View Full Version : E2 for Icecrypt S4000

28-05-2010, 04:23 PM
As its Bank Holiday weekend and you guys will be bored so I've decided to release this E2 Beta for you to play with.
Please note that this release is still a work in progress but it does work........
If your not happy with it just pull out the USB and reboot the receiver to return to the original firmware.
To re-flash to original boot loader use the flasher to 121.(The option to change to other re-sellers boot loaders is not operational yet).
Enjoy your May Bank Holiday and don't forget to report back here with your findings.

28-05-2010, 05:06 PM
OMG first i get RED DEAD REDEMPTION (back in stock) - and now this!

Nice one!!!

28-05-2010, 05:16 PM
DAMN!! I've made plans to go out to a party tonight and now I see this.... do I cancel? Hmmm!

Many thanks! Can't wait to get playing with this.

28-05-2010, 05:44 PM
Told you it was coming!

28-05-2010, 06:47 PM
As its Bank Holiday weekend and you guys will be bored so I've decided to release this E2 Beta for you to play with.
Please note that this release is still a work in progress but it does work........
If your not happy with it just pull out the USB and reboot the receiver to return to the original firmware.
To re-flash to original boot loader use the flasher to 121.(The option to change to other re-sellers boot loaders is not operational yet).
Enjoy your May Bank Holiday and don't forget to report back here with your findings.

This appears to be HDF 6.0 with a different bootlogo and renamed Icecrypt E2, LOL!

Here is my report:
1. Don't foget to change the Audio Source (setup>system>AV)from PCM > SPDIF or you won't hear anything.
2: It recognises my USB hard disk but won't record to it "No HDD found or HDD not initialized". If I try to initialize (ie. format) the disk then I get this message "unable to initialize harddisk error: mount failed".
Other than that, seems pretty good - kudos to the Team.
HDF V6.2 is now available in the downloads, so I am now upgrading to this :-)
Good luck all!

28-05-2010, 07:20 PM
Can you upload v6.2 in the public upload section please?

28-05-2010, 07:35 PM
The version also comes from us just like the bootlogo.
You can install the updates over the extension function in enigma.

28-05-2010, 07:55 PM
I installed the E2 flash and now I got a blank screen with the box showing "-INSTALL-" in the front...

I can only switch off the receiver but other than that I can't do anything else... Any ideas?

28-05-2010, 08:31 PM
-INSTALL- search for a network connection and a dhcp server.
Insert lan connection and remove v24.

28-05-2010, 08:45 PM
-INSTALL- search for a network connection and a dhcp server.
Insert lan connection and remove v24.

Thanks... I found it on the HDFreaks forum and got it working...

What is v24?

Also it doesn't seem to be booting from the flash even though I can see the msg in the front of the receiver "boot_flash"

Midnight R
28-05-2010, 09:12 PM
Well, I haven't managed to get it working yet!

Am I doing this right, I've installed the plug in.

Loaded the E2 image onto the usb by using the USB image tool and the E2 imz file.

It then boots up but didn't install after 10 mins!

How long does it take to boot?

28-05-2010, 09:13 PM
god knows.. Mine took for ever and I recreating the usb stick once again

28-05-2010, 09:24 PM
I installed the E2 flash and now I got a blank screen with the box showing "-INSTALL-" in the front...

I can only switch off the receiver but other than that I can't do anything else... Any ideas?

If I understand it correctly (and I may not), this is for USB stick only.


28-05-2010, 09:33 PM
Well, I haven't managed to get it working yet!

Am I doing this right, I've installed the plug in.

Loaded the E2 image onto the usb by using the USB image tool and the E2 imz file.

It then boots up but didn't install after 10 mins!

How long does it take to boot?

(from memory):
1. copy E2 loader plugin to USB stick
2. plug stick into receiver
3. download plugin
4. Menu>plugins>start - follow instructions
5. plug USB stick into PC and clear files
6. Run USB tool
7. click device and then restore (browse for .imz image).
8. plug USB stick into receiver and reboot

I use my front USB - display says searching USB and then starts loading. It takes several minutes.


28-05-2010, 09:35 PM
The version also comes from us just like the bootlogo.
You can install the updates over the extension function in enigma.

It's HDF Team image. Who are you referring to when you say "us"?


28-05-2010, 09:36 PM
Can you upload v6.2 in the public upload section please?

(from memory).
Menu>Plugins>green button>updates.


28-05-2010, 09:45 PM
I installed the E2 flash and now I got a blank screen with the box showing "-INSTALL-" in the front...

I can only switch off the receiver but other than that I can't do anything else... Any ideas?

Glad i am not the only one

28-05-2010, 09:54 PM
Glad i am not the only one

I managed to resolve that by connecting a network cable... Now from the last 10mins+ the front of the receiver is stuck in "Boot Enigma" with no display on my TV

After about 15+ mins I didn't get anything so I have decided to leave it for now...Seems a bit hit and miss at the moment...

Midnight R
28-05-2010, 11:45 PM
Well, I've given up for now.

I can't get the usb image tool to successfully install the image onto the usb.

Its killed a 4 gb usb and doesn't seem to want to load properly on another 2 gb one.

29-05-2010, 09:00 AM
I have loaded the plugin ok and get the same thing "boot Enigma". I'll leave it for a while see if there is any joy.

29-05-2010, 09:16 AM
I think its a corrupt E2.imz IT WONT EXTRACT USING USB IMAGE TOOL. please send again tired loads of usb sticks, not them, tried different versions of usb image tools NOT THAT. So guest what CORRUPT CORRUPT CORRUPT

29-05-2010, 09:45 AM
LOL has no one managed to install it?

29-05-2010, 09:52 AM
I second that one. Even the file sizes when recovered in the usb tool seem to be out completely. Post another E2 image please COLDASICE.

29-05-2010, 09:54 AM
Sorry havent tried yet but you may have to wait some time when restoring using the USB image tool, about an hour maybe anyone tried?

29-05-2010, 10:13 AM
Using the USB tool to restore the E2 image tooka few minutes maybe less. When booting up with the USB stick in it will say check usb - Boot Enigma. The usb stick flashes a couple of times and does nothing else. I have left it on this for the best part of half an hour and still no joy. It will boot to the ICECRYPT firmware from flash fine when the usb isn't installed. When I use the usb recovery tool My 2GB pen drive has a image file a meg or so in size and nothing else. The pen drive size is now only 19MB with 17.5 free. I am not sure if this is right or not can anyone advise?

Midnight R
29-05-2010, 10:46 AM
Using the USB tool to restore the E2 image tooka few minutes maybe less. When booting up with the USB stick in it will say check usb - Boot Enigma. The usb stick flashes a couple of times and does nothing else. I have left it on this for the best part of half an hour and still no joy. It will boot to the ICECRYPT firmware from flash fine when the usb isn't installed. When I use the usb recovery tool My 2GB pen drive has a image file a meg or so in size and nothing else. The pen drive size is now only 19MB with 17.5 free. I am not sure if this is right or not can anyone advise?

My 4gb usb ended up the same size and I can't seem to get the other space back now lol

29-05-2010, 11:41 AM
Use disk management in computer manager to delete the partitions and create a new FAT 32 partition. I did worked a treat.

29-05-2010, 01:08 PM
great so this E2 isnt working?

29-05-2010, 01:16 PM
You can also use the image tool to restore the clean boot sector image to clear the partition. Obviously this means the usb memory will need reformatting.

29-05-2010, 01:18 PM
Any other images I could try while wating for a working E2 image?

29-05-2010, 01:26 PM
use this to restore ur usb stick


29-05-2010, 02:36 PM
my stick just says uimage, and when i plug it in, and bootup (after flashing loader) it doesnt boot from stick, just normal flash.

what am i doing wrong

29-05-2010, 02:36 PM
I have tried all morning, got my stick fixed in the end... now back to full 4gb

29-05-2010, 02:48 PM
Still cant get it to work on my end. Any advice joshless / COLDASICE?

29-05-2010, 03:02 PM
it ignores my stick, and i cant work out why.

turn on STB....

on the display it says:



check USB

boot flash...


What should appear on the stick after you run the USB Image Tool...just one file called uimage ?

Midnight R
29-05-2010, 03:05 PM
use this to restore ur usb stick


Thanks worked a treat!

29-05-2010, 03:18 PM
The USB key needs to be plugged into the front port for it to be recognised

29-05-2010, 03:18 PM
I get the file uimage which is just less than 2 meg in size. After it says checking usb it then says boot Enigma. The pen drive led flashes a few times as if there is some activity then stops and the box just stays on boot enigma with nothing on screen. I have used the front and back usb to no avail. I dont know much about these things but could the bootloader be an issue? Tried 2 E2 images and still get the same thing.

29-05-2010, 03:25 PM
There is a thread on another forum that has a full set of downloads that appear to be for the icecrypt in the do***entation. Do a search for "HDF Team Image v6 vom 21.05.2010 universe".

29-05-2010, 04:21 PM
No joy my end. If anyone manages to get this working let us all know how.

29-05-2010, 05:35 PM
Working here. Had a bit of trouble with the USB boot image. Format as FAT 16 made it come alive. Saw the uimage file. Added a HDD file. Reboot the Icecrypt and after a couple of minutes things looked good with various display options being read out on the LED.

Now scanning for channels on Astra.

Did I win?


29-05-2010, 05:40 PM
it ignores my stick so annoying

29-05-2010, 05:46 PM
At least we know there's nothing wrong with the image file. FWIW I d/l a fresh install of the USB image program. I deleted all partitions and erased EVERYTHING on the USB stick. Used the HP program - see overclockers link above - to format FAT16.

Created the image. Made a zero byte HDD file (no extension). And all seems well. Don't know what I'm doing yet but it's something to tweak with over the bank hols :-)

29-05-2010, 06:04 PM
Hey drude did you use the usb image tool to create the image?

29-05-2010, 06:11 PM
Here is what I did step by step:
Loaded the HDF flasher plugin onto usb and dowloaded onto the box.
In plugins I installed the bootloader for the E2 image
Formatted my usb stick with Fat (tried FA**2 as well)
Used the usb image tool - selected the Enigma 2 imz image and choose recover.
This completed and on the drive I can see a uimage file.
I rebooted the box which boots using the HDFreaks bootloader. It said cheking usb then boot Enigma.
My pen drive flashed a few times at random then stopped. Box still says "boot enigma" but nothing else. The screen just says no signal as if the box hasnt booted at all.

Any help?

29-05-2010, 06:12 PM
Hey drude did you use the usb image tool to create the image?

Sure did. I d/l a clean install from _http://www.alexpage.de/usb-image-tool/download/

The imz file at the start of this post is fine.

29-05-2010, 06:13 PM
Working here. Had a bit of trouble with the USB boot image. Format as FAT 16 made it come alive. Saw the uimage file. Added a HDD file. Reboot the Icecrypt and after a couple of minutes things looked good with various display options being read out on the LED.

Now scanning for channels on Astra.

Did I win?


do the settings \ channels etc live on the USB stick, or do they overwrite the FLASH settings \ channels already set up on the box itself?

29-05-2010, 06:33 PM
still the same for me god knows why it doesn't work.

29-05-2010, 06:34 PM
do the settings \ channels etc live on the USB stick, or do they overwrite the FLASH settings \ channels already set up on the box itself?

I've just rebooted without Enigma and nothing appears to have been altered. This is good news. I cannot see anything additional on the USB stick. I think the Enigma settings are on the HDD but entirely independent.

29-05-2010, 06:39 PM
Here is what I did step by step:
Loaded the HDF flasher plugin onto usb and dowloaded onto the box.
In plugins I installed the bootloader for the E2 image
Formatted my usb stick with Fat (tried FA**2 as well)
Used the usb image tool - selected the Enigma 2 imz image and choose recover.
This completed and on the drive I can see a uimage file.
I rebooted the box which boots using the HDFreaks bootloader. It said cheking usb then boot Enigma.
My pen drive flashed a few times at random then stopped. Box still says "boot enigma" but nothing else. The screen just says no signal as if the box hasnt booted at all.

Any help?

Your UImage file should be 1.8 MB
Did you make the HDD zero byte file? This tells the box to link to your installed Hard drive. Might be important.

The box will output in the following order waiting for an OK from you that you can see the image. Component. HDMI. HDMI -PC and then I think Scart.
However these are displayed via the LED so sounds like you aren't getting that far.

Have another crack at formatting your USB. I'm actually using a fake ipod shuffle which must be the lowest quality stick out there!

29-05-2010, 06:41 PM
ive made some progress, ive given up on my 16Gb stick, and have used a 1gb SD card in a usb reader, and can now get it to say "BOOTING ENIGMA" but it just sits there doing naff all.

given up now.

it sounds like its fussy about what stick is used

ive tried 3 different HDF images....all same result.

29-05-2010, 06:53 PM
ive made some progress, ive given up on my 16Gb stick, and have used a 1gb SD card in a usb reader, and can now get it to say "BOOTING ENIGMA" but it just sits there doing naff all.

given up now.

it sounds like its fussy about what stick is used

ive tried 3 different HDF images....all same result.

It sucks doesn't it. Keep thinking - borrow a mate's USB pen - you know you can't give in yet !

Good luck - off out now for rest of evening so sorry can't be of further help today.

29-05-2010, 07:03 PM
Confused I thought Drude got it working?

29-05-2010, 10:18 PM
I got mine to work on the third USB drive. It seems to be very fussy which USB drive you use. I found using a USB hub helped to load the Image as all my USB keys worked after I used that.
If you are stuck with INSTALL on the front display make sure you have an empty directory (folder) named "hdd" on the USB key.
Its slow to respond to the remote but with a little patiance I managed to get it to work.
Not sure it was worth the effort but I haven't found any of the E2 images that are at the moment. Good effort but a lot more work required.

30-05-2010, 12:38 AM
Confused I thought Drude got it working?
Sorry for confusion - definitely working.

Re settings generally - It appears that if I want to record anything to HDD then I must initialise the hard disk and lose all data. Hmmm not sure I want to do that just yet!

30-05-2010, 10:51 AM
this is not the way the end users need the Enigma2 to run on the box
this way was made public since September and is to old guys.

We need an image that can be made simple as send it to usb then by adding the usb on the back the box will do the rest it self.

This is made with a bootloader, the bootloader that Fortis have, but Fortis have made a mess on all the boxes they have produced, some have bootloader 1.12 some have 1.19 some 1.21 , some 1.23 this is why they cannot do anything with the bootloader.

I hope that Fortis will see the need for a neutral bootloader that can give us the end users the possibility to run Enigma or Original software with no need to change bootloaders all the time we like to try some images.

30-05-2010, 12:23 PM
im gonna my stick via a USB hub in a mo

30-05-2010, 12:45 PM
It didn't work on mine until about the ninth reinstall and reformatting. I think I prefer the original firmware just for watching tv. Just my first impression.

30-05-2010, 01:01 PM
There's a couple of menu options that cause a crash but general TV use appears fine.

The BIG BONUS of course is the full Sky EPG. Very nice to see that again.

I'm going to take a hit and initialise the HDD and see how I get on with it for a week or so.

30-05-2010, 01:20 PM
OK that didn't go well. Message: Unable to initialize harddisk. Error: Mkfs failed.

But guess what - it did manage to erase all data. :001_07:

30-05-2010, 01:39 PM
OK that didn't go well. Message: Unable to initialize harddisk. Error: Mkfs failed.

But guess what - it did manage to erase all data. :001_07:

lol oh dear, vexing - did u put a folder called HDD on the usb stick

30-05-2010, 01:44 PM
Yeah - no matter though - I've worked it out. You need to mount the HDD on SDB1 in the HDF tools menu. I have a feeling I could have done that first and kept all data but I'm up and running again and now recording the grand prix. Will try out various recording options to see how well the full EPG works.

Quite excited now - I really missed the full EPG. :cheers2:

30-05-2010, 01:55 PM
Yeah - no matter though - I've worked it out. You need to mount the HDD on SDB1 in the HDF tools menu. I have a feeling I could have done that first and kept all data but I'm up and running again and now recording the grand prix. Will try out various recording options to see how well the full EPG works.

Quite excited now - I really missed the full EPG. :cheers2:#

excellent news.

what stick (model \ size) are you using mate, and is it thru a hub>

also, what image did you use? did u use the latest HDF image, or the IceCrypt HDF one?

cool about the Sly EPG.

oh, also, where do the channels lists go, and settings, is it all sandboxed on the USB drive, so after u pull the stick out, are the ori settings and channel lists still there>

how does it behave, is it laggy? or quite quick?

is HD a good picture still?

30-05-2010, 03:03 PM
Don't laugh but I'm using a 1GB knock off Ipod Shuffle direct to front USB port. Works everytime.

Using the Icecrypt HDF imz - I think it picked up some update files via a software update. About section says Enigma: 2010-04-26-master. Image HDFreaks Customized 21-05-2010

All Enigma stuff is kept on the USB stick. Original Icecrypt settings appear intact as well - these must be saved to flash or hidden HD partition as I formatted the HDD via enigma and Icecrypt retained settings.

There's menu lag but once up choices are responsive enough. PQ is still good although I use a projector so can't really comment on the detail at the moment. It is slower than the Ice overall though.

...and it's buggy - some menu choices will cause an immediate crash everytime. Also no idea yet how to get Channel 4 HD and Sky3. And that full EPG... seems to have disappeared!

30-05-2010, 03:10 PM
lol thanks for feedback mate.

i think youre still on an old image, but cant be sure.

"Enigma2 HDF Team Image v6 21.05.2010"

is latest on their site....

30-05-2010, 06:02 PM
Some help is wanted please my 4000 boots up with hdfreaks then comes up with install then just sits there and the usb port seems dead now as the memory stick used to flash not any more though any help would be great

thanks in advance

30-05-2010, 06:28 PM

Use _http://files.extremeoverclocking.com/file.php?f=197 to bring your memory stick back to life. Then keep trying - remember to add a HDD file on the memory stick once the UImage file has been written to it.

30-05-2010, 08:06 PM
in the words of Victor Meldrew "I DONT BELEIVE IT"

a USB hub is the answer!!!

its working....the memory stick that wouldn't work yesterday (the boot loader simply ignored it) now WORKS via USB hub.

WICKED - im using the latest image from HD Freaks site, not the Icecrypt one, but im sure theres no diff.

30-05-2010, 09:15 PM
hmmm not impressed with the picture quality at all.

im just scanning on 28.2 to see what BBCHD and ITVHD look like, but the German HD channels don't look too pretty.

30-05-2010, 10:03 PM
something else iv'e noticed....after a scan of a satellite, you choose OK, and EXIT, it crashes with a green screen (cleanup loop crash it says)

and the box reboots.

30-05-2010, 10:18 PM
got it working using the image from the hdfreaks forum and using a 16GB usb stick...

Looks like it needs a faster usb stick also it thinks my receiver is a dreambox...

30-05-2010, 11:14 PM
er, cos its Enigma mate.

if u use the ICE image it depicts an ICE remote
im now trying the icecrypt image to see whats diff from the HD Freaks one, if they've done anything speicific for the ICE

what plugin is neeeded for SLY UK EPG!?

30-05-2010, 11:25 PM
by the way, there is no sound after u install this, you need to go into setup and change audio from PCM to SPIF

30-05-2010, 11:56 PM
what plugin is neeeded for SLY UK EPG!?

Dunno - Seriously though it definitely listed programmes days ahead but I must have changed something and lost it all...

31-05-2010, 12:40 AM
what did u press EPG?

31-05-2010, 09:50 AM
what did u press EPG?

I think I went in by pressing info twice and then yellow for single service epg. Then you got the whole list of programmes for that channel.

It's now blank. :confused:

31-05-2010, 12:11 PM

do you notice the frame drop on either SD or HD channels, looks like its an MPEG stream to a computer over the net.

not acceptable really....Billy Elliot last night in HD, pic was ok (better than the German HD channels i mentioned above) BUT the frequent frame drop\judder is too noticeable for me to watch - (this may not bother some people, but does me, i cant stand watching a TV program that isn't smooth\fluid)

i like the plugins and all the options and that tho, its a shame nobody has put a 45e to 45w channel list in the settings\channel plugins lists tho, would make life a lot easier, i think theres only a 30w, 13e, and 19e.

on the whole tho, i like it, at least its an alternative to the ori firmware. i dont find it that laggy, and its well presented - motor settings also worked fine - didnt try recording.

if you go into media player, u can play your existing records done with ori firmware, and the FAST FORWARD is more efficient than the ori firmwares - much smoother and faster.

it does crash after a channel scan (well it did for me twice)

Midnight R
31-05-2010, 12:34 PM
do you notice the frame drop on either SD or HD channels, looks like its an MPEG stream to a computer over the net.

Desperately trying to resist saying, welcome to the wonderful world of DM :respect-010:

31-05-2010, 03:22 PM
Yep, it was shocking on ITV HD for the football. It was like sopcast, so its byebye e2 for me for now.

Midnight R
31-05-2010, 04:12 PM
TBH I have always suspected that the E2 drivers are just not up to it and are the cause of the poor PQ. DM fans of course wont have it but I have yet to see a STB reciever with E2 that has good PQ.

Its not the end of the world of course as a lot of the nice E2 plugins can be developed to work with non E2 images. The Ipbox/Cuberevo for example has a number of different non E2 images available with interchangeable skins and full sky epg.

I just hope that someone with the skills takes it upon themselves to start some development.

31-05-2010, 07:50 PM
I am happy with the original firmware for now...only the full Sky EPG is missing for me

31-05-2010, 08:40 PM
Can you use Actual CCCam with E2 on the box? Only reason I ask is I am using Xcam to connect to a paid cccam server and sky uk freezes. Alot. My mate has used my C line on his spiderbod using cccam and it worked fine with virtually no glitches.

31-05-2010, 08:51 PM
Desperately trying to resist saying, welcome to the wonderful world of DM :respect-010:

yeah mate, when i borrowed my mates DB 7020 it was the same story.

NOT acceptable, and anyone that thinks it is, then they need quality testing.


01-06-2010, 12:15 PM
So what do we conclude from this Bank Holiday beta release, apart from lots more required? as we already knew this.
Is it worth continuing down this path or would the original firmware with full UK EPG be a better solution?
Resources are finite so careful consideration is required.

01-06-2010, 12:57 PM
So what do we conclude from this Bank Holiday beta release, apart from lots more required? as we already knew this.
Is it worth continuing down this path or would the original firmware with full UK EPG be a better solution?
Resources are finite so careful consideration is required.

I havent tested this release , as I like the original firmware on this box anyway ;)

speaking personally , I would prefer to see the original icecrypt firmware improved , with a full uk epg ability , better and more reliable adaptations of cccam , xcam - especially with sly uk being better supported , better and more reliable use of N lines and C lines and F lines etc - again with better sky uk support, support the use of say an internal card to act as an F line or N line server with easy editing of the relevant details like name , password , server addy or ip addy etc , ecm times displayed on screen in the skin or info , better support of easily turning off N and C lines or servers same as on the spider or dreamboxes , cccam info , cccam switch etc , full sly uk 7 day epg support , and better support of divx or mkv or mp3 or jpeg files , and any other improvements of a similar nature to those seen on a spider box

basically , the best of what we have already on these boxes , improved to the N`th degree , with all the extras we tend to use on other boxes like spider and dreamboxes , like the popular plugins for weather , total football , cccam info , cccam switch , ecm info , 7 day uk epg , assuming these improvements are possible of course

once the icecrypt stuff is stable , reliable , and gives what we expect , maybe then mess around with alternative images etc

thats my opinion owning all 3 boxes anyway ;)

01-06-2010, 12:57 PM
I havent managed to get this working so couldnt advise on it. I have even tried a usb hub to no avail. Can anyone help with this? A full UK EPG would be a massive improvement for this but I would like actual cccam to run on the box. Xcam works but is not great especially with sky uk.

01-06-2010, 02:06 PM
So what do we conclude from this Bank Holiday beta release, apart from lots more required? as we already knew this.
Is it worth continuing down this path or would the original firmware with full UK EPG be a better solution?
Resources are finite so careful consideration is required.

i think the biggest issue with the E2 is the frame drop\stutter\pic quality.

is there any point in carrying it on if the picture quality isn't very good - as this is a fundamental thing to get right - whats the point in being able to clear everything if the pic quality is dire.

it would be better as Echelon says to have the existing firmware with a 7 day SLY EPG, and downloadable plugins.

a better rewind, and fast forward would be nice, and the ability to jump to a % of a recorded program by pressing the numbers i.e 67% to jump to that part of a recording.

also, 4.2.2 possible?

anyway, THANKS to all involved with this - support for this box is alive and kickin'

01-06-2010, 02:09 PM
I havent managed to get this working so couldnt advise on it. I have even tried a usb hub to no avail. Can anyone help with this? A full UK EPG would be a massive improvement for this but I would like actual cccam to run on the box. Xcam works but is not great especially with sky uk.

where does it fail mate, what USB stick\device are you using?

01-06-2010, 02:28 PM
When I boot from usb loaded with the E2 image it sticks on the boot Enigma part. My pen drive flashes a few times then nothing at all. I have used 5 different pen drives, 4 different makes and all have different size capacity. I have even tried using a hub to no avail.
Steps I have done:
Loaded the plugin for the HDF E2 onto penddrive and installed.
I loaded the E2 bootloader via the plugin menu.
I used the usb image tool to recover the E2 imz file supplied by coldasice.
Once done I rebooted the box with the usb in the front and I get:
check usb
boot enigma

It then just stays on boot Enigma and goes no further.

01-06-2010, 04:10 PM
So what do we conclude from this Bank Holiday beta release, apart from lots more required? as we already knew this.
Is it worth continuing down this path or would the original firmware with full UK EPG be a better solution?
Resources are finite so careful consideration is required.

Not worth going on the E2 route... The original firmware is much much better than the E2 in it's current state...

Like others have said Sky UK EPG support
Cam support
Web streaming
Able to switch on/ off subtitles without going into the menu
etc etc

Also a good channel editor would be nice. The current one is buggy...

01-06-2010, 04:11 PM
When I boot from usb loaded with the E2 image it sticks on the boot Enigma part. My pen drive flashes a few times then nothing at all. I have used 5 different pen drives, 4 different makes and all have different size capacity. I have even tried using a hub to no avail.
Steps I have done:
Loaded the plugin for the HDF E2 onto penddrive and installed.
I loaded the E2 bootloader via the plugin menu.
I used the usb image tool to recover the E2 imz file supplied by coldasice.
Once done I rebooted the box with the usb in the front and I get:
check usb
boot enigma

It then just stays on boot Enigma and goes no further.

I feel it's not worth spending so much time trying to get it to work...

01-06-2010, 04:59 PM
Not worth going on the E2 route... The original firmware is much much better than the E2 in it's current state...

Like others have said Sky UK EPG support
Cam support
Web streaming
Able to switch on/ off subtitles without going into the menu
etc etc

Also a good channel editor would be nice. The current one is buggy...

web interface is pretty good but was slow, i need to test some more.

01-06-2010, 05:13 PM
I much prefer the original firmware even with all its issues and lack of working plugins.

01-06-2010, 05:14 PM
So what do we conclude from this Bank Holiday beta release, apart from lots more required? as we already knew this.
Is it worth continuing down this path or would the original firmware with full UK EPG be a better solution?
Resources are finite so careful consideration is required.

I think E2 is seen as the panacea for all that is wrong with the original firmware (just look at the Azbox E2 thread!). In my opinion, ALL resources should be used to develop the current firmware, namely the networking side - better CCcam support and perhaps even adding server support. Other than these issues, I find the current firmware more than decent.
Seeing resources are limited, the best option would be to release the source code of the current firmware and allow users to add and develop themselves.

01-06-2010, 05:42 PM
I agree with Denton. I have been holding out hope that E2 would be the answer to the issues there are with the box. If the original firmware can be improved then I would be more than happy with it.

Midnight R
01-06-2010, 05:50 PM
I agree with all of the above, ditch the E2 and develop the original firmware.

The Ipbox developers are doing a great job with that box using orig FW so I would be very happy to see the Icey go the same way.

Continued development of the xcam is a must and I would be happy to just settle for further developments in that area.

A full Sky epg would be really cool and perhaps a new skin along the deep blue lines of the Sky one.

Other than that the current FW seems very stable.

The ability to download plugins from the box would also be cool.

Anyway, thanks CAI for the contiuned support.

I say drop the E2!

01-06-2010, 06:44 PM
The ONLY present development priority should be improving the current plugins. Anything else is a distraction from the key function of the box. I would also say that this should be a key priority from a commercial point of view. A good plugin, with the current firmwares picture quality, twin tuners and hard drive would pretty much blow the competition away.

01-06-2010, 07:06 PM
isnt the E2 being worked on regardless, by HD Freaks, for all Fortis boxes....so it will always be around anyway...?

am i missing a trick?

is coldasice spokesman for all e2 development on Fortis>

02-06-2010, 09:08 AM
Also if the chipset is capable of outputting 1080p why not enable it rather than restrict it to the current 1080i mode?

02-06-2010, 10:01 AM
isnt the E2 being worked on regardless, by HD Freaks, for all Fortis boxes....so it will always be around anyway...?

am i missing a trick?

is coldasice spokesman for all e2 development on Fortis>

Don't be daft of course I'm not a spokesman for all E2 development on Fortis PVR's.
HD Freaks didn't develop an Image that include Freesat/Sky EPG or an Icecrypt S4000 bootloader flasher for the fun of it either. They are a German team so they concentrate all their efforts on German products/resellers.
They had some help in the S4000 development work otherwise it wouldn't happen.
Lets hope that with their help it will allow the S4000 to have easier access to all other development work that is happening across all the Fortis platforms
Or do you really believe its all done for free for you?

02-06-2010, 11:11 AM
I didnt realise there was anything SPECIFIC in the IceE2 image, i'm sure alot of other people didnt either.
It simply looked like a slightly modified IceCrypt branded HD Freaks image.
I will have another play around with the Sky EPG, but didn't notice it at first.
Is the EPG a plugin, or built into the image somehow?

Cheers ColdasICE.

02-06-2010, 11:30 AM
How did people manage to get it to work. I am a big supporter of the idea of getting the original firmware improved but I wont mind having a look at the E2 image either.

02-06-2010, 12:29 PM
i used a hub, and an unbranded 16Gb mem stick, thats it.

the stick on its own didnt work, and got ignored by the bootloader - but as soon as i used a usb hub - the stick worked.

when i used a 1Gb SD card, and a USB multi card reader, it got as far as saying "BOOTING ENIGMA" but it didnt move on from that.

i think its fussy about the stick, i dont think it matters how many times you format or rerun the USB image tool.

i have ordred a 1gb stick to use purely for this, as its a waste of a 16gb sitck - for a mere £4 from the bay.

02-06-2010, 12:43 PM
I have used a hub and 4 sticks of various sizes from 512mb stick to a 16 gig stick. Everone used sticks on boot Enigma whether I use the hub or not. The uimage file on the drive is around 1.68 MB in size. Someone on here has mentioned that theirs is around 1.8 in size. I wonder if I placed a copy of the uimage file from a working usb onto mine might work. I am on the latest firmware and the bootloader for E2 has been installed.

02-06-2010, 02:29 PM
i used a hub, and an unbranded 16Gb mem stick, thats it.

the stick on its own didnt work, and got ignored by the bootloader - but as soon as i used a usb hub - the stick worked.

when i used a 1Gb SD card, and a USB multi card reader, it got as far as saying "BOOTING ENIGMA" but it didnt move on from that.

i think its fussy about the stick, i dont think it matters how many times you format or rerun the USB image tool.

i have ordred a 1gb stick to use purely for this, as its a waste of a 16gb sitck - for a mere £4 from the bay.

Was your hub USB1 or USB2 and was it a powered hub?
:cheers2: Ian

02-06-2010, 03:05 PM
usb 2.0. No it wasnt powered.

02-06-2010, 03:12 PM
Sounds to me that the icecrypt isnt man enough to have E2 installed on it.
I dont think its got the right chipsets and processing power.Its just gunna give you loads of trouble. If you think its just a driver issue then why does it have so much trouble even seeing the lastest usb sticks.
I hope im wrong!!! but NA

02-06-2010, 03:45 PM
I have managed to install it by giving it a "kick start" with the AAF Recovery Tool. It seems to crash less than the AAF version I installed in the flash, but I still don't see a way to install my C lines and have reloaded the standard software.
I would be very happy if I could have the original version with a full 7 day sky epg and a quick cccam client.
My only other complaint is that on the original version when I get a CS freeze my audio goes out of sync and that's something that I have not experienced on my AZBox.

02-06-2010, 04:08 PM
Sounds like the agreement is to drop E2 for now and get the original F/W developed. It's a great box and if the epg and plugins improve it will be hard to beat.

02-06-2010, 07:50 PM
Sounds like the agreement is to drop E2 for now and get the original F/W developed. It's a great box and if the epg and plugins improve it will be hard to beat.

Agreed. After messing with both - there's nothing wrong with the original Icecrypt f/w.

02-06-2010, 07:58 PM
Was your hub USB1 or USB2 and was it a powered hub?
:cheers2: Ian

an old NON powered USB 1 hub.

02-06-2010, 08:00 PM
I have used a hub and 4 sticks of various sizes from 512mb stick to a 16 gig stick. Everone used sticks on boot Enigma whether I use the hub or not. The uimage file on the drive is around 1.68 MB in size. Someone on here has mentioned that theirs is around 1.8 in size. I wonder if I placed a copy of the uimage file from a working usb onto mine might work. I am on the latest firmware and the bootloader for E2 has been installed.

uImage = 1,726KB mate

02-06-2010, 08:05 PM
Forget E2. If we can just have Sly EPG that would do it for me, but in the meant time ive put it back in the box where it belongs and got me sly hd box back out agian.

02-06-2010, 11:54 PM
Plugin_Mgcamd_Octagon_SF1008_SF10 18_HD_21052010... Works great and stable on the icebox... FTP it to relevent folders... enter C line in keys and away ho

03-06-2010, 09:35 AM
Plugin_Mgcamd_Octagon_SF1008_SF10 18_HD_21052010... Works great and stable on the icebox... FTP it to relevent folders... enter C line in keys and away ho

Thanks for the tip but I must have been asleep, when did Mgcamd start working with C lines?

03-06-2010, 09:56 AM
I'm using it now. Works better than xcam at the moment for my part. it glitched for a second or two then back on. Xcam has been dropping the connection when it freezes and only a channel change has brought it back. Only been using it for the last half hour or so but it is pretty stable at the minute.

03-06-2010, 10:24 AM
I have noticed that when it does glitch for a split second the audio doesn't go out of sync like the xcam does.

Midnight R
03-06-2010, 11:38 AM
Its funny but Xcam is quite stable for me, yes it glitches on Sly but never freezes or requires a channel change. Not perfect though of course.

So can anyone describe how to configure the cline in mgcamd and I'll give it a go.

For what its worth mgcamd is the cam of choice for Cuberevo usersd at present.

03-06-2010, 12:28 PM
I just copied the c: line into the cccamd file and bobs your uncle

03-06-2010, 01:20 PM
Anyone played with the API Stuff thats in the tools and editors section? Sounds to me if we can get anyone who has the time to play with it. You can edit your own EPG with it. Hmm not to shure its the way to go though.
I just cant see why the developers cant adjust the software to download the epg for astra 28 east. How anoying is it!!!!!!!!!!!

03-06-2010, 02:59 PM
I'm using it now. Works better than xcam at the moment for my part. it glitched for a second or two then back on. Xcam has been dropping the connection when it freezes and only a channel change has brought it back. Only been using it for the last half hour or so but it is pretty stable at the minute.

copied my working and reliable 0.2 ecm c line into the camd file and started mgcamd in the plugins , but it dropped out on mine and needed a channel change to bring it back

the same c line drops out in xcam client too , not as badly but still drops out to scrambled channel , also same using cccam as well , so none work reliably for me

this same c line is untra reliable in my dm800HD and in a spiderbox 9000 and also ok in a tm9100 too , so its deffo not the c line !!!

I find an n line works fine in xcam from my local card in a tm9100 ( newcs employed here ) , so tend to use that only for the icecrypt at the moment as the spiderbox and dreambox are more reliable with my c line

a shame , but thats the way it is

03-06-2010, 03:17 PM
I have to say my earlier comments about this being more stable than xcam are a little premature. The channels glitch and freeze just as much at the moment. PAin in the arse but I'm sure things will get better if the fortis boys keep plugin away. (sorry about the pun)

Midnight R
03-06-2010, 03:30 PM
Yep, got it working, seems to be okay although as I've said before I don't seem to be having the problems with freezing that others have been reporting, just occasional glitching.

Anyway, I'll give it an hour to see.

This mgcam doesn't seem to like to restart automatically from reboot though.

03-06-2010, 03:57 PM
Anyone played with the API Stuff thats in the tools and editors section? Sounds to me if we can get anyone who has the time to play with it. You can edit your own EPG with it. Hmm not to shure its the way to go though.
I just cant see why the developers cant adjust the software to download the epg for astra 28 east. How anoying is it!!!!!!!!!!!

Had a look at it, but it's beyond my comprehension. It's a shame because there is a readily available .xml program file from Radio Times if only you know how to get it into the API. Have a look at this h**p://www.birtles.org.uk/xmltv/ and this h**p://wiki.xmltv.org/index.php/Main_Page. The information is all out there it's just a case of knowing how to use it.

03-06-2010, 05:59 PM
OT: BUT yeah, on my old Topfield 5800 Freeview box, someone wrote some wicked software to create a totally new EPG for it, totally Free. _http://www.toppy.org.uk/~mystuff

it would be awesome if something similar was done for Freesat, or SLY for the ICE.

Midnight R
05-06-2010, 06:03 PM
Don't think much of the mgcamd seems to make the pic a bit jittery.

I'll stick with xcam as it works quite well for me and hopefully will be developed further.

06-06-2010, 12:33 PM
Are there any conclusions to the E2 or original firware debate? It seems the concensus was people would rather the original firmware to be developed along with better more stable plugins. Can anyone advise if this is the case?

06-06-2010, 01:44 PM
Are there any conclusions to the E2 or original firware debate? It seems the concensus was people would rather the original firmware to be developed along with better more stable plugins. Can anyone advise if this is the case?

For just viewing I would like more stable plugins and a full UK epg on the original firmware.
However as a hobby machine it's still fun to play around with E2 but the HDF flash loader needs sorting first. I don't think it's a problem with USB sticks I think the problem is with the loader itself, because I can always force it to boot using the ART tool.
In conclusion I believe that for the box to be successful the original firmware should be sorted first so that more people will buy it and that will lead to more support. If we become too obsessed with E2 it will be another AZBox fiasco.

06-06-2010, 02:07 PM
For just viewing I would like more stable plugins and a full UK epg on the original firmware.
However as a hobby machine it's still fun to play around with E2 but the HDF flash loader needs sorting first. I don't think it's a problem with USB sticks I think the problem is with the loader itself, because I can always force it to boot using the ART tool.
In conclusion I believe that for the box to be successful the original firmware should be sorted first so that more people will buy it and that will lead to more support. If we become too obsessed with E2 it will be another AZBox fiasco.

i bought a 2gb SANdisk blade cruiser stick as i didnt want to waste my 16Gb one for a tiny image for the E2

low and behold, it DOES NOT work with or without my USB hub connected.

i guess i was lucky with my unbranded 16gb stick.

very strange

it just says boot enigma.

therefore it must be a dodgy loader code, or very fussy about sticks....

26-06-2010, 11:33 AM
Has Godot arrived yet?

26-06-2010, 01:14 PM
Has Godot arrived yet?

We know how that story ends:20:

29-06-2010, 01:23 PM
whats godot?

30-06-2010, 07:02 PM
It's a play about a couple of old guys waiting for someone called Godot and how they pass their time while waiting. The both claim to know him (although they probably don't) and they think that everything will be all right when he arrives. When the play ends Godot still hasn't arrived.
Now does this sound familiar? :respect-051:

30-06-2010, 11:14 PM
It's a play about a couple of old guys waiting for someone called Godot and how they pass their time while waiting. The both claim to know him (although they probably don't) and they think that everything will be all right when he arrives. When the play ends Godot still hasn't arrived.
Now does this sound familiar? :respect-051:

should be called "decent england football team"

08-08-2010, 05:04 PM
I take back what I said about preferring the IceCrypt gui versus the Enigma 2 one. With Enigma we will have ongoing support and can at least install an EPG plugin. There's also a media player and all the other cool stuff we've been talking about.

ColdAsIce, are you still interested in tweaking the Enigma 2 engine?

I played around with the AAF installer, extremely easy once you get into it. I'll post a quick howto for those that want to overwrite their IceCrypt flash and install E2


21-08-2010, 10:05 AM
Jacksback did you ever post that quick how to for AAF?


21-08-2010, 03:01 PM
But the E2 image seems to screw up the HD pictures.
They don't look anywhere as good as the original firmware.

24-08-2010, 11:29 AM
Jacksback did you ever post that quick how to for AAF?


Hi serge. I didn't because I was meant to say "Will post a quick howto if there are those interested in flashing their IceCrypts with Enigma2"

I'll work on something when I get some free time. I actually rolled back to IceCrypt image due to ongoing problems with the 2nd tuner.