View Full Version : Looking for a high gain LNB

03-06-2010, 10:58 AM
Hi all not too sure if this will help trying to boost the signal will a LNB with a high gain help many thanks for your help :bowing-036:

03-06-2010, 11:14 AM
largest gain would be by increasing dish size from well known brand like Fuba, Triax, ...

03-06-2010, 11:23 AM
I agree, the easiest way to get more gain is a bigger dish, an lnb cant increase a low level signal.

03-06-2010, 11:26 AM
No substitute for a bigger dish, that's true enough. But using either an Inverto Black Ultra or an Invacom quad lnb will certainly improve your chances of locking a signal on weak transponders.

03-06-2010, 12:22 PM
with most aerials the higher the gain the better the the picture
but with satellite lnbs its the opposite the lower the gain the better the signal
so don't go for a higher gain lnb it will make it worse
go for a lower gain lnb as you can find
the only sure way to increase signal is with a bigger dish

03-06-2010, 05:15 PM
Thanks for your replys i did not know that lnb with lower gains are better
I have a 1meter dish now it just sometime the signal is down a bit but later in the day its higher should they change in a day?

03-06-2010, 05:54 PM
with most aerials the higher the gain the better the the picture but with satellite lnbs its the opposite the lower the gain the better the signal
s . . .

The number quoted for LNBs is the noise figure; that is why a low number is desirable.

But, as stated above, an increase in dish size will always be a better option.

15-06-2010, 01:37 AM
The number quoted for LNBs is the noise figure; that is why a low number is desirable.

But, as stated above, an increase in dish size will always be a better option.

WAs going to say the same, but you beat me too it.:respect-047:

I just got me an Icecrypt .1db noise from Amazon, for less than 20 quid shipped!!

15-06-2010, 08:02 PM
change the lnb for a inverto black ultra, very good lnb has a gain of 60db plus

15-06-2010, 09:07 PM
Must agree with Wod. Inverto black ultra (not black premium) is the best I've ever used.

15-06-2010, 09:24 PM
change the lnb for a inverto black ultra, very good lnb has a gain of 60db plus

Wod, Can you get them with C120 & feedhorn to fit channel master 1.2 m8

15-06-2010, 10:34 PM
for the invert black ulta lnb specks
look here

it is classed as a 0.2 db lnb

15-06-2010, 10:41 PM
Wod, Can you get them with C120 & feedhorn to fit channel master 1.2 m8

not available at the moment in c120 version which is surprising, I have one on my cm 1.2 and it works well so would say get one and try it out, before that I had smart titanium on it.

what inverto do have is a black pro c120 lnb not sure if this lnb is any good over the white inverto c120 model.

16-06-2010, 10:08 AM
I have one on my cm 1.2 and it works well so would say get one and try it out, before that I had smart titanium on it.

Is there much signal difference between the smart titanium and the Inverto?

Also is it better to get the quad version


18-06-2010, 07:48 PM
the inverto black ultra is better on weaker signal on 4west etc i've found and the various news feeds on 10east

yes if you need 4 outputs then buy the quad lnb, as i bought the twin as i needed two outputs.

but if you already have the feed and invacom lnb and getting good signal then probably not worth the spend unless you need to get a particular transponder on a satellite etc and compare results

19-06-2010, 08:52 PM
Hi bcm2001,

You don't say if your dish is Fixed or Motorised.
If its fixed it depends at what Satellite your pulling In.

1w (Intelsat 10=02,,Thor 0.8w) is your starting point to set
the LNB (Fixed Dish). If you pointed a S@Y dish at 1w and left the LNB's Scew
set for (28e) the Signal Quality on the stronghest channel (BBC World) will
be 30% lower then that of an LNB set for (1w).
The Scew on 1w is almost Vertical to the Dish.
The scew for (28e) is around 6%.
So turning the S@y LNB from its set 6% to 0.5% will lift Sig Quality
on BBC World on 1w from 60% to 90%.

A Motorised Dish has its LNB set to 0.5% (Vertical to Dish) on 1w.
Then when the dish moves the scew also changes with the tilt of the Dish Automaticaly.


19-06-2010, 11:25 PM
get a bigger dish, high gain low noise lnb's are no substitute !

20-06-2010, 12:14 AM
i have 1.1m Triax dish on T & K Brackets with 2" galvanised steel pole ,
Tmate2600 H-H Disecq motor and my lnb - Icecrypt 0.1db LNB ,

i can recieve these sats with very good signal :

39e / 28e / 26e / 23.5e / 19e / 16e / 13e / 10e / 9e / 7e / 5e / 1w / 5w / 8w / 12.5w / 15w / 22w / 24.5w / 30w

Thats 19 sats all consistently good but i only really watch tv when i find decent feeds to hunt these dayz .
hope that helps .

21-06-2010, 09:39 AM
the inverto black ultra is better on weaker signal on 4west etc i've found and the various news feeds on 10east

yes if you need 4 outputs then buy the quad lnb, as i bought the twin as i needed two outputs.

but if you already have the feed and invacom lnb and getting good signal then probably not worth the spend unless you need to get a particular transponder on a satellite etc and compare results

Thanks for the info wod.

Wasnt quite sure if the quad performed better than the single

I ordered the inverto black ultra from the auction site and have tested it out on 7w here in se kent.With my 80cm and twin titanium 0.2 i was getting a 53% signal on 11862v now with the inverto i get 58%.Also i seem to get a signal on 11938v all day wheras before it was just receivable in the evening.
Overall on all sats there is a general 5% increase.

The dish is just a hypermarket dish

Regards Uk2cyp

21-06-2010, 06:07 PM
i have 1.1m Triax dish on T & K Brackets with 2" galvanised steel pole ,
Tmate2600 H-H Disecq motor and my lnb - Icecrypt 0.1db LNB ,

i can recieve these sats with very good signal :

39e / 28e / 26e / 23.5e / 19e / 16e / 13e / 10e / 9e / 7e / 5e / 1w / 5w / 8w / 12.5w / 15w / 22w / 24.5w / 30w

Thats 19 sats all consistently good but i only really watch tv when i find decent feeds to hunt these dayz .
hope that helps .

u live in UK?u cant get 26e can you? :respect-010:

21-06-2010, 06:08 PM
i've ordered a gold LNB from **** for a tenner..i will test it out when it arrives...i just want to see if it makes a difference..would love it if you were all wrong lol..ill post back soon

22-06-2010, 10:38 AM
I ordered the inverto black ultra from the auction site and have tested it out on 7w here in se kent.With my 80cm and twin titanium 0.2 i was getting a 53% signal on 11862v now with the inverto i get 58%.Also i seem to get a signal on 11938v all day wheras before it was just receivable in the evening.

Well yesterday afternoon 11938v went below my tm 6900 threshold of 48%
Still happy with signal increase from this lnb though:)