View Full Version : Csat swap card to v4.0

25-05-2010, 08:08 PM
"All" csat subscribers (card only, NOT those with card + stb paired to it) have received an email today from c+ france warning them that their card will no longer be working within 2/3 weeks (BEFORE start of the world cup), they are invited to update their details (address) to receive their new card "quickly/safely". V4.0 introduced for all csat/c+ channels....DO NOT know if the "small" TNTSAT pack will remain on previous via.

I dont know if it means the end (already) of c+france on all support OR if it is only for cards/diablo2...time will tell...very soon

SAD news

25-05-2010, 09:43 PM
lasted just few months only,,with lots of comes and goes .. i heard most recent TNTSAT cards are using the same provider but with the new Viaccess4 chip ,you can see the writting TNTSAT4 at the back of the card ,,still no one knows what will happend with the old ones...may be a free exchange will be offered like aljazeera sport did