View Full Version : Restoring Sat Positions

23-05-2010, 06:29 PM
Well the time has finally come for me to update my image again. I have been putting it off for months now as I was very happy with BH0.11 and never really fancied the dream elite.
The EPG i was using with BH has now stopped working and i have installed the EPG update plugin which has now spoilt the complete image and i cannot remove it.
I am looking to update to Dreamelite 1.3 OE 1.6 but not sure if this is the correct image to install directly onto flash. I do not use barry allen just flash only image.

Last time i updated my image it was a complete ocean going nightmare trying to refind all my sat positions. I had done the backup from BH0.9 to my HDD but when i installed BH0.11 and restored the sat positions didnt come back just my channel list. I read I while back of a way to restore sat positions via DCC and im looking for posts from other DM800 users that have actually managed to restore sat positions fairly trouble free. Im sure you know who you are if you have been through what ive been through in the past.

26-05-2010, 08:41 PM
Hello aabs

all your sat positions are stored in a file called settings, make a backup of this to your pc, then use BH 0.9 Software backup facility, this should make up a backup of everything, but i usually do a manual backup just in case this fails as well.

Then u just restore the backed up settings, and your sat positions and your channel lists should come back as well as the network settings.

I would also make a manual backup of the ccam file and timers.xml if you have any scheduled recordings, i've not found a way to manually backup the network settings however.

27-05-2010, 07:45 PM
Thanks Harshy.

I have tried the back up/restore in Nabilo but its never worked for me so im looking to do it myself manually if you have any links or instructions on how to do so.

28-05-2010, 02:08 PM
try the backup facility, it should work, it will save a zip file to your harddisk and then use DCC to download it to your pc.

31-05-2010, 05:17 PM
No M8. It didnt work last time and i aint going through finding all my positions again. I remeber reading once its config.nims but cannot find the post where users were doing there own manual backup. So long ago now !!!

I found em now its in the following.#

/etc/enimgma2/settings file

config.Nims.0.xxx entries

01-06-2010, 09:59 AM

No M8. It didnt work last time and i aint going through finding all my positions again. I remeber reading once its config.nims but cannot find the post where users were doing there own manual backup. So long ago now !!!

I found em now its in the following.#

/etc/enimgma2/settings file

config.Nims.0.xxx entries

01-06-2010, 10:20 AM
I have tried the back up/restore in Nabilo but its never worked for me

I've used it 3 times in the last 24hrs . No problems here . Once you've done the backup you make double sure by opening it via FTP and check the contents . You'll be able to see if it's copied the "settings" file or not .


01-06-2010, 11:59 AM
Try using DreamboxEdit for your settings.

I do beta image testing and change the image more than I have hot dinners and it is the only one that seems to get it right every time. It takes seconds to get all the sats and bouquets back after installing a new image.

01-06-2010, 12:06 PM
So DreamboxEdit is DM800 compatible? Cause I had problems with it in the past.

01-06-2010, 12:15 PM
There are several enigma options on it. make sure you select the correct enigma for your box.

01-06-2010, 01:46 PM
Will do. Thank you.

01-06-2010, 09:55 PM
It worked for me on this time but i just wanted the manual back up file just incase !! :respect-051:

02-06-2010, 09:44 AM
Have you tried using

It's for Vu+ but it'll work on any receiver running Engima 2 as well.