View Full Version : axbox hd new gui/interface when,how?

07-06-2010, 07:20 PM
Hi, just created this thread to ask if you guys know when new firmware with new gui/interface will be released and what can we expect to be new/fixed?

only thing i know is what Carp95 and Fatgiant said.
Carp95 told us something about 16th june impex (can't confirm i don't remember)

and fatgiant told they were working in new gui/interface.

can u guys tell us more about it?

thank you. any info will be welcome

07-06-2010, 08:37 PM
I even don't know about this. Thanks for the fine news.

07-06-2010, 08:38 PM
with turtle pace dont expect something soon. they didnt make a stable and working as expected software never....... how successful would be a new software or gui from them? i guess it would be another failure from a failing company

07-06-2010, 08:50 PM
that's what i am afraid of ... but i think they are working on it for a while now..

07-06-2010, 08:57 PM
i maybe harsh , i am very sorry its not my intention to flame but i feel so much disappointment from them.i really hope they will release sthng good at last. it is not only good hardware that matters but at same level matters support and development.i appreciate other people work on this box and wish them all the best.you know who you are

07-06-2010, 09:11 PM
Another 100 pages of nothing thread coming up. :rolleyes:

07-06-2010, 10:04 PM
that's why i am asking for those "who know" ....

09-06-2010, 10:16 AM
Hi, just created this thread to ask if you guys know when new firmware with new gui/interface will be released and what can we expect to be new/fixed?

only thing i know is what Carp95 and Fatgiant said.
Carp95 told us something about 16th june impex (can't confirm i don't remember)

and fatgiant told they were working in new gui/interface.

can u guys tell us more about it?

thank you. any info will be welcome

Sorry I didn't gave you a date and I won't give one now

Only thing I can say that there is gonna be a new GUI/interface.

Idea came in Februari ( only on paper ) how far the project is now I don't know.

Date off the 16th is from impexsat

09-06-2010, 10:23 AM
oh ok, thank you

09-06-2010, 02:30 PM
They are working hard on new firmware, all rewritten. Should be released soon, maybe in this month.


09-06-2010, 02:49 PM
only interfacE/gui or background too?

09-06-2010, 03:12 PM
only interfacE/gui or background too?

As far as I know, background too. We can say a complete new firmware, started from the beginning.

09-06-2010, 03:27 PM
jesus ... so we have 50% for changes to get a bad firmwre from the beginning. hehehe :)
or 50% chances to be a good one ..

09-06-2010, 03:56 PM
Open:9898: only now woke up advertise into youtube, showing the old software.:eek:

Probably a little too late :rofl:


09-06-2010, 04:11 PM
Another 100 pages of nothing thread coming up. :rolleyes:

Made me giggle.

I'll add my nothingness.

This is the first page of total dribble.
HFMLS is in serious trouble.
Some will doubt this rumour told.
Some will say its 6 months old.
Some will say they are too slow.
Some will say Azbox is no go.
Whatever the out come I will say.
The AZBox is pretty .......

Answers on a post card.

09-06-2010, 04:26 PM
Made me giggle.

I'll add my nothingness.

This is the first page of total dribble.
HFMLS is in serious trouble.
Some will doubt this rumour told.
Some will say its 6 months old.
Some will say they are too slow.
Some will say Azbox is no go.
Whatever the out come I will say.
The AZBox is pretty .......

Answers on a post card.

I think I'm in love :respect-060:

09-06-2010, 04:30 PM
and this thread has what doing with me? i only asked about what Carp95 and fatgiant told ... because i didn't get a clear answer, i created this thread to clear it up.

Carp95 allready answered.
so....i'm good. and clarified

09-06-2010, 10:18 PM
;729261']They are working hard on new firmware, all rewritten. Should be released soon, maybe in this month.


Looks like Opensat finally realized that they couldn't do much more with the bad coded Celrun's firmware, every time they tried to change/improve something, other thing got broken.
A firmware from scratch was the only option...

09-06-2010, 11:00 PM
Made me giggle.

I'll add my nothingness.

This is the first page of total dribble.
HFMLS is in serious trouble.
Some will doubt this rumour told.
Some will say its 6 months old.
Some will say they are too slow.
Some will say Azbox is no go.
Whatever the out come I will say.
The AZBox is pretty .......

Answers on a post card.

You should have been a poet
but you did'nt know it :D

09-06-2010, 11:41 PM
Looks like Opensat finally realized that they couldn't do much more with the bad coded Celrun's firmware, every time they tried to change/improve something, other thing got broken.
A firmware from scratch was the only option...

I have to agree, only a firmware built from scratch can work without soo many bugs. That's why I would like to see enigma in azbox, even if I don't like enigma that much.

11-06-2010, 03:07 PM
I have to agree, only a firmware built from scratch can work without soo many bugs. That's why I would like to see enigma in azbox, even if I don't like enigma that much.
The original firmware IS built from scratch, enigma on the other hand needs to be ported in order to work, and if its difficult for the "engineers" to build non beta original firmware for some 2 years now, then its twice as difficult for the hobbyists to port some piece of software and make it work as expected. You need to accept the fact that azbox's hardware isn't good enough to handle heavy tasks, so even if we ever see an enigma version in the far future, don't expect any improvements.

11-06-2010, 05:54 PM
The original firmware IS built from scratch, enigma on the other hand needs to be ported in order to work, and if its difficult for the "engineers" to build non beta original firmware for some 2 years now, then its twice as difficult for the hobbyists to port some piece of software and make it work as expected. You need to accept the fact that azbox's hardware isn't good enough to handle heavy tasks, so even if we ever see an enigma version in the far future, don't expect any improvements.

Agree with your comment and we have to accept that issue and forget enigma.

11-06-2010, 06:11 PM
When I say built from scratch, I mean built from scratch by real programmers, not by celrun newbies. The current code is full of bugs and patches.

11-06-2010, 06:23 PM
Oh christ... Here we go again!

Should I call the fire brigade now?

11-06-2010, 07:26 PM
When I say built from scratch, I mean built from scratch by real programmers, not by celrun newbies. The current code is full of bugs and patches.Isn't it a little too late? After around 2 years since public release, plus the time they were working on the firmware internally before the release, don't you think they had plenty of time to prove themselves?

Have they hired new programmers? I've read some encouraging posts by different members telling us about some big guns working on new firmware and stuff. Don't forget about the head boss with his linux and programming background that got stuff sorted before even being hired https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showpost.php?p=640371&postcount=138 or the programmers showing full commitment https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showpost.php?p=640377&postcount=140 Have a look at the dates when these posts were made. Does this mean we've got some new programmers showing full commitment from now on? And a new boss whose experience even Bill Gates would envy? We've already heard these news A YEAR AGO.

muki 74
11-06-2010, 07:36 PM
Jimrare do you have azbox?

11-06-2010, 07:41 PM
yes, plus a number of other receivers, whats your point?

muki 74
11-06-2010, 07:59 PM
I don't think so,because all your post are in dreambox section.
How you can comment something you don't have.
Why you dmm people hate azbox so much?

11-06-2010, 08:38 PM
I don't think so,because all your post are in dreambox section.
How you can comment something you don't have.
Why you dmm people hate azbox so much?

what he says is true, whether he has a box or not does not change that

11-06-2010, 08:47 PM
i have azbox and alot of dreamboxes,would not reomend azbox to any one sorry

11-06-2010, 09:40 PM
I don't think so,because all your post are in dreambox section.
How you can comment something you don't have.
Why you dmm people hate azbox so much?Have a better look, you will see posts on different sections. If you think i don't have any other boxes then good for you.

Do you own any other boxes? Do you know the difference between beta firmware and stable? Have you ever tested different boxes to see the difference before judging others? Don't bother answering i'm just being rhetorical. The answer is obvious.

It's your right to believe that more than 2 years isn't enough for a group of decent programmers to release stable firmware and also that some super dupper developers are arriving each summer, the same way its my right to believe that this box is just another box full of promises which haven't been met.

12-06-2010, 01:20 AM
you're right ....BS BS and more BS from opensat.i know that now.
but pls don't go off topic.

topic has the intention to gather info from this "new gui/interface"
since this subject has more "truth" than other subjects.... since..ever.

12-06-2010, 02:47 PM
you're right ....BS BS and more BS from opensat.i know that now.
but pls don't go off topic.

topic has the intention to gather info from this "new gui/interface"
since this subject has more "truth" than other subjects.... since..ever.
Ok, lets go on topic, but don't forget that it was you who was giving us this info, not opensat.

14-06-2010, 07:52 PM
any news?

14-06-2010, 07:55 PM
any news?

Italy-0 Paraguay-0 after 25 minutes. :D

14-06-2010, 08:38 PM
Paraguay is winning now.

16-06-2010, 09:33 AM
June, the 16th!

I think this date was mentioned a while ago on most of the forums...

Letīs see...

16-06-2010, 02:43 PM
it was 17.6. I think.. so tommorow :)

16-06-2010, 11:53 PM
can u guys post link to forum that normaly is used to announce this stuff?

i think it's a german one
with a black theme


17-06-2010, 06:07 AM

just forget this. the only clear thing is, that you canīt trust any impex-sat-statements. and this time there was no official impex-sat-statement.
an impex-sat-employee told somone on phone. so it is just like someone said that......someone heard that......
itīs just boring :banghead:

17-06-2010, 08:01 AM
myazbox.de it's shame 4 azbox :D

17-06-2010, 08:44 AM
myazbox.de it's shame 4 azbox :D

thatīs NOT true. myazbox.de is the best forum iīve ever been. you need help? - there you get help - always and immediately.
the problem is the german distributor impex-sat. just tells stories to sell more boxes. tells you everything you want to hear and then nothing happens.

17-06-2010, 12:35 PM
it was 17.6. I think.. so tommorow :)

End of summer/Autumn is what they are saying now..... :rolleyes:

Not sure which year yet... :smilielol5:

17-06-2010, 01:30 PM
if they were to release a new rewritten firmware, why are they releasing from fw.azupd.nl a si-0.9.4911 and from fw.azupd.com a 0.9.4923 the same month?

all i can say is that they are fooling us

if i go back to the day i bought it , i expected the box do what it was advertised to do.

and i expected to go online with the browser, see photos to the tv, work as pvr in hd channels. after 8 months none of these is implemented.

thank god it is working good as a sat receiver.:respect-046:

17-06-2010, 01:36 PM
End of summer/Autumn is what they are saying now..... :rolleyes:

Not sure which year yet... :smilielol5:

is that true? ... :S
so why da hell firmware updates are so damn slow?

17-06-2010, 02:13 PM
Opensat is working so hard.You guys dont realise that this company sucks?You are not tired to hear promises from them? these promises make me laugh

17-06-2010, 03:02 PM
They should only promise what they deliver, new bugs...

17-06-2010, 03:51 PM
Where has opensat promised new firm ?? I bet no one can answer

17-06-2010, 04:01 PM
Opensat is working so hard.You guys dont realise that this company sucks?You are not tired to hear promises from them? these promises make me laughPlease don't blame opensat, it's their job to make easy money. The only people i have seen making promises are dealers and a few members on different forums with the azbox logo on their avatar.

17-06-2010, 05:31 PM
Ha ha I cant believe that some people are still waiting for openShat do deliver a fully working Spazbox... ha ha ha

18-06-2010, 09:28 AM
Where has opensat promised new firm ?? I bet no one can answer

On official forum they (FatGiant I think) claimed that some problems (DTS) will be solved in the completely new MediaPlayer

18-06-2010, 10:42 AM
Okay, and did he say 17 june ? I'll answer my question: no, he didn't. Nobody from Opensat did. Case closed.

18-06-2010, 10:53 AM
As I said no release date known

@robertus78 maybe we could ask @the BBQ on the 26th:respect-047:;)

18-06-2010, 11:48 AM
I'm afraid i'll be to drunk to ask. We go at friday till sunday :ack2:hehe

18-06-2010, 12:52 PM
Okay, and did he say 17 june ? I'll answer my question: no, he didn't. Nobody from Opensat did. Case closed.

Hug0 also promised stable firmware 1.0 for June last year... one year later we still have beta firmware.

Opensat now plays in another way, they tell the lies just to a few persons, those persons believe them and spread the rumours thinking they are telling the truth, so that people can't really blame opensat, but I assure that the enigma2 in azbox rumour was started by hug0 from opensat himself, he told enigma was already running, just had to make a few more tests...

Opensat has a big background of lies, they once promised that theirs receivers would open nagra3 by emu, the famous Christmas blue surprise, that never happen, but they sold a lot of receivers.

Openlies :respect-044:

18-06-2010, 01:36 PM
On official forum they (FatGiant I think) claimed that some problems (DTS) will be solved in the completely new MediaPlayer

I've never said any date. I am just pointing out that a representative of OpenSat said on the official forum that a new Media Player is in works. Bewere he didn't speek of a new fw bu just about MediaPlayer

18-06-2010, 04:31 PM
So when is the new Azbox coming out Opensat is talking about?

This summer or what?

18-06-2010, 04:32 PM
Opensat has a big background of lies, they once promised that theirs receivers would open nagra3 by emu, the famous Christmas blue surprise, that never happen, but they sold a lot of receivers.

Openlies :respect-044:

No surprise because the general rule is that the more south you go in Europe the more people lie and are corrupt.

18-06-2010, 05:45 PM
dude .... get real! and stop with country insults.
Look at your country and all the "i will sell interviews" and "visits to this and that"

18-06-2010, 07:36 PM
No surprise because the general rule is that the more south you go in Europe the more people lie and are corrupt.

Most of capitalists are liars wherever they live, they just think about money no matter what.

18-06-2010, 08:08 PM
Hug0 also promised stable firmware 1.0 for June last year...

Fw is stable for a while now, you can watch TV with no problem, most mediafiles work ( complains for browser and pictureviewer I agree )

Most of capitalists are liars wherever they live, they just think about money no matter what.

Not only capitalists; All people are ( when the have any gain, it's called survival).

No surprise because the general rule is that the more south you go in Europe the more people lie and are corrupt.

Yeahh shure:frown: too simple man ( Like in the east they just lock you up or put you in a working camp)

So when is the new Azbox coming out

We are not talking about a new Azbox (although there is one) we are talking about a new FW.

I'm afraid i'll be to drunk to ask.

Ok I'll will drink a little slower then you:cheers2:

18-06-2010, 08:13 PM
Carp95 btw do u kno anything new about this stuff? Or it's a coming when it's coming thing?

18-06-2010, 09:14 PM
Carp95 btw do u kno anything new about this stuff? Or it's a coming when it's coming thing?

As I told before: I know the idea behind it (and that should work )

Now on dev part behind the idea:

I know OpenSAT hired some developers wich came up with the idea ( more then 1 and no they are not from Korea infact they are in Europe )

Today status off the project:

Sorry I don't know ( but maybe I'll know more by the end off this month )

18-06-2010, 10:46 PM
ok thank you. and the idea behind it is what? :) kidding.

probably some German guys, i suppose.

18-06-2010, 11:28 PM
probably some German guys, i suppose.

No I can speak to them in my native home language:respect-057:

Because that german company proclaims them selves as Azbox European Importer doesn't mean they really are!!

Goes allong with all those "so called" official Azbox support forums

18-06-2010, 11:40 PM
no that's now what i meant, what i meant was, normally (from what i know) good receiver coders are from Germany.

aaf, oscam guys,etc etc. but of course, it's always relative.
anyway, so they didn't tell you anything yet about how is gonna be? colours, info, etc etc. anything at all :)


02-07-2010, 08:15 AM
Read FatGiant's messages here: http://forum.azbox.com/index.php/topic,317.0.html

There is no ongoing work or future plan to write a new GUI or making "big" changes on it.

Again just a speculation...

02-07-2010, 09:52 AM
Actually I asked on the official forum recently what is the progress of work on the new Media Player. Guess what.
Question was deleted. So long on possibility something meaningful will come from OpenSat

02-07-2010, 11:20 AM
pls cane you close complet azbox sectionnnnnnnn :O:O:O i hate this box :@

02-07-2010, 02:40 PM
freshmaker - if you hate the box so much. Stop coming in to this section and makign a fuss. Each to their own.

Oh, and although I thanked you for your comment. It was a mistake. I hit the wrong button. I am not thanking you. Disregard the thanks.

02-07-2010, 03:48 PM
I dont know what else to say for opensat :)

No comments :)

02-07-2010, 06:58 PM
freshmaker - if you hate the box so much. Stop coming in to this section and makign a fuss. Each to their own.

Oh, and although I thanked you for your comment. It was a mistake. I hit the wrong button. I am not thanking you. Disregard the thanks.

okay ebroo so wait until 2012 to geet first official fw sooo have nice day and stay cool with your azbox:boxing_smiley:

02-07-2010, 07:57 PM
okay ebroo so wait until 2012 to geet first official fw sooo have nice day and stay cool with your azbox:boxing_smiley:

Dont think that a stable software will ever be released by opensat

03-07-2010, 06:45 PM
Everything I have used the box for, has worked. I don't record, so have no problems there. I tend to use cable (dreambox) for most of my watching. I never use epg, as my wife searches through radiotimes for what she wants. So don't have epg problems.

04-07-2010, 08:33 PM
Everything I have used the box for, has worked. I don't record, so have no problems there. I tend to use cable (dreambox) for most of my watching. I never use epg, as my wife searches through radiotimes for what she wants. So don't have epg problems.
Agree, people who use EPG, recording and don't use a Dreambox with cable should not make a fuzz.

Let us all do like ebro and be happy :respect-001:

04-07-2010, 08:59 PM
well i think with priority script 1.6 and latest beta firmware is pretty damn stable..

my favourite box is azbox hd elite over dm800 and others. i like the mediacenter and i can watch tv. that's enough for me.

but..............they could do so much more...err

05-07-2010, 05:58 PM
You mean they just should make working all "normal" media player capabilities?
Like DTS support, 1080p24 support, network HD play by default (not some home made script which works great but shouldn't be needed in the first place), image viewer etc.
I think you ask them for too much, you already paid so what? Wait for new super duper "azbox extra superior" model where will everything work and will cost just 250 - for that price you should kiss their hands as they are virtually throwing them away for free :-)

05-07-2010, 07:51 PM
i can play 720p and DTS over wireless N just fine. 1080p i convert to AC3 640kb.

i would like 1080p24 too! works in xvid and divx too right?
or only mkv?

sorry offtopic

05-07-2010, 11:23 PM
Why should I convert anything and lose quality - tell me? Other boxes can play it. I can play most of stuff in 1080p over cable as well but I must use home made script, use 2ch sound and forget about 1080p24. It's to much compromises for a "media player"

05-07-2010, 11:34 PM
we shouldn't, i'm just saying i stick with 720p+ dts or 1080p+ac3 :)

06-07-2010, 06:45 AM
At first I wrote this here but than I created a new thread for this to take more attention:
