View Full Version : internet tv

03-06-2010, 08:27 AM
place the live stream link somewhere on media / hdd and start it with main menu / media player - no need for any plugins or vlc .
thats it , it does take few seconds to kick in - but works great from there on .
here's an example,

03-06-2010, 10:04 AM
anymore files anywhere not just pron.

03-06-2010, 10:12 AM
open notepad , insert the stream and save it as something.m3u .
there are hundreds of working satellite channels , pretty hard to predict whats of your interest :)

03-06-2010, 10:21 AM
ive been doing this for ages guys.

i gave a full how to in the 7020 section at least 2 yrs ago.if you use a sniffer to obtain the ip of the stream then basically you can watch all internet tv on your dreambox.
all you have to do is insert the ip into a file using notepad++ and save it as an .m3u file which you place in your movies folder on your recievers HDD.you then open it with VLCF or whatever your mediaplayer is on your box and it starts to stream.
i have over 40 .m3u files on my HDD for various sites such as soapcast,hulu and footie feed sites ect.
i even posted a few .m3u files i had created for the tv series Reaper for everyone to experiment with.

also i do this with my brothers dreambox.
he has a much better internet connection than me,so i let him download films from wherever and i then create a .m3u file for his dreambox ip.i then open the file up with VLCF and watch the movie streamed directly from his dreamboxes HDD.this saves mr the trouble of downloading the movies myself.

03-06-2010, 10:23 AM
the good thing here with HD boxes is that you don't need the vlc at all .

03-06-2010, 10:31 AM
thats really cool raul.
im really going to have to update my box soon.im getting left behind.Ian.

03-06-2010, 11:19 AM
interesting ian , can you give an example with a dummy ip ofcourse , how to stream an mkv movie from one HD box to another over WAN ?

lets say the movie or the concert in this case , is in /media/hdd/acdc.1080p.mkv

03-06-2010, 11:33 AM
i really dont think upload speeds will cope with HD mate.

my brothers upload is around 1200kbps and this sometimes glitches and freezes with standard definition files.

but basically you need to create the .m3u file to include the DNS of the other box and to ensure that the chosen port is forwarded to the other dreambox internal ip.

eg http://mydns.org:10000

thats all you have to do mate.as VLCF will then navigate to the other boxes HDD through the menu's much the same way as you navigate to your own boxes HDD.
i cannot speak for how your boxes mediaplayer navigates to files as i have to use VLCF and you stated that with your box you dont need this plugin.Ian.

03-06-2010, 11:41 AM
HD satellite channels stream just fine , i'll give it a go with an 1080p mkv and see what happens .


03-06-2010, 11:46 AM
ah i forgot.

his LAN is also an extention of my own by using a VPN tunnel,so im able to remotely sort out the numpties pc problems for him when he has them,so effectively when using samba his box is seen as though its on my own LAN,im also logged into his dreambox samba file as a user too,so i can navigate to his dreambox HDD from my pc's windows enviroment.but i dont think this effects what you are trying to do.honestly though it was years ago that i set all this up and i have forgotten how i did it.
try to find my post in the 7020 section regarding this as if i remember correctly its all explained properly there.but the post was at the very least 2yrs ago.Ian.

03-06-2010, 12:23 PM
How do you get to stream HULU to dreambox when HULU uses flash 10?
Only if you play it with VLC,correct?

HD boxes won;t play flash 10,so I believe the only way is to use VLC.
The other streams that play without a plugin must not be using flash,but mpeg2/4.

03-06-2010, 12:36 PM
it doesnt matter that they are using flash 10,thats just their player.you need to use a sniffer to obtain the ip being used in the stream,but yes VLC is also used.i cannot speak for HD boxes and what they can and cannot play as i dont have one,but it works perfectly on my 7020.Ian.

03-06-2010, 04:58 PM
Heres a few I found, dont know if all work but some do.

BBC1: _http://

BBC2: _http://

ITV1: _http://

C4: _http://

Five: _http://

More4: _http://

E4: _http://

BBC3/CBBC: _http://

BBC4/Cbeebies: _http://

CBS Reality: _http://

ITV2: _http://

ITV3: _http://

ITV4: _http://

4Music: _http://

Scuzz: _http://

Flaunt: _http://

Eurosport: _http://

Film4: _http://

Sky News: _http://

BBC News: _http://

Bloomberg: _http://

Russia Today: _http://

Fashion TV: _http://

Zone Horror: _http://

James Bond TV: _http://

Deutsche Welle: _http://

Dubai Sports: _http://

Al Jazeera Sports: _http://

TV Espaņa: _http://

RAI Sports: _http://

edit for
Iv just tested and so far I got these to work

Deutsche welle
Dubai sports
Rai sports
Sky news
Zone horror

03-06-2010, 11:22 PM
I'm putting my .m3u files in to media/hdd, but media player 0.93 or media player deluxe cannot see them. Anyone know what I'm missing out (running Nabilo BH 0.12 on DM800).

edit: sorry me being a d*ck. Did Menu -> Media Player amd can see the files!