View Full Version : TM 800HD out

19-05-2010, 12:05 PM
TM 800HD in shops tomorrow using dreambox software :respect-applause-00

19-05-2010, 02:21 PM
what chip ?
there are 100-s boxes out there that uses DMM software , or better said Enigma software, but that does not make them any beter for that.

Welcome to TM 800 and lest hope it has some thing to bring to us, otherwise it will die as others have

19-05-2010, 09:34 PM
its running open pli enigma 2 recompiled by Ur_Team for the tm800

so very similar, but not exactly the same

19-05-2010, 10:12 PM
TM 800HD in shops tomorrow using dreambox software :respect-applause-00

You might want to check the technomate site in news they posted again its going to be delayed so wont be out tomorrow


21-05-2010, 10:17 AM
Another running gag on the horizon ?

Please, don't mention any dates. Chip is some Mips Philips.

21-05-2010, 11:23 AM
Another Delay from TM :-(
i gues they are making the box in gold plates , and they have not inaf gold to finish the line up

21-05-2010, 12:33 PM
that news should please the dark side.:respect-050::nopity:

22-05-2010, 11:55 PM
Another Delay from TM :-(
i gues they are making the box in gold plates , and they have not inaf gold to finish the line up

They are not making nothink special....for coustemers...

They making special for their self...from very very cheap Cpu nxp they are imlimenting or copying PLI Enigma 2..

( this copy stayle in non broadcom Chip will cost them their reputation and their money soon )

Th TM is ben deley for many months now due of their CUP and Hardware compatibility with PLI Image and their s/w has been allways in big truble with every 5-10 min crashing....This is the only reason why they deley allways...

The other side of medaly is :

if some one read even my post about TM 800 WIFI ...they says under £200 months agou...i says is fake advertise can not be that price...

Naw the reality is :

we have TM £250 + Wifi Separate £50 mean TM 800 Wifi haw they advertise under £200 is gone Up to £300...
Mean TM WIFI copy style of Q box,lol with Wifi and Copy of DM in image will cost to you £300

Bying £300 machine with copy enigma PLI when PLI TEAM do even not reconice who are this UR TEAM or TM it self i this is big risk.Not only recever carsh every 10 MIn s/w but so big risk then STB it self can crash in your hand.lol
good lack again to all...

For more info READ IN TM SECTION ................

04-06-2010, 08:23 PM
TM 800HD been working now for the last 2 days S*Y hd on cline cccam picture quality very good on samsung LED all in all my first HD and very happy.
to start very simple let setup wiz do the business, lots of fidley sub menus, download from internet cccam, use filezilla to ftp, after cock-ups took about 3 hours but hey I'm not brains of britain,
used dream edit to install a previous chan list I had for ages took a while had to change config on dream edit did not tie up with box number my box was ***.***.*.2 changed this to 1 and it went straight in, yes a bit buggy its new but I am very happy chappy it has got a future good luck.

05-06-2010, 03:51 AM
50% of The Copy Image PLI not working...UNSTABLE .

For me the s/w is very unstable and is less then copy dreambox 800..

Some one do not like to call COPY ,that is the copy for moment they are using all dreambox tools..and even PLI DREAMBOX IMAGE.

TM 800 I think from 10 point can get 4.
DM800 Copy from 10 point can get 6
DM 800 original second Version can get 7.5

I will not recomande never that box for another 12 months time...if they do not fail the progect all.

All their deleys mean problems of coping PLI to their cheap CPU NXP..

05-06-2010, 03:59 AM
This threads coming from TM support forum....even them are feed up ...a part of some who comes from technomate it self.lol

This are all Thread in 1-2 days...Disaster.....

1. box stuck?? ( get Green Sreen )

2.TM800. Had a crash? tell us here. ( Crash all Time )

3.TM800 Remote Control Problem ( very bad )

4.TM 800 and dreamboxedit ( channel list problem )

5.I've killed it! ( fock up )

6.Tm800- HD issue ( not working )

7.TM800 and Flash fxp

8.TM800 & skins. Please read. ( crash)



more and more...........

05-06-2010, 11:34 PM
have v+du tm800 dm800 spiderbox tm8000
testing them without taking sides or rubbishing or downing any brands.
spider box is a good also tm8000 but has extra t- tuner also pvr with 2 channel record and play one,Both of them are not better then Linux enigma boxes and do not have those functions as they are,,,, but both of them are very good in their capacities.
v+du is ok too expensive and has few bugs and I crashed it few times by downloading different skin and channel plugins during playing and messing around ,Also did the same happen more with dm800.
Does it serve any purpose if I come out with big list of bugs ,,crash,,problems or grade them ..I do not think so .
Had tm 800 for sometime now tested for long-time with latest image and followed the nots in the download link ,with latest image have not gone to blue screen or crashed.my point is with dm800 or v+du there is no note or warning what is ready or not ,as far as they concerned v+ and dm800 all works perfect,we all know is not ,,,for all of you out there can take any Linux box to crash if you start messing around with it ,if you are not reading warning nots what is ready or not that is your problem not the box.I understood clearly what is cability of a box and what is ready and what is not ,It will be pointless to pre judge and make silly comments.
PLI is an open source image that anybody can download load and write anyway they want .v+du has also written for them self that does not make v+ a cloan same with tm800.I understood from satellite news paper that dreambox is suing manufacturer of v+du which was named, I refrain to write full name first alphabet was,,, M,, as it will not serve any purpes,
you have wrong end of the stick and pre jugging a box which few notes written to say NOT READY but you are not paying attention,in my opinion tm800 people are very honest to write note saying what is ready or not .that has not happen with dm800 and v+du, :respect-053:

06-06-2010, 01:39 PM
Ef you read all thouse thread come from their forum.
This i got from the forum TM Controll of their people.......Installiers and some dealers ...even them are feed up naw...

I do not like gave any coment any more.......that box has no VALUE a part of experimenting propouse of NXP CPU...lol


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I have to reboot mine every 10 minutes or so coz it just freezes or crashes

after so many reboots it just loops Technomate then if I reboot again it just loops starting

now when I touch it to me it seems very hot,Im wondering if this is causing mine to crash so much

does your TM800 get hot ? not warm hot


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the case is hot to touch m8?

mines left on for days at a time, and while one side gets a bit warm, its no more than any other electrical gear

if it is overheating, then that could well be whats causing it


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Re: [TM800HD] Hot ?


well something seems wrong as its as it freezes x amount of times then it loops as I explained in post 1


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Re: [TM800HD] Hot ?


the tm800hd dont have a fan

and guess what mine is doing the same thing

freezing after 10mins or so

its hot around the psu side and the tuner side

i bet if i can stick a fan in or take the cover off it wont freeze

they should of included a fan as standard after all its a linux hd box


more and more.....


06-06-2010, 01:55 PM
have v+du tm800 dm800 spiderbox tm8000
testing them without taking sides or rubbishing or downing any brands.
spider box is a good also tm8000 but has extra t- tuner also pvr with 2 channel record and play one,Both of them are not better then Linux enigma boxes and do not have those functions as they are,,,, but both of them are very good in their capacities.
v+du is ok too expensive and has few bugs and I crashed it few times by downloading different skin and channel plugins during playing and messing around ,Also did the same happen more with dm800.
Does it serve any purpose if I come out with big list of bugs ,,crash,,problems or grade them ..I do not think so .
Had tm 800 for sometime now tested for long-time with latest image and followed the nots in the download link ,with latest image have not gone to blue screen or crashed.my point is with dm800 or v+du there is no note or warning what is ready or not ,as far as they concerned v+ and dm800 all works perfect,we all know is not ,,,for all of you out there can take any Linux box to crash if you start messing around with it ,if you are not reading warning nots what is ready or not that is your problem not the box.I understood clearly what is cability of a box and what is ready and what is not ,It will be pointless to pre judge and make silly comments.
PLI is an open source image that anybody can download load and write anyway they want .v+du has also written for them self that does not make v+ a cloan same with tm800.I understood from satellite news paper that dreambox is suing manufacturer of v+du which was named, I refrain to write full name first alphabet was,,, M,, as it will not serve any purpes,
you have wrong end of the stick and pre jugging a box which few notes written to say NOT READY but you are not paying attention,in my opinion tm800 people are very honest to write note saying what is ready or not .that has not happen with dm800 and v+du, :respect-053:

FIST do not nomintae DARKMAN...

Second is TECHNOMATE question not other stb,...

Theird all other STB you put in Midle of this discussion are 1000% better then TM 800.

DREAMBOX ( Broadcom CPU ) Enigma 2 ORIGINAL is the Mother of LINUX ...no way talk bad.who do that is stupid.( even all ways i says i do not like DMM, but i know to separate think)

Vu+ is superb BOX one of the best hardware specially Vu+Duo and Broadcom CPU...a lot of support from TEAM of PLI ENIGMA 2 ORGINAL PLI DREAM ELITE.

Spiderbox is no LINUX or is close soruce...you can not compite easy....But is Very Good hadware and Chipset STI 7101..and one of the BEST boxes support in this YEAR...a lot of channels Open and a lot of developments are done...actually is been leader in non Linux Boxes...
We could do even Copy ENIGMA 2 ..but we are not intersting in that for many reaons...

TM 8000 NXP CPU very very cheap CPU in china for litle money any company in china doing same naw.This come from It gate not very famouse and big support..
TM it self has no other support like DM or VU+ never can be in that stage...

What TM doing !? Copying or implimeting ENIGMA 2 in somethink totally diferent without even concern of eny proper TEAM and PLI TEAM it self...They do not reconice UR team or Technomate it self....I hope is no eny TIME **** TOMORROW haw DMM do with their COpy boxes..lol

TM 800 is diferent in HArdaware and CPU but is trying COPY Dreambox even ENIGMA 2 and their Tools...why buy copy box experimental? when buy somethink there is for years in the market if you need copy !?
This are the real issus....

Any way spiecially i have told from more then 6 months ago experiment will be in the way in the scin of their coustemers and that is proving i was right.

06-06-2010, 04:06 PM

If tm800 is the topic of you downgrading and rubbishing it with hardware and software which puzzle me,your finger is only on this box not other brand you also should include V+DU which has been sued by dream multimedia for 100% copying Pli and engma2 directly into broadcome chip which is used by DM as far as DM concern this is dis honest stealing their hard work,
There is no different between copy dream box coming from china or v+ du 100% copy dream box .
If you really a good judge then you should prise TM for the hard work they are doing by writing image instated of 100%copy .
NXP chip is very powerful also dual core same as brodcom,in terms of flexibility and power is about the same.
Cheap of expensive chip does not concern me ,final outcome is what I am after,
About your list of complain made by some members ,they have used very early image which was release for beta testers not to public ,tm800 which I have for few weeks has been perfectly working .As I explained in my last post I read first then use the image ..MANY TESTERS DO NOT READ what is ready or not .that is their problem not the image which some part of it not ready.
this box gets warm same as other but it will not reboot or freeze because of heat ,as far as I know it has not happen to me at all .
In my opinion as beta tester your allegations and downgrading is totally has no meaning it displays your personal feeling then a professional view,I tested many many boxes without taking side ,
Can not see problems in tm800 that you are inventing and making up and forwarding some old posts to satisfy your eager,
if anybody was talking so bad about example spidebox or tm8000 or any Linux or none Linux if I believed is a good box I would have defended the same as I am doing now,
I think you should change your view and do not single out one box speak in general and include all Linux boxes not just one,also doing some more test with latest image of tm might help you to be more helpful,
If you have tm800 that might have fault you should take it to your supplier and change it instead of carrying on with same box.few box getting faulty amongst few hounded or few thousand ,
you should not make a big deal out of it,
just remember how long it took DM to be where they are now,
All of us should prise tm group in such a short time writing 3 images per week.I think that is hard work not copying.
Effort they are putting in they should have perfect image by end of June 2010,

06-06-2010, 04:30 PM

Cmon give the box a chance, why so many posts to discredit a box that has only just arrived on the scene, all boxes have some teething issues.
As Philipm has said he likes the box and he owns one.


TM 800HD been working now for the last 2 days S*Y hd on cline cccam picture quality very good on samsung LED all in all my first HD and very happy.
to start very simple let setup wiz do the business, lots of fidley sub menus, download from internet cccam, use filezilla to ftp, after cock-ups took about 3 hours but hey I'm not brains of britain,
used dream edit to install a previous chan list I had for ages took a while had to change config on dream edit did not tie up with box number my box was ***.***.*.2 changed this to 1 and it went straight in, yes a bit buggy its new but I am very happy chappy it has got a future good luck.

06-06-2010, 04:45 PM

If tm800 is the topic of you downgrading and rubbishing it with hardware and software which puzzle me,your finger is only on this box not other brand you also should include V+DU which has been sued by dream multimedia for 100% copying Pli and engma2 directly into broadcome chip which is used by DM as far as DM concern this is dis honest stealing their hard work,
There is no different between copy dream box coming from china or v+ du 100% copy dream box .
If you really a good judge then you should prise TM for the hard work they are doing by writing image instated of 100%copy .
NXP chip is very powerful also dual core same as brodcom,in terms of flexibility and power is about the same.
Cheap of expensive chip does not concern me ,final outcome is what I am after,
About your list of complain made by some members ,they have used very early image which was release for beta testers not to public ,tm800 which I have for few weeks has been perfectly working .As I explained in my last post I read first then use the image ..MANY TESTERS DO NOT READ what is ready or not .that is their problem not the image which some part of it not ready.
this box gets warm same as other but it will not reboot or freeze because of heat ,as far as I know it has not happen to me at all .
In my opinion as beta tester your allegations and downgrading is totally has no meaning it displays your personal feeling then a professional view,I tested many many boxes without taking side ,
Can not see problems in tm800 that you are inventing and making up and forwarding some old posts to satisfy your eager,
if anybody was talking so bad about example spidebox or tm8000 or any Linux or none Linux if I believed is a good box I would have defended the same as I am doing now,
I think you should change your view and do not single out one box speak in general and include all Linux boxes not just one,also doing some more test with latest image of tm might help you to be more helpful,
If you have tm800 that might have fault you should take it to your supplier and change it instead of carrying on with same box.few box getting faulty amongst few hounded or few thousand ,
you should not make a big deal out of it,
just remember how long it took DM to be where they are now,
All of us should prise tm group in such a short time writing 3 images per week.I think that is hard work not copying.
Effort they are putting in they should have perfect image by end of June 2010,

Or you are IDIOT...or you ARE From TM i self...You fist and second post was so much agresive to put my User name in Midle .

LEARN do not missled People.

PLI TEAM do IMAGES and they have done for DREAMULTIMEIDIA ENIGMA 2. and for VU+ ENIGMA 2 go to their web and READ the truth. Do not gave fake statments here....LIKE TM STYLE..

But for Technomate they do not reconice.I hope in next Bootloader they get TIME B O M B...and we see each others...
TM could do better thenn allways copy other Brands to do somethink New by their self.....Not suing the job of PLI without teir concern...

Never ever TM done enythink NEW in THEIR LIFE...but with our support before and a lot of peopleon each forum they have go so much UP..i think is time TM STBS to face the reality....Not allways copy and get other ideas, but trying doing theoir Images ...not using others...In that possition i will says yes they are hard workers ...But that never will hapenst becouse i know TM very well...

06-06-2010, 04:50 PM

Cmon give the box a chance, why so many posts to discredit a box that has only just arrived on the scene, all boxes have some teething issues.
As Philipm has said he likes the box and he owns one.


M8 no one take of the Change m8...is on the Market like experimet Box ...who like experimenst has good change to buy box, who like whatch tv i do not think is right box for people...

Anyway This box had good change from 9 months advertise and months and months deley and all problems they have ...and been advertise like Best Box on The world what we see NOTHINK NEW just some copy style of DM ....

The change is not me gaving M8, i do not care about it ,they are Members who will gave ,but like every one here i think is my right to talk truth...did not lieng nothink just told what are the truth and what even people on diferent forums says or who own one.