View Full Version : icecrypt hd feed issue

10-06-2010, 06:16 PM
hi guys,

im a wrestling fan, and there is always a TNA feed in HD on Thursdays.

i took today off to sort out an issue which i have with this feed on the Ice....basically when watching it, it judders, and skips frames etc.

i have an AZBOX too, which i loop out from my Ice, anyway, on the AZBOX the feed is fine, smooth as, no judder.

this means that it is the Ice that struggles, maybe its high bit rate, i dont know.

but i updated firmware, and still had the issue.

really annoying.

im now watching a HD feed on 10e, and its fine, so i wonder what the problem is? obviously normal HD channels are fine, bbc hd, itv hd etc.

any ideas?

PS not a signal issue either, VERY strong signal, and when looped out to azbox, its FINE.

15-07-2010, 10:59 PM
since i downgraded my firmware, the feed is fine! AT LAST!!!