View Full Version : Timer Recording Failed

30-05-2010, 06:20 PM
I set my Azbox Premium Plus to record ITV HD using the timer. Just had to manually put in the length of program 2hrs 40 mins for the football.

I could see the Azbox switched on from standby and the red recording light came on, and went off after the event had finished....but I have no recording visible on the HDD!

Another bug I guess or is there any way I can recover the missing recording?

Dig Deep
30-05-2010, 08:22 PM
Can You examin the HD and see if there was something recorded ?

30-05-2010, 08:26 PM
Can You examin the HD and see if there was something recorded ?

When I ftp the HDD I don't see anything...but probably need to read this using linux?

30-05-2010, 09:01 PM
I would guess another great bug... I was happy to have flawless encrypted (no drops/breaks) timeshift...
I too have had failed recordings and some was not from standby, (very unpleasent if it was the better half that wanted the recording) but on other fw versions...

All that said the last firmware was a good step forward (some IPTV failures I've heard though and now this).

01-06-2010, 07:55 AM
ITV HD always fails to play after recording. Dunno why.

Dig Deep
01-06-2010, 10:05 AM
When I ftp the HDD I don't see anything...but probably need to read this using linux?

Yes, load Ubuntu before booting / from a CD/ and search :sifone: