View Full Version : hd

27-05-2010, 08:16 PM
hi to all can anyone tell me.is my dark box 2008 hd any good for receiving bbc and itv hd on free sat i heard that its no good for hd chanels . wen i bought it i thought it was ok for hd .thanks any reply welcome .thanks jj

27-05-2010, 09:17 PM
I have a darkbox super HD it works fine with all
fta HD channels dont see why yours will not just
give it a try.


13-09-2010, 06:50 PM
Hi DCS Elec
Ivew just purchased the same dark box super HD 2008 with viewing card/subscribtion to Tring for the saturday football.
Ive been off the scene for a while and im completely blind at the moment, was wondering if you could give me some tips to get going again?!
Do i need any cams? If so what is the best? How do I upload / patch the box with firmware? what satellites do i need to scan in??
At the moment i only have a couple of tring sport channels, im interested in getting some free to air channels, some movies etc etc but dont know where to start!
Any help much appreciated...anyone please!