)

you can either :-

go onto the channel you wish to remove
press the down button on the remote
press menu - this brings up the onscreen channel editor
make sure you are still on the unwanted channel
now select "remove from bouquet"
this will remove that channel
repeat for any others you wish to remove from your channel list (bouquet)


import into the latest dreamboxedit on your pc or laptop
delete (remove) the unwanted channels
save to pc (or laptop)
send the amended list back to the dreambox (to your VU in this case)


then restart enigma 2 from the menu (or restart or reboot the box)


typical c line

C: satpimps.gotdns.com 12345 pimps1name pimps1password yes

typical n line

N: someserver.dyndns.org 12345 pimps1name pimps1password 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14