View Full Version : My spiderbox keeps freezing

18-05-2010, 10:19 PM
My spiderbox keeps freezing on the same chanels that im watching from gift alwas the same chanels but jsc sports work fine canal+action keeps freezaing along with novasports4 and a few more 71 signal 8 6 quility on canal+plus on novasports4 i get 90 signal

18-05-2010, 10:21 PM
whats the ecm like ?

18-05-2010, 10:23 PM
Do you have the latest patch with CS Net?

18-05-2010, 10:24 PM
sorry what do u mean by ecm?

18-05-2010, 10:24 PM
yes i do have the latest patch

18-05-2010, 10:47 PM
sorry what do u mean by ecm?

pressing info twice usually brings up the ecm which is like a ping time

but I just tried it on there and the nuevo server doesnt show the ecm time

a high time would mean it would glitch , that was my point

if you tried it with a c line or n line you would see an ecm time like on a dreambox

21-05-2010, 11:44 PM
Freezing its got to do with your internet provider and internet speed. 20 meg speed is not bad for gift channels even with this speed some internet providers cant handle it in the evenings.

22-05-2010, 12:30 AM
Freezing its got to do with your internet provider and internet speed. 20 meg speed is not bad for gift channels even with this speed some internet providers cant handle it in the evenings.
Isn't the gift card sharing on a private server.
I thought with card sharing only the encryption keys are sent not the content itself. Isn't it more likely that the number of users on the server at any given time will have more of an impact?

22-05-2010, 07:01 AM
yes: these have an impact on C S, the more of each the worse end result:
- total users on same channel, card
- response time in milliseconds from the server on your box request.
- requests made from your box and a set timeout when to ask new one

22-05-2010, 07:47 AM
yes: these have an impact on C S, the more of each the worse end result:
- total users on same channel, card
- response time in milliseconds from the server on your box request.
- requests made from your box and a set timeout when to ask new one

So the more successful the sales of Spiderbox are the more chance of freezing?

22-05-2010, 10:26 AM
yes, unless there is big investment on server side, and personally I don't see this happening, unless some kind of contribution from box users ... Big test most likely world footy ...

22-05-2010, 11:56 AM
Think of the server as a big water tank. The more people who turn their taps, the slower the flow and sometimes the flow stops altogether. What the "water company" needs to do is buy more tanks!

terry l
22-05-2010, 04:31 PM
Errr will sherman do bazza m8?..

22-05-2010, 05:23 PM
Sherman'll do a treat! Lol

terry l
22-05-2010, 05:34 PM
For sale one sherman tank [fully loaded buyer collect's]..

22-05-2010, 05:48 PM
yes, unless there is big investment on server side, and personally I don't see this happening, unless some kind of contribution from box users ... Big test most likely world footy ...

I'm sure the "Dark Lord" wouldn't let his customers down!

Don't Worry!


22-05-2010, 10:33 PM
It's funny how only one person reports a problem and it's led to some very nice comments...nice one folks. The box is a server itself now, no need to get connected to a 'busy' server....
Everything is working very well here.:lurk5::smilielol5:

22-05-2010, 10:47 PM
It's funny how only one person reports a problem and it's led to some very nice comments...nice one folks. The box is a server itself now, no need to get connected to a 'busy' server....
Everything is working very well here.:lurk5::smilielol5:

But surely just because each box is a server does not guarantee the "gift" working satisfactorily.
The gift working satisfactorily is only guaranteed by the contention ratio.

So if too many people use the service at the same time then they may see freezing.

22-05-2010, 11:31 PM
Ive had one from the first batch that were sold
if anything the gift has got better dont forget it not
card share as we know it so for me as the number of
stb got bigger the gift has got bigger and better


22-05-2010, 11:34 PM
Agreed with you Joany, however we can not refute the effect of the internet connection, the router, (hence ecm time), other clines or nlines the user might have, etc...not just the 'gift'....
I beleive we should numerate all the possible causes, especially when it is only one person reports that problem...if it was the overload of the server, surely we should have many more people reporting it....can you see my point?

23-05-2010, 12:03 AM
yes, unless there is big investment on server side, and personally I don't see this happening, unless some kind of contribution from box users ... Big test most likely world footy ...

All will be OK and no contribution will be asked from members in the fist year...99% of channels will be OK ...

If you see we have add channels..like Canal+ Thorn 1W...without asking any contrubution...and not is in Test even Service + ( digitalb- supersport -D+ - Meo )

23-05-2010, 12:07 AM
Think of the server as a big water tank. The more people who turn their taps, the slower the flow and sometimes the flow stops altogether. What the "water company" needs to do is buy more tanks!
True ....The tank has the Limited....if the Tank is Full ,,why we do not buy New Tanks and be greety !>? if people buy spderboxes they allready have invested for new Tanks....why poeple thinks is only one tank...lol....

one Tank take 20.000 klg water....just for info...mean need another year the Tank to be full...

terry l
23-05-2010, 06:16 AM
Nice one,
So a new sherman need's to be bought every year..
and turning the spider into a server is even a better idea..

23-05-2010, 07:33 AM
It's funny how only one person reports a problem and it's led to some very nice comments...nice one folks. The box is a server itself now, no need to get connected to a 'busy' server....
Everything is working very well here.:lurk5::smilielol5:

Wow this is indeed very useful help/support for the owner with the freezing spiderbox! And how is that supposed to work:
The box is a server itself now, no need to get connected to a 'busy' server.
1 spiderbox server serving itself with what? yeah indeed no freezing: scrambled channel: if you don't put the required smart card in the card reader.

23-05-2010, 07:37 AM
And now it is the only one person problem and not yours? Seen your point from the start.

23-05-2010, 08:27 AM
Agreed with you Joany, however we can not refute the effect of the internet connection, the router, (hence ecm time), other clines or nlines the user might have, etc...not just the 'gift'....
I beleive we should numerate all the possible causes, especially when it is only one person reports that problem...if it was the overload of the server, surely we should have many more people reporting it....can you see my point?

Yes that seems fair enough but the statement you made: "The box is a server itself now, no need to get connected to a 'busy' server...."
is completely misleading. The fact that you can share your own subs is not going to improve "the gift" channels.

Is this correct?

23-05-2010, 09:28 AM
I would just say why do a few people have to keep knocking the spiderbox.
If you dont like it you dont have to buy it, i can say i have had one since its launch, yes its not perfect but it's getting better and better, it was cheap, and give loads of channels.
I have had many cards and cams over the years and waited days for updates, i have a private share, thats gone down when there have been software issues and had to wait for cccam updates etc,
For the price and what you get this has been one of the best things to come to the sat market for years, and in 6 months time i will happily pay to exstent the gift chennels, it will have still cost a lot less than i have paid S*Y this year, and a great range of extra channels over what i already have.

Ps I get very very little freezing, much the same levels as i get on mt tm9100 with a private share and its usually my talktalk thats at fault.

23-05-2010, 09:34 AM
Believe that this assumption is correct

23-05-2010, 09:41 AM
Knocking the spiderbox? Rather a balanced view: you look at pro and contra. So the normal user has all the facts and knows what he is in for.

23-05-2010, 11:41 AM
Yes that seems fair enough but the statement you made: "The box is a server itself now, no need to get connected to a 'busy' server...."
is completely misleading. The fact that you can share your own subs is not going to improve "the gift" channels.

Is this correct?

Yeap it's not going to improve the gift because the gift has no problem in the 1st place...do you suffer severe freezings on the gift channels? Why do you start a thread then? Do you owe the box? how many have reported freezing problem? that is where we all should look at, instead of extrapolating on issues that are just 'fantasy', imho. :coolgleamA:

23-05-2010, 11:54 AM
And now it is the only one person problem and not yours? Seen your point from the start.

And Giga, you get it completely wrong here, this is exactly what i call fantasy...Please follow my logic:
the guy has reported some channels that are freezing...
You lot assumed it was of the fact that there are too many people connected that is causing the freezing.
so if this was the case, surely more than one person will have already complained, will they?
Therefore, it is not because one man problem is not my problem...:beatdeadhorse5:

23-05-2010, 12:15 PM
I would just say why do a few people have to keep knocking the spiderbox.
If you dont like it you dont have to buy it, i can say i have had one since its launch, yes its not perfect but it's getting better and better, it was cheap, and give loads of channels.
I have had many cards and cams over the years and waited days for updates, i have a private share, thats gone down when there have been software issues and had to wait for cccam updates etc,
For the price and what you get this has been one of the best things to come to the sat market for years, and in 6 months time i will happily pay to exstent the gift chennels, it will have still cost a lot less than i have paid S*Y this year, and a great range of extra channels over what i already have.

Ps I get very very little freezing, much the same levels as i get on mt tm9100 with a private share and its usually my talktalk thats at fault.

they are like play grounds bullys no spunk in them to say what they really want to m8, they see a chance (a thread) and off they go like fooking school kids (bully), DM dont hide in the shadows he,s on here with us, if I was like them (glad I am not) I would say the box is **** the servers fooking useless and have done with it, like a proper man then take the ban move on said it done it lay down, but they have no spunk in them to say what they want its here,s the time now lets hear it then shut the fook up, set of tosses that what I think of them sad ba_stard-s fook all else to do but sit here and try discredit someone all the time, I know I will get a ban or warning but if thats it I will call it a day on here, I ain't fooked around been doing snide comments like them said it here right now tossers, but stop the playground stuff how old are you the posts resembles school kids waiting to pounce all the time, whats happened to the scene someones give us more channels great price and certain people want to pull it down anyway they can, should be jumping for joy (most are) that we are getting so many channels, its beyond impartial views anyone can tell that now, when a thread comes up you know straight away who will snide up on the thread, so lets hear what you think I have told you what I think of you no fooking about going on for weeks like you, and dont go down that this is not about satellite what you have said I know its not I am fooking pis*sed of with you winging all the time about if this get overloaded and that tank gets full, cut to the chase fook the snide impartial views you say you make (and dont say are not). I am a thck c_unt but it don't take much to see you are are digging away at any chance you get to pull the box down. so instead of bullying in on a thread for fook sake start a thread saying I think the severs tanks full, to many boxes start the fooking thread about what you think dont playground bully on to another thread start the thread try be man enough to at least do that.

terry l
25-05-2010, 12:11 AM
Here's something you arseole fed up with you trying to get browny point's..
This site was gr8 TILL CRAP LIKE YOU l and turned it to [mine's bigger tnen your's].
I BOUGHT the fcunking thing I also know that that the 211 212 213 214 is supposed to be sorted..
Dont come on giving it

25-05-2010, 01:58 AM
There are a lot of people with vested interest in other boxes, or who just have a major chip on their shoulder.
When a problem occurs with spiderbox services, and that's infrequently, it gets sorted out quickly - but some idiots seize on every glitch, every error a newbie makes, every internet problem that people have from time to time and try to assign the blame to the spiderbox. They are petty small minded people with nothing but rancour to their stunted personalities; jealousy and bitterness consume them, and so they direct their crap at Darkman and anything he provides. Let me tell you miserable people, you are wasting your time. We know who you are and what your agendas are.. You've lost.
The spiderbox functions as a server. Today's patch has sorted out the CCcam2.1.3/2.1.4 problems, and the spiderbox is now by far the best HD receiver on the market, and at a great price.

25-05-2010, 02:49 AM
I am not a bully thats for sure the last thing I am, I don't mind a laugh joke like anyone else, but it was not correct what was going on in threads, when people are trying to help people out brutus / echelon ect , the general chat section is there for a bit of fun light banter chit chat, the brownie points if I was after any and this is the truth I felt sorry for the sponsor of this forum, who knows its a good box and don't they stop and think about that trying to kill is livelihood off saying the stuff they say with out any foundation of the server side ect, I am not on about DM at all my soul intention and its the truth was the sponsor and that Gods honest truth, but i was yes getting pis*ed off about the thread been ******ed are they doing stuff like this with other stbs all the time, saying stuff all the time, if you think it good to crack jokes in a thread when members are trying help someone well thats sad, it was just like playground bully what kids do what they kept doing, like i said the general chats a good place for the fun side thats what its for, but please dont call me a bully give me your phone number or if you want I will give you mine if you wish and we can talk this over instead of on here cant be fairer than that man to man have a talk if you don't want to pm me my number and you would rather put it in a thread i will cant be fairer than that but you will get to no me more speaking on the phone, and you will find out i am not a bully far from it if you want to do a reverse call charge to me you can no problem, but one last thing I am not a bully, I could go for brownie points telling you about me on here how nice i am but i am not like that I would rather speak man to man about this, I do hope you give me your phone number or you can have mine, i live in Yorkshire if you not far away maybe we could meet and talk well I would travel a 100 miles to see you and what I am saying is not hiding behind the keyboard stuff I mean everything I say on this post where do you live are you in the UK terry i please contact me so we can talk, I am going to bed now, I will wait i got an idea just come when I finish this thread I will pm you my land-line number, only thing I ask dont ring me and put 1471 in before because my phone well I wont go on

25-05-2010, 02:51 AM
terry check you PM my land line number,

edit spelt terry wrong lol

25-05-2010, 11:56 AM
with new update there shouldnt be any more problem for anybody .i am so happy with my spider.

25-05-2010, 01:50 PM
I am not a bully thats for sure but give me your phone number or if you want I will give you mine if you wish and we can talk this over instead of on here cant be fairer than that man to man have a talk if you don't want to pm me my number and you would rather put it in a thread i will cant be fairer than that but you will get to no me more speaking on the phone, and you will find out i am not a bully far from it if you want to do a reverse call charge to me you can no problem, but one last thing I am not a bully, I do hope you give me your phone number or you can have mine, i live in Yorkshire if you not far away maybe we could meet and talk well I would travel a 100 miles to see you and I will pm you my land-line number, only thing I ask dont ring me and put 1471 in before

Of course you're not a bully Spunky. "JUST GIVE ME YOUR NUMBER SO WE CAN SORT THIS OUT LIKE MEN!"
You need to get a grip.

People are entitled to their opinions even if you don't agree with it. If your reply to a posting makes sense then people will agree with it. If your reply doesnt make sense then people will pull your arguments apart. Thats what reasoned people do!
I've said this several times before. The spiderbox seems like cracking value at the moment. However nobody knows how much support there will be for the box in the future. Additionally nobody knows how the gift will continue performing when more and more subscribers are using it.

DM pulled the plug on support for the Technomate boxes and he also banned (good, reasonable) people from his forum for not agreeing with his views so these are the main reasons I remain sceptical about this box and ongoing support for it.

25-05-2010, 03:14 PM
Of course you're not a bully Spunky. "JUST GIVE ME YOUR NUMBER SO WE CAN SORT THIS OUT LIKE MEN!"
You need to get a grip.

People are entitled to their opinions even if you don't agree with it. If your reply to a posting makes sense then people will agree with it. If your reply doesnt make sense then people will pull your arguments apart. Thats what reasoned people do!
I've said this several times before. The spiderbox seems like cracking value at the moment. However nobody knows how much support there will be for the box in the future. Additionally nobody knows how the gift will continue performing when more and more subscribers are using it.

DM pulled the plug on support for the Technomate boxes and he also banned (good, reasonable) people from his forum for not agreeing with his views so these are the main reasons I remain sceptical about this box and ongoing support for it.

Can you foking stoping nominating My Name and other forums...nothink to do with me here...

is SATPIMS FORUM and same time is Spiderbox Section...

stop bulling people ...around here and stop atacking some one you do not know...

Stay on the Thread....allways same bull****s...darkman al sat abd bla bla bla....

if darkman pull out some support is his problem ...is he will pay conseguences and his forum not Satpims or Spiderbox...
But this is not the right plase to talk about it.....Go in some difnet chat plases and talk bla bla bla al day long.

25-05-2010, 03:35 PM
Can you foking stoping nominating My Name and other forums...nothink to do with me here...

is SATPIMS FORUM and same time is Spiderbox Section...

stop bulling people ...around here and stop atacking some one you do not know...

Stay on the Thread....allways same bull****s...darkman al sat abd bla bla bla....

if darkman pull out some support is his problem ...is he will pay conseguences and his forum not Satpims or Spiderbox...
But this is not the right plase to talk about it.....Go in some difnet chat plases and talk bla bla bla al day long.

Hey DM I agree with you here. If you pull support for a product then you pay the consequences.
I am not knocking you or the box or your forum.I'm just saying why I remain sceptical about the box and ongoing support for it.

25-05-2010, 03:38 PM
Of course you're not a bully Spunky. "JUST GIVE ME YOUR NUMBER SO WE CAN SORT THIS OUT LIKE MEN!"
You need to get a grip.

People are entitled to their opinions even if you don't agree with it. If your reply to a posting makes sense then people will agree with it. If your reply doesnt make sense then people will pull your arguments apart. Thats what reasoned people do!
I've said this several times before. The spiderbox seems like cracking value at the moment. However nobody knows how much support there will be for the box in the future. Additionally nobody knows how the gift will continue performing when more and more subscribers are using it.

DM pulled the plug on support for the Technomate boxes and he also banned (good, reasonable) people from his forum for not agreeing with his views so these are the main reasons I remain sceptical about this box and ongoing support for it.

Now you are showing your reason for participating in this thread. Just another shoulder chip carrier and you are completely wrong on a number of points..

DM did not pull support for technomate receivers. The technomate section is still one of the busiest sections on his forum. TM has been issuing patch after useless patch for a long time, attempting to dupe users into believing there was still worthwhile support for their old receivers, and I applaud DMs refusal to participate in such fraud.
Darkman has banned nobody, ever. Forum Administrators and moderators do that. No "good reasonable" people have been banned. On the contrary, many times Darkman has had bans reversed for members who were banned for continually breaking the rules and posting OT spam like you do.

So, to get back on track..
The spiderbox has the best support team I've ever seen. Patches are tested exhaustively before release, and there is a definite roadmap for future development. How many boxes ever received in a year the amount of support that spiderboxes have receiver in even the last few weeks? NONE!
The spider is now functional as a server and client, has hundreds of channels clearing cleanly on the gift, and more are being added constantly.
It's by far the best and easiest receiver to use available on the market.

25-05-2010, 03:47 PM
well im pleased with mine,and ive just ordered another one,same old moaner as usual,lol :beatdeadhorse5:

25-05-2010, 03:48 PM
well im pleased with mine,and ive just ordered another one,same old moaner as usual,lol :beatdeadhorse5:


Not so old LOL

25-05-2010, 03:52 PM
Hey DM I agree with you here. If you pull support for a product then you pay the consequences.
I am not knocking you or the box or your forum.I'm just saying why I remain sceptical about the box and ongoing support for it.
You can be skeptic that your right....I do not like to change your views ...but no one can the Facts and disucssion allways by proposue in somethink else.

But here people talk about box actually who own one and the facts haw good this box is Today......No one prevent the future...if you do so let me know i pay you, we can play LOTERY together .tels staying on facts.

The facts are from November the box come in has much more then any box in the market Updating and s/w improvment...is one of the best box not only for support even quality..and that not becouse i have somethik to do with at....see other OEMS and specially UK...we have only see Pictures form 7-9 months and softkey updates update ....nothink else.and no any real development only people trying copy each others...or claiming some one else JOB and misleding people and fake advertise.....

This are the Facts and Your sceptic View has no Coment here i think !..

I love to see wich are the Boxes they have real development and Good price ,,good quality and Free channels with Good value.....in chat section not here, because is againt the rulles hijacak threads....
I invate you and every one else if you like talk about in in Chat section by FACTS and we see each other there...and forget about some Username or some forums...name and some has been ban or no and allways trying to nock think in one way or other without any facts about the real Thread..

25-05-2010, 04:45 PM
she,s blinkered you cant reason with a women / man like that DM

fook it going for a swim

hope the thread get closed

25-05-2010, 08:19 PM

What is your PROBLEM [ GIRL ] I Have Both [ TM6900HD @ SPIDERBOX HD9000 ] Plus LOADS OF Others ??



25-05-2010, 08:31 PM
Agreed with you Joany, however we can not refute the effect of the internet connection, the router, (hence ecm time), other clines or nlines the user might have, etc...not just the 'gift'....
I beleive we should numerate all the possible causes, especially when it is only one person reports that problem...if it was the overload of the server, surely we should have many more people reporting it....can you see my point?

I'm sorry Brutus, I just re-read your post and I agree. maybe with just one guy reporting a problem it's not likely to be too many users at once. If the guy doesn't know what an ecm is then it's unlikely he's already sharing though.

25-05-2010, 08:39 PM

This is were you should be posting:king-041: STAY THERE UNTILL YOU HAVE A SPIDERBOX



25-05-2010, 09:17 PM
I'm sorry Brutus, I just re-read your post and I agree. maybe with just one guy reporting a problem it's not likely to be too many users at once. If the guy doesn't know what an ecm is then it's unlikely he's already sharing though.

Now that you made yourself well known in the game you are playing, you quickly switch back to my thread...answer people question, WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM???
You are 'sceptical about this box and ongoing support for it', who cares about your feeling? we are talking about FACTS here. And the facts are the spiderbox is by far the best stb in the market right now. Simple! Accept it and do us a favour in buying one of them and enjoy it.
Otherwise, please stay clear because you can not give an advice on something you don't even own.:dupe::beatdeadhorse5:

25-05-2010, 09:20 PM
Hey rabby you need to go away in jerky movements.

I don't need to own a spiderbox to comment about why a guy might be seeing freezing on the channels. It seems logical to me that with a card sharing server freezing is more likely to be caused by too many users on the server than the speed of the broadband connection itself.
Sorry if you don't like this.I might be wrong but it just seemed logical to me. i don't have any chip on my shoulder nor any axe to grind against DM or his army of followers.

25-05-2010, 10:07 PM

Hey rabby you need to go away in jerky movements.

I don't need to own a spiderbox to comment about why a guy might be seeing freezing on the channels. It seems logical to me that with a card sharing server freezing is more likely to be caused by too many users on the server than the speed of the broadband connection itself.
Sorry if you don't like this.I might be wrong but it just seemed logical to me. i don't have any chip on my shoulder nor any axe to grind against DM or his army of followers.

Look ? Basically I Have not a problem with you [ YOU ARE JUST STUPID ] I have been on the satscene from much the Start ? See your Reply about [ TOES ] In VIP [He was a good m8 at one time too me ] Then it all went the other way ?? ++ Other Boards [ THINK I AM A DRUNK ] LOL? They are far from Truth [ I JUST TAKE THE **** ]I Can Run Big ones round anyone getts in my way [ BUT I DO NOT ] Getting Tooooo Old ?? Think it is VERY FUNNY:respect-050:

I Do NOT LIKE ANYONE GETTING RIPPED OFF[ Beilieve me ] I stick up for Everyone ? I Could Write a Book on the SATCENE?? But it is not GOOD READING[ Trust me on that ] Everyone that nows me in the past ?? I HAVE HELPED THEM [ Saying no MORE ]:nopity:

terry l
27-05-2010, 07:19 PM
Not a good post m8..

27-05-2010, 09:38 PM
terry l

Not a good post m8..


At least I do not come home to Fooking Arse Holes Bringing Down a Super BOX:)

terry l
27-05-2010, 09:53 PM
whot a gem..

27-05-2010, 09:59 PM
