View Full Version : Two questions from a beginner

Panagiotis Melas
11-06-2010, 10:36 AM
Good morning (it's late morning here in Greece),

I am the owner of the AZBox Premium HD, but I had it in its box till a few days ago. Recently I renovated my living room system with a new Pioneer Kuro TV and some other components. I decided to include the Premium in the system and apparentlly I need to set it up.

Before setup, I installed a 750GB SATA2 HDD in the receiver and the optional DVB-T tuner.

I took the first steps in its settings, the ones easy to do, such as video and audio setup, language, formating of the HDD, etc. I also updated the firmware, by installing the latest 0.9.4890 one. Finally, and before connecting the receiver to a satellite dish, I searched and stored the terrestrial digital channels, presently existing in my area (4 in total). Then I checked the device and it worked fine.

Then, I connected the receiver to a small dish (60cm dia), which is used to receive the Hotbird (13 E), for my pre-paid NOVA services, a parcel which is the only pre-paid one currently in Greece. Of course, I intend to use the Premium with a much better installation (I have initially thought to use two dishes, one elliptical of 1.20x1.06m and another of 1.00 m dia), but this will probably be done some time next week.

Anyway, after the connection to the 60cm dish, the receiver located the Hotbird immediately and downloaded something like 370+ channels, most of which are encrypted, of course. I stored all of them to the receiver.

I have two questions:

1) After the storing of the satellite channels, the receiver seems to have lost (or hidden) the terrestrial channels. In "TV" operation, No. 1 channel appears to be the first Hotbird one. I tried all possible alternatives (removing of the LNB cable, in order to force the receiver not to receive sat channels, restoring once more the terrestrial channels, rebooting more than two times) but in vain. What do I do wrong or what do I omit or neglect?

2) As I said above, there is a pre-paid service in Greece, called NOVA, covered by Multichoice S.A. I am a subscriber to this service (Full Pack) long time now. The company supplies its subscribers with an encryption card, working in Irdeto 2 system and a "primitive" sat receiver (Panasat 720i). I removed the card from the Panasat and I inserted it in the top card reader of the AZBox, expecting to work with it. Naturally, it didn't.

Then, I searched the web fora, and I discovered that I need to "configure" my Premium with OpenXCas and from it the MultiCas EMU. So, my second question is:
A. - How and where do I find the OpenXCas and the MultiCas EMU? Is it available somewhere in this forum?
B. - If yes, how do I "configure" the receiver?

If somebody is kind enough to answer, I need some step-by-step instructions, to use the receiver menus and do it.

Thank you in advance.

By the way, this forum seems to be a "gift from heaven" to me, but I need to be more familiarized with it and - mainly - with my AZBox, of course. Thanks, guys! :respect-037:

11-06-2010, 12:14 PM
1) After the storing of the satellite channels, the receiver seems to have lost (or hidden) the terrestrial channels. In "TV" operation, No. 1 channel appears to be the first Hotbird one. I tried all possible alternatives (removing of the LNB cable, in order to force the receiver not to receive sat channels, restoring once more the terrestrial channels, rebooting more than two times) but in vain. What do I do wrong or what do I omit or neglect?

In TV menu press OK ( channels appear) press ESC go to Satelies groupe select DVB-T

Then, I searched the web fora, and I discovered that I need to "configure" my Premium with OpenXCas and from it the MultiCas EMU. So, my second question is:
A. - How and where do I find the OpenXCas and the MultiCas EMU? Is it available somewhere in this forum?
B. - If yes, how do I "configure" the receiver?

A - Press Home button on RC go to Plugins, select add plugin, change adress (blue button) into http://www.azupd.nl
Press OK and download OpenXCAS

Then press Exit (twice) go into OpenXCAS slect download executeble, change adress ( green on RCU ) into:


press OK

Download latest Multicas ( 1.62E )

Then reboot box, after restart

B - Press Home button on RCU Go to plugings select OpenXCAS press OK
Select Multicas
Select Activation&priorisation setting
Remove (blue button RCU) ( if it's there, the # sign in front off Multicas name)

Put your nova card in the cardreader ( chip down ) and reboot receiver.

11-06-2010, 12:24 PM
Welcome Panagioti to the wonderful world of azbug :) Wish you all the best.
Hope everything work fine for you :respect-064:

muki 74
11-06-2010, 12:45 PM
Please stop with your stupid comments in azbox section.

Panagiotis Melas
11-06-2010, 01:11 PM
In TV menu press OK ( channels appear) press ESC go to Satelies groupe select DVB-T

A - Press Home button on RC go to Plugins, select add plugin, change adress (blue button) into http://www.azupd.nl
Press OK and download OpenXCAS

Then press Exit (twice) go into OpenXCAS slect download executeble, change adress ( green on RCU ) into:

press OK

Download latest Multicas ( 1.62E )

Then reboot box, after restart

B - Press Home button on RCU Go to plugings select OpenXCAS press OK
Select Multicas
Select Activation&priorisation setting
Remove (blue button RCU) ( if it's there, the # sign in front off Multicas name)

Put your nova card in the cardreader ( chip down ) and reboot receiver.

As far as I understood from above, you are proposing two different web sites, wher I can find and download the Multicas. Did I understand it correctly or not?

A small remark only:

In the azboxworld.com (proposed in another forum, too) I tried to register two days ago, but I am still waiting their confirmation, to activate my account. Therefore I suspect that I won't be able to download it from there. However - if I understood it, well - it would not be a problem to do it from another site (the first).

Am I correct or not?

11-06-2010, 01:21 PM
Please stop with your stupid comments in azbox section.

i dont think that my comments are stupid.Is it a problem to welcome someone in the forum? especially if he is from same country as me?
or to wish him good luck with his receiver?

11-06-2010, 02:52 PM
you enter these website url's into the azbox for direct download from internet. no need tobe registered on any sites.

As far as I understood from above, you are proposing two different web sites, wher I can find and download the Multicas. Did I understand it correctly or not?

A small remark only:

In the azboxworld.com (proposed in another forum, too) I tried to register two days ago, but I am still waiting their confirmation, to activate my account. Therefore I suspect that I won't be able to download it from there. However - if I understood it, well - it would not be a problem to do it from another site (the first).

Am I correct or not?

Panagiotis Melas
11-06-2010, 04:13 PM
In TV menu press OK ( channels appear) press ESC go to Satelies groupe select DVB-T.

Thank you indeed. It finally worked and now I have both tuners in the list and all of their channels in it (DVB-T is the priority tuner, starting from channel No. 1)

A - Press Home button on RC go to Plugins, select add plugin, change adress (blue button) into http://www.azupd.nl
Press OK and download OpenXCAS

Then press Exit (twice) go into OpenXCAS slect download executeble, change adress ( green on RCU ) into:

press OK

Download latest Multicas ( 1.62E )

Then reboot box, after restart

B - Press Home button on RCU Go to plugings select OpenXCAS press OK
Select Multicas
Select Activation&priorisation setting
Remove (blue button RCU) ( if it's there, the # sign in front off Multicas name)

Put your nova card in the cardreader ( chip down ) and reboot receiver.

It also worked! I checked my NOVA card and I can now see all the encrypted channels!

Thank you once more, Carp95! :bow-004: :respect-040:

11-06-2010, 06:54 PM
i dont think that my comments are stupid.Is it a problem to welcome someone in the forum? especially if he is from same country as me?
or to wish him good luck with his receiver?

No m8 you didn't answer 1 question for your fellow country men!
You just took another opputunity to flame Azbox where you didn't even had the possibility to test latest 5 fw and latest 5 multicas versions.
Becqause you sold the box already.

Please stop it's Azbox not Azbug!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

11-06-2010, 07:39 PM
yes m8 if i knew i would help.but in my area we still have not digital tv so i can use dvb- t.as for nova never had one and dont want to have one. so i could not answer the questions. well ,i dont feel the need to apologise for the word azbug so...
yes you are correct, didnt test the latest versions and i hope that there is really improvement