View Full Version : Updated image vu box dead ???

18-05-2010, 10:05 AM
Had to happen, but have just updated image using usb stick, rebooted and now have only red light showing in receiver window and nothing else happening.
Is there anything I can do to repair this ?
Rebooted a 2nd time and all ok. Silly me


18-05-2010, 10:16 AM
You need to tell us what image you are trying and how you did it?
The more detail you can provide the more help we can give.

18-05-2010, 04:26 PM
You need to tell us what image you are trying and how you did it?
The more detail you can provide the more help we can give.

Hi again Sonic, I had been on a PLI image which just kept giving me green screens and so changed back to Vu+ Team v.0.8. 10.04.14.
Got a bit nervous when all I had after booting was a red light showing in the left hand side of the Vu+ rebooted a 2nd time and all ok

The problems I think were caused by a faulty network connection to begin with and there was a breakdown in the line while trying to ftp a new settings file; have changed the cable to go direct to the router and everything is ok.