View Full Version : Infobar

24-05-2010, 03:24 PM
After trying a couple of different images and EPG loaders, I'm very happy with Dream Elite, the satmate EPG server, and my doctored version of CAJTON's bouquets.

However, I still have one niggling problem - everytime a new programme starts, the infobar appears on screen. Whilst it's not the end of the world, do any of you clever chaps know how to turn this 'feature' off? :confused:

24-05-2010, 03:49 PM
main menu / setup / system / customize

"show infobar on event change" no

haven't tried it , but that should do it .

25-05-2010, 06:46 PM
What a star! :woohoo-022:

I've looked in there before, and every other menu for that matter, but couldn't see anything like that. Changed the 'Setup Mode' from 'Intermediate' to 'Expert' and bingo, there it was.

I knew some boffin would know the answer. :respect-048: