View Full Version : Help please.

19-05-2010, 01:47 PM
I was putting the latest patch on my Technomate 6800hd (not super), when my wife decided to put a new bulb in the oven and tripped the mains.
All I get on the box is Technomate on the display and can't get anything else.
I can't do a forced download as there is no serial port on this model.
I would be most grateful if anyone else has had this happen to them and found a way to get it working again.
Or, is the box dead.

19-05-2010, 03:46 PM
Is there no serial port on the back? That's the model I bought about 14 months ago , they must have changed it then , how old is it? On mine it's between the s-video out and the digital audio output. Is it blanked off or maybe a different rear panel? There are issues with the patch on non-super models with digi+ (mind you it won't matter much longer! ) unless they have sorted it and I've not kept up.

19-05-2010, 04:51 PM
mines got serial port and its tm6800hd. confused here.
was gonna say get a new box, but if its her fault get a new missus.

19-05-2010, 04:54 PM
should be a serial port on the back.
Try USB first:
switch of Technomate with power switch on back
place USB stick (fat32 with patch in the USB port)
press menu on the front panel (keep it pressed down)
switch on power switch on the back
when loader menu is showing on your TV screen
select USB, if no usb option you have to use the serial port and the Technomate loader from their website and load the latest firmware for your model
switch of both computer and receiver
connect null modem cable
start Technomate loader
select the firmware
start upload
switch on Technomate and see if it starts uploading

19-05-2010, 05:13 PM
First let me say thank you for replying.
You are right, there is a serial port (should have gone to specsavers).
Done forced download and all working again.
Thanks again.

07-06-2010, 08:38 PM
Just in case anyone else has the reverse problem, no serial port on computer, a USB to serial cable works.