View Full Version : pmc table help

24-05-2010, 10:06 PM
downloaded b bige hot fix put into my humax and nothing happened . so started to read all of the file i could find about what it does ( over 5 hrs up till now ) tried to use wsp but it says i dont have the corect pasword .

and help would be appriciated ..thank

am i barking up the wrong tree ?

25-05-2010, 12:41 AM
Although your posting is headed "PMC Table help", I suspect your problem lies within the WSP files.

How does the PMC Table / Card Sharing / WSP Work.

1. Many broadcasters transmit in multiple forms of encryption.

2. Your Humax will receive multiple Electronic Control Messages (ECM's) based on the forms of encryption being used.

3. Your Humax will determine which ECM to use based on the PMC Table installed in your receiver.

4. Your Humax will transmit the pre-determined ECM to your computer via the Null Modem Cable.

5. The WSP programme (running on your computer) will then transmit the ECM to the Card Sharing Computer.

6. The Card Sharing Computer will check to see if you have a valid User Name and Password (and certain other info).

7. If the User Name and Password are valid, the ECM will be passed on to the Card Sharer's card.

8. Assuming that the ECM encryption form matches that of the card, a response DCW control word will be sent back to your computer.

9. The WSP programme will then forward the DCW to your Humax.

10. Your Humax will use the received DCW to decrypt the channel.

11. This process will be repeated on a regular basis to keep the channel decrypted.

Why can I not get it to work.

a. The PMC Table installed in your Humax is not selecting the correct encryption form to match the sharer's card.

b. The Card Sharing Preferences have not been set in the Humax's Configuration Menu.

c. The Card Sharer's computer is not on-line.

d. An invalid User Name / Password (and certain other data) is set in the WSP software. For free servers, user names and passwords rarely last for more than a day.

e. The Card Sharer's server is being overloaded by multiple accesses.

f. WSP is not using a software version that is compatible with the Card Sharer's server.

g. The "Start" settings in WSP have not been activated.

h. The Card Sharer's IP address and Port Number are not set correctly in the WSP software.

25-05-2010, 10:10 PM
thank you for the reply i think i have confused people ... i was trying to find out if i down loaded b.bilge_PMCTable_HoTxx.x_Fix...Up d.1
to my machine ? would i get more channels to watch , or i put it some how into wsp and used that way to watch channels

.. i have been updating and using software on my humax since it first came out , so i sort of know my way around things ....but this is confusing me some how, as to what b.bilge_PMCTable_HoTxx.x_Fix...Up d.1
is used for . maby getting old lol.

26-05-2010, 02:32 AM
The PMC Table is part of the Humax 5400 firmware in your receiver.

As new providers, channels and new encryption systems are introduced, your PMC Table needs to be updated to facilitate access to them. However, be aware, that "access" does not mean decryption. It means available to be decrypted.

Your Humax is capable of decrypting certain packages using the following methods / equipment.

1. A Smart Card and / or one of many CAMs
2. The Emulator built in to the Humax firmware.
3. An external emulator run on a computer and linked to your Humax using a Null Modem lead.
4. Card sharing software (e.g. WSP) run on your computer linking you to another person's smart card.

Mainly to facilitate Option 4, b.bilge has recently issued PMCT fix files (in a zip format).

Included in the zip files is often the following.

a. PMC Table that needs to written to your Humax
b. PMC Edit software that is used to write the table to your Humax

and on some occasions
c. WSP software that is loaded onto your computer and facilitates connection between the Humax and a third party's smart card (i.e. card sharing)
d. Instructions including settings for the Humax's Configuration menu.

The purpose of the PMC Table update is to ensure that your receiver is trying to use the same encryption system as the card sharer.

PMC Table update is done as follows:

i) Extract the PMC Table (csv file) and PMCEdit to your chosen folder on your computer.
ii) Connect your computer and Humax using a Null Modem cable
iii) Run the PMCEdit.exe file on your computer.
iv) Open the PMC Table (csv file) in PMCEdit.
v) Click on the send to Humax button
vi) Power your Humax down / up to start the data transfer.
vii) Upon completion of transfer, press the Standby button on the front of your Humax

Example of how it may be used:
Al Jazeera Sport on Hotbird is encrypted in Irdeto2, KeyFly, Viaccess3 and Viaccess4
A kind person is willing to share his official card for decrypting Al Jazeera Sport in Viaccess3.

You update your PMC Table so that your Humax knows that the required encryption format is Viaccess3

The Electronic Control Message (ECM) for Viaccess3 is sent from your Humax (via your computer using WSP) to the card sharer's computer / card.

An apropriate DCW control word is sent back and the channel is decrypted.

If a different "kind person" had an Irdeto2 card, you would have to use an amended PMC Table to ensure selection of the ECM for that form of encryption.

Thus it can be seen that different PMC Tables may be required with different forms of encryption.

26-05-2010, 07:49 AM
if i down loaded b.bilge_PMCTable_HoTxx.x_Fix...Up d.1
to my machine ? would i get more channels to watch , or i put it some how into wsp and used that way to watch channels No, you will not get any extra channels. A pmc table COULD be usefull if you are cardsharing or using your legal sub. Its purpose is to chose the right encryption system when a channel is encrypted with more than one.

For example tv station 1 is using encryption systems A and B. Your smartcard can decrypt only A , but your humax has a pmc table installed telling it only to chose from B (which means you will get a black screen :18:). This is where you need to alter your pmc table and tell it only to chose from A.

Another example is with the internal emu and cardsharing. You are trying to watch rai on hotbird with your freshly installed working keys but your humax is trying to find a cardsharing friend in order to clear it. Again you can tell your pmc table to chose only the internal emu so that it doesn't spend time searching for a good server.

Of course there are a couple more things you could do with your pmct. I hope i've helped you a bit.

27-05-2010, 08:49 PM
thank you for writing to me to explain but i am still comfused ... i had already down loaded the latest pmc list from b.bllge into my pc ..and i then tried to run wsp and and sbcl but fro some reason i cannot clear jsc sport or any others . I can clear it using cilquer ici which i got from the tecnomate page.. Its not so much as to watching the channels when i get them , its more to do with the challenge of trying to see them , if you know what i mean , ihave been doing this for a number of yrs and i thought i knew what i was doing lol.
i used to love getting all the feeds in the old days but now they are so hard to find .

27-05-2010, 10:25 PM
i had already down loaded the latest pmc list from b.bllge into my pc ..and i then tried to run wsp and and sbcl but fro some reason i cannot clear jsc sport or any others . I can clear it using cilquer ici which i got from the tecnomate page..A pmc table must be downloaded to your humax. As i already explained its purpose is to guide your humax to make faster choices when trying to decode a channel.

On the other hand wsp, sbcl, cilquer ici, sharemax, trumanshare, fausto and a few others are programs which you run on your pc, which are able to connect to a server and share the "keys" to your humax.

You can clear JSC sports using cilquer ici, because this specific program is connecting to a newcamd server and sending the "keys" to your box. On the other hand wsp, sbcl and the rest are not clearing jsc sports because the server info simply isn't there. However if you take a closer look at the files you downloaded from the technomate page you will see the newcamd server details, so if you want to play around you can take these details and input them in wsp, sharemax, fausto or whatever other program you like.

27-05-2010, 11:15 PM
hi jimrare thank you for a quick replyand for taking the time to write to me , iwill now try to have a play with what i have got and see how i get on.


28-05-2010, 08:51 AM
I hope its now clear to you that you don't neceserally need to download a pmc table to your humax. There already is a default one installed. Actually i don't recommend installing one unless you know exactly why you are doing it.