View Full Version : a little info please

26-05-2010, 07:44 AM
hi , i bought one of these fantastic boxes last week from our sponsor. I've patched it and gift is up and running no problems, home streaming set up but not tried yet, what i have apsolutely no idea about is ccams , could someone point me int he right direction for a compleate idiots guide in how to ccam , where it goes , what to do ect,, this is a fantastic box and would like to get it up to its full potential many thanks in advance

26-05-2010, 10:06 AM
I am sure there are a lot of us would love a guide like that.TMULL

26-05-2010, 05:03 PM
For Ccam to work you first have to get a c-line
from a friend or a payserver your friend here is google
puting the line into the box is easy geting a good line is
not that easy just do some searches card share, pay server, ect
you will get plenty of information to look at.


26-05-2010, 05:28 PM
thanks dave + manic , its slowly becoming a little clearer